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Jovial Monk


Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:13 am

But it won't change the modern political equation -- that India is increasingly becoming a power to be reckoned with and Britain is slowly moving further into the background.

The comparison is particularly glaring when it comes to money. India has one of the world's fastest-growing economies, roaring along at nearly 9 percent, while Britain is only slowly emerging from a brutal recession. An Indian conglomerate -- Tata -- is one of Britain's largest manufacturers and owns some of the country's most cherished brands, including Jaguar and Land Rover.

Five years ago, Britain was the 5th largest exporter to India. Today, it is the 18th. Exports to India dropped from $6.4 billion in 2008 to $4.5 billion in 2009. ... 664826.cms

I guess some Indians are smarting over comments re the Games shambles.

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Re: India

Post by freediver » Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:22 am

They seem to be stuck in the past a bit. Britan hasn't been a global power for a long time. But it did control India for a while.

I would be more interested in comparing India with the US and China. I suspect China is going to do a lot better.

Jovial Monk

Re: India

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:55 pm

China doesn’t have this messy freedom thing, bit like this forum really. The commos want to build a road they build it, demolishing any number of homes etc to do so.

China is battling a real estate bubble, medium term its One Child policy means there are going to be a lot of retirees soon supported by a much smaller base of workers (one child, that a boy means 100m chinese youths had/have no chance of marrying and settling down.)

The US could recover quickly if they stopped this quantitative easing BS and started some infrastructure, they could do a BER and HIP while the heavy infrastructure gets started. The states have these idiotic balanced-budget rules and with the prolonged downturn and lowering of state revenues/increase in state payouts the states are slashing and burning to cut spending, throwing tens of thousands of workers on the unemployment scrapheap. Now the Repugs with their idiotic Pledge want to do the same thing nationwide! It is like 1937 never happened Image ... 660#p27209 ... 660#p27460

(yes links to my board but the posts there cover a lot of what I discuss above, won’t kill you to look there Image

Jovial Monk

Re: India

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:35 pm

Jovial Monk

Re: India

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:28 am

Wonder HM of that “the games will be a shambles” shit was a media beatup? Newspapers and even TV in decline, the NBN being rolled out steadily on time and under budget so maybe the newspapers are making soem desperate bids for relevance? I ask this because:
Delhi delights as Games open in style

More than 60,000 people packed into the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium to watch the extravaganza, which presented a tapestry of India's rich history and culture in a three-hour spectacle.

More than 60,000 people packed into the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium to watch the extravaganza, which presented a tapestry of India's rich history and culture in a three-hour spectacle. (AFP: Indrantil Mukherjee)

India has welcomed the nations of the Commonwealth to Delhi with a spectacular opening ceremony spiced with thumping rhythms, high-energy dancing, neon-lit sitars and shimmering saris.

More than 60,000 people packed into the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium to watch the extravaganza, which presented a tapestry of India's rich history and culture in a three-hour spectacle.

Outside the venue, more than 100,000 security personnel stood guard across the city in an unprecedented display of force to ward off possible terrorist attacks, along with 1,500 commandos, 100 anti-sabotage teams, 300 sniffer dogs and 15 bomb disposal squads.

Outside the stadium spectators, media and dignitaries went through security check-points involving bag searches, metal detectors, frisking and even radiation checks.

Overhead, military helicopters buzzed across the skyline and unmanned aerial drones were said to be keeping an eye on possible air space intrusions.

After more than 90 minutes of glitz and glamour Prince Charles, on behalf of the Queen, declared the 19th Commonwealth Games officially open, after which Indian President Pratibha Patil said: "Let the Games begin". ... 028384.htm

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