Should Fauci be in prison ?

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Should Fauci be in prison ?

Post by Bobby » Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:44 pm

see video:

It's possible the Chinese were creating an illegal bio weapon
using American gene splicing technology supplied by Fauci - at Wuhan that escaped.
We'll never know now - the Chinese and the Yanks deleted all the evidence.

The Yanks and the Chinese have run for cover.
The damage bill from Covid-19 is 7 million dead and
between $40 trillion and $100 trillion in economic damage.
There are also an unknown number of dead from the dangerous vaccines
which could also be in the millions - and many more millions
of people crippled for life from vax injuries.
That's been covered up too.
Neither the Yanks nor the Chinese can afford to pay out for the damage bill so
they deleted as much evidence as possible and didn't allow a proper WHO investigation.

Fauci should get a fair trial - a fair appeal and then -
he should be hanged from the highest yardarm in Hudson bay.

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Re: Should Fauci be in prison ?

Post by Bobby » Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:07 pm ... ret-files/

GREAT WALL OF SILENCE Calls for bombshell intel on origins of Covid
to be RELEASED from ‘secret government files’ 4yrs on from first lockdown
Evidence of a lab leak has
been piling up over the last four years

    Imogen Braddick, Senior Foreign Reporter

    Published: 11:16, 26 Mar 2024

SCIENTISTS, campaigners and a top MP have urged governments to stop "hiding" key intelligence on the origins of Covid.

Four years after Britain was first plunged into lockdown as the pandemic gripped the nation, the origins of the virus remain a mystery.

In a bid to stop another pandemic, officials have vowed to continue pushing for answers on how - and why - Covid first emerged near a lab in Wuhan.

They have called for "secret" intelligence "hidden in government filing cabinets" to finally be released in order to piece together the puzzle.

MP Bob Seely said uncovering the origins is hugely "important for the future of humanity".

He warned that if lessons are not learned, and the truth is not found, another pandemic could be "10 times more lethal".

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Black Orchid
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Re: Should Fauci be in prison ?

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:28 pm

Should Fauci be in prison? Absolutely YES!

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Re: Should Fauci be in prison ?

Post by Bobby » Mon Sep 02, 2024 8:02 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:28 pm
Should Fauci be in prison? Absolutely YES!
It's possible the Chinese were creating an illegal bio weapon
using American gene splicing technology -
referred to as gain of function technology -
supplied by Fauci - at Wuhan that escaped.

We'll never know now - the Chinese and the Yanks deleted all the evidence.
The WHO has not been allowed to investigate it properly in either the USA or China.
The Chinese put sanctions on us when we asked for an independent inquiry.

Fauci is right in the middle of it and his arse has been covered by the Deep State in the USA.

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Re: Should Fauci be in prison ?

Post by Bobby » Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:30 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:28 pm
Should Fauci be in prison? Absolutely YES!
But there's more:

Robert Kennedy Junior says that Fauci and Gates were involved in terrible, immoral, homicidal criminal behavior during Covid and that by depriving people of Ivermectin millions of people died. He says there needs to be a reckoning after they pretended like there was no cure for Covid so they could push the vaccine for profit.
This is the man who is now allied closely with Trump and may be able to take on big pharma like no one has.
Things are looking up. 🔥

"I don't look into Anthony Fauci's head. I don't look into Bill Gates's head. I don't say he did this because he was greedy or because he was manipulative I just lay out what they did and the story speaks for itself. And you know it's a story of really of people involved in really terrible terrible, immoral, homicidal, criminal behavior. A position of government that he had for fifty years without any election, to clamp down these totalitarian controls that were not science based and that everybody now admits There was no science In fact yesterday…
the chief…
attorney for FDA admitted that there was no reason to discourage people from taking Ivermectin. Ivermectin was a was a very very devastating cure for COVID it literally obliterated COVID. And you know by depriving people of Ivermectin many people millions of people around the globe died. And they didn't need to. There were cures for COVID from day one and very effective cures. And but they didn't want that. They wanted the vaccine only. And it was a rule there's a rule a you know a little known federal rule, that they were they were all aware of, which said that you cannot issue an emergency use authorization for vaccine if there is an existing remedy that has already been approved for any use.
The whole vaccine project would have fallen apart. They couldn't have done it. And so they decided that they were going to pretend that there was no cure except for the vaccine.

And they gave people a product that was not properly tested. And then now, we have a whole generation of kids that has myocarditis these terrible heart problems in young athletic boys, you're seeing so many kids now drop dead on playing fields. Right and that we never saw anything like this before. On average it was I think twenty nine a month globally athletes who died on the field. And we were getting down to hundreds a month now. There still has to be a reckoning. The mainstream media hasn't caught up with this science.
But the science is out there now and it's devastating."

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Re: Should Fauci be in prison ?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sun Sep 15, 2024 12:54 pm

According to a book (What really happened in Wuhan?) by journalist Sharri Markson, who writes for 'The Australian' newspaper and has since been given her own show on Sky TV (Sharri) ... The Chinese army lab that developed the 'gain of function' transmissibility aspects of Covid were a continuation of those that Obama had shut down. Fauci misled Trump to allow the US funding of the Chinese to create Covid with CSIRO technology applicable to Hendra virus (bats to horses, horses to humans). Which is why for a while in 2020 I was referring to Sars2/Covid/Wuhan flu as "Fauci virus".

Covid is a left wing deliberately created bio weapon ... and I couldn't give a rat's rectum if self appointed intellectual masturbators claim that version of events is a conspiracy theory ... because the left wing continuously demonstrate they are conspiring to destroy the world as we know it.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Should Fauci be in prison ?

Post by Jasin » Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:30 pm

He should be imprisoned.
Made public his trial and renounce his false accusations against Trump and admit to misleading Trump on purpose regarding Covid, as the so-called number 1 'medical expert'. He told Trump "Nothing to worry about".

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Re: Should Fauci be in prison ?

Post by Bobby » Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:25 pm

Jasin wrote:
Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:30 pm
He should be imprisoned.
Made public his trial and renounce his false accusations against Trump and admit to misleading Trump on purpose regarding Covid, as the so-called number 1 'medical expert'. He told Trump "Nothing to worry about".
First of all we need a trial.
He hasn't been charged.

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Re: Should Fauci be in prison ?

Post by Jasin » Thu Sep 19, 2024 3:21 pm

Well, if the Republicans get in. Maybe he will be charged?

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