NDIS & Showbag Shortens BIG solution!!

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NDIS & Showbag Shortens BIG solution!!

Post by mellie » Thu Aug 22, 2024 10:43 am

Apparently Shorten has advised his intention to deny newly diagnosed children accessing the NDIS , claiming these families may access services within these children's schools and community health centres instead.

Well this would be a fantastic idea, if public schools and community services were adequately funded Bill you dill. :bgrin Furthermore, parents don't always feel "safe" demanding their children's schools provide these therapies, particularly when parents are flat out getting Support Teachers in their own children's classrooms, despite being tier 3 funded.
This will result in animosity between schools and parents, which in turn will impact on the individual needing this support most, and of course, take the heat off the NDIS aka Shorten to do his job, leaving parents, therapists and schools to scramble and squabble over services that are simply not in place, or are grossly inadequate due to a lack of critical funding.

It also has the potential to lock students with disabilities out of their preferred schools, both public and private, particularly when the schools themselves are increasingly obliged to provide this support themselves.

This is unbelievably smelly given Shorten himself would be very well aware of community health services waiting lists and public schools funding limitations. Public schools are struggling to provide teachers, let alone weekly prescribed therapies to disadvantaged students.

So many children will be denied "essential" early intervention and will not get the routine and predictable support they need, and struggle with forming trusting relationships with their key support service providers, ie Occupational therapists and Speech Pathologists, care workers etc.
Autistic and other children with additional needs will fall through the cracks AGAIN and our National Disability scheme will be on par with that of what, a developing countries?

( A friend of mine recently joked about taking a trip to India to get her child's ears fixed, as at least there's Australian charitable organisations performing these surgical procedures in tents for free in developing countries, meanwhile Australian children wait years on public hospital waiting lists.) Charity should begin at home, no?
Well, not if you're allowing the UN to dictate national policy I guess.

So apparently this is his BIG solution for making our NDIS more sustainable.... by rendering it inaccessible to those most vulnerable and who need it most. Children!

Well Done Shorten, you are certainly living up to your AWU portfolio aren't you. We used to call him showbag Shorten because he was a total drip and full of himself.
He only managed to get into politics because he impregnated the GGs daughter. Otherwise, he'd be still sliming his way up the AWU ladder of corruption along with his criminal pals.

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Re: NDIS & Showbag Shortens BIG solution!!

Post by mellie » Sat Aug 24, 2024 12:54 pm

I couldn't help myself, Bill claimed he called out lies about his new NDIS legislation. Scoffs!

I've got something on this fool I'll be exploiting should the need arise.

Had a gut full of this imbecile, and I'm certain his mother in law would agree.

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Re: NDIS & Showbag Shortens BIG solution!!

Post by mellie » Sat Aug 24, 2024 2:18 pm


I'll bet she ( ex- GG & MIL) can't stand him,only tolerates the fool because he knocked up her daughter and is the father of her grandchildren.
She was the reason he was able to enter federal politics to begin with.

Only fools can handle fools, Dame Quentin Alice Louise Bryce is a colourful and interesting creature, but she isn't a fool, and guaranteed, she's arranged her affairs accordingly.
Bill is a difficult personality, doesn't work well as a team player, so I am wondering what his team actually thinks about the changes to NDIS legislation he's made, assuming they even know or care šŸ˜„. Personally, I can see him being ousted by his own come next election.

This government's overall performance has been poor, we should be demanding an early election. A refund!!!

Bill has designs on becoming next leader of the ALP, becoming our next PM
:c but his back-stabbing colleagues would have very different ideas, and are allowing him to run his muck with little criticism re- the NDIS, knowing that the next election will be lost anyway, so they'll use his cringe worthy perfornance re- NDIS as justification for ousting him anyway.

He's an idiot, and he's on his way out the door, but will be the last one to realise this due to his inflated sense of self importance and grandiose affect.
He is still riding on the coattails of a female's his MILs status, however the worse he performs, the more this works to his budding ALP rivals advantage. So are they going to tell him what he's doing wrong or that it's a bad idea?

Definitely not.

His key advisers are his own enemy, and he is the type of character who would believe they idolise him and value his input/ strategy.

This will be his downfall...playing into the hands who want him ousted the most.

Apart from me, a virtual nobody, he'd have plenty of cabinet foes, ( he's an irksome fellow) and is why I have figured out that idiot's like him are handed portfolios they have absolutely no clue about inorder to fail. This portfolio was doomed from the start.
Failure is inevitable, and someone's got to be the fall guy, so might as well be him.

Well deserved!

Well played also.

Hopefully, the next individual will propose NDIS safeguards and take better care of the kids.
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Re: NDIS & Showbag Shortens BIG solution!!

Post by mellie » Sat Aug 24, 2024 3:08 pm

Idiotic Bill thinks his portfolio constitutes for a minority of votes come next election.
What he and the ALP have failed to register is that the overall disregard and inadequate measures concerning our nations youth in general ( not only those who were fortunate enough to be assessed and provided NDIS support) have overwhelmingly upset Australians who by and large are youth focused and genuinely care about all youth.

Labor has failed to address youth crime and mental health right across Australia, they have much more to consider come next election, and whitewashing our media won't help, because the problem is so widespread it's impacting on all Australians, from the wealthy in nicer gated communities being assaulted and murdered, having their property stolen and trashed, to those living in our outer suburbs placing videos of horrendous violence within their own suburban neighbourhoods on tiktok and other social media platforms.

They've been aggressively scrubbing media outlets, tightening style-guides, 'X' etc but they've failed to scrub what just cannot be scrubbed, people's lived experiences which they will wear on their hearts to the ballot boxes next federal election.

It's time corrupt councils were forced to make social provisions and services available to their constituents also.
Rather than focusing on flogging land to greedy developers.
State governments need to pull their heads in and be held to account for what councils are/aren't doing also.

The buck has to stop somewhere, but why must it always be to the detriment of our most vulnerable?

Australians are mortified with youth crime , overall crime figures, homelessness, poverty, housing affordability and the lack of social housing, soaring living costs and public education & health having become outrageously under- resourced.

What has Labor done to address these priority issues?

When you see local ambulances with writing on their vehicles saying " people are dying under Labor" it's very telling what the larger community feels and wants fixed.

Albo appears to be oblivious, floating in his own little bubble
That or he simply doesn't care, and is happily anticipating his gold pension for doing what again?

Oh yeah, his failed Yes Vote referendum which he knew fine well would fail, was just his way of creating the false illusion that he cared for Indigenous Australians as he handed over crown land for foreign investment and interference.

Just a complete farce...but Australians are acutely aware of this flightless bird who's likely selling off realestate as we speak to flee Australia so that he never has to think about it again. Think about us. Australia!

Good riddance, he was a UN muppet and opportunist from the start, despite his tales of childhood hardship, growing up in public housing with a mother with a disability..RA.

The man did absolutely nothing to improve outcomes for those he used to convince voters that he had genuine empathy for the underdog.

He obviously took classes with Bill Shorten at the AWU with his union provided clipboard and attached pen under his arm, wearing a sports jacket, attending meetings wearing his heart on his worn sleeve pretending to give a shit for the working class.

Remember, the working class constitutes for much of Australian voters, did we forget about this Anthony and Bill?
Last edited by mellie on Sat Aug 24, 2024 3:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: NDIS & Showbag Shortens BIG solution!!

Post by mellie » Sat Aug 24, 2024 3:21 pm

Australians expect better.
We are among the world's highest taxed nations, in return we are getting a developing nations rations.
There shouldn't be any hospital waiting lists, public education should not have the stigma of disadvantage that it does, and we should have better social outcomes for our most disadvantaged.

A nations worth is determined by how well it's least advantaged function.

Immigration needs to be reviewed until we are in a better position to address the needs of existing Australians, born or Immigrated, we have a duty of care towards all Australians.

Someone who's genuinely passionate about taking Australia forward, ( not backwards to the 80s and 90s recession era)... Someone who actually cares about all Australians rather than pleasing their UN/ foreign nationals puppeteers and social/political engineers.

Australia Day shouldn't be a day of national shaming, we are Australians and should be allowed to feel a sense of pride.

Every other nation on earth celebrate a national day, are entitled to be proud of who they are collectively as a nation,
when sadly, even flying our nations flag is seen by a vocal leftist minority as a racist pro- Nazi act.

:meet Why?
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Re: NDIS & Showbag Shortens BIG solution!!

Post by mellie » Sat Aug 24, 2024 3:44 pm

There's absolutely nothing loyal or patriotic about Anthony Albanze, his loyalty lyes with whoever can pay him the most in return for doing as little as possible.
His wife got Jack of being the 2nd wheel in a one person relationship, and as an Australian, I'm feeling much the same as her.

It's all about Albo!!!

These pseudo patriotic little jaunts of his bare no resemblance to the selfish little man within.

His girlfriend will feel the squeeze eventually and leave him too.

There's just not enough room for anyone or anything else in between the love affair Albo is having with he and himself.

Very odd fellow!
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Re: NDIS & Showbag Shortens BIG solution!!

Post by mellie » Sat Aug 24, 2024 4:23 pm

Oh and how much did the Yes Vote referendum cost Australians again?

And could've this money been spent better elsewhere, ie falling-down rotted Indigenous housing in remote Indigenous communities, health, education, etc?

What was the Yes vote really about?

Simply put, our governments way of relinquishing their commonwealth duty of care, along with the state governments with a view to creating a type of Indigenous government that would essentially be responsible for taking finantial responsibility for themselves and their land.

Corruption along with greed would have ensured that those who genuinely needed care would have been discarded, while self professed "elders" would have squandered funding and sold off Indigenous land to the governments advantage, and to theirs.

Was a means to further exploit genuinely Indigenous Australians and sell off land to foreign investors and developers.

See, our governments can't currently sell off what they've already declared isn't theirs, however placing assets into the hands of the alleged "rightful owners " then selling it by proxy was a way of getting the job done.

They could then argue that the silly abbos, buggers sold off their own land and neglected their own communities.... in other words, their objective was to exploit our Indigenous communities and render them even more vulnerable than they already are, living like 3rd world citizens on our governments designated missions, " communities " which still have alcohol prohibitionists, rules like our kids "summer camps". Curfews and routine healthcare provides visiting these missions too. Even these missions schools are independent Catholic schools, not public government schools.
Handing over responsibility is what our government does best, this needs to change before the disaster worsens in places like Alice Springs, Darwin, Cape York etc.

Yes, we still have missions which are sill being educated and overseen by the Catholic Church," Cathlicare" for instance.

Perhaps we should take international tourists through these towns, communities, instead of a curated false Indigenous tour guided glamping style experience near Catherine Gorge?

Let's show tourists the real Astraylya, hey Albo. Been to any of these missions lately buddy?
Didn't think so.

If you care so much for Indigenous Australians Albo, why not trawl through these atrocities you call " communities " and get some real work done, rather than wasting money blowing your own trumpet at the referendum voting booths?

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Re: NDIS & Showbag Shortens BIG solution!!

Post by mellie » Sat Aug 24, 2024 4:51 pm

Time the "woke" genuinely woke up and realised that neither governments libs/Labor have Australians best interests at heart.
Their function is purely to feather theirs and future generations of their OWN nests, and it's time for all Australians, Indigenous, non- Indigenous, newly arrived ALL Australians to demand our expectations of a future would be hard working Australian nation and Government.

First thing I'd do is scrap their Gold Parliamentary Pensions.

They get paid enough and advantage enough from being politicians as it is, without the perks.

Do nurses and school teachers retire from their government jobs with a Gold Pension?

Also, time to scrap Indigenous government benefits, free prescriptions etc.

All Australians treated fairly and equally, in order to stop the divisiveness, the concept of them and us.

Too much money being wasted, disadvantage is disadvantage, it's not black or white, if someone is disadvantaged, then they should be extended the same grants, free prescriptions, employment opportunities as anyone else, not be denied access on account of ancestry.
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Re: NDIS & Showbag Shortens BIG solution!!

Post by mellie » Sat Aug 24, 2024 5:53 pm

Governments cause divisive communities, to divert attention away from what they are really doing. Usually not much, and if they are working hard, it's to feather their own nests.

We need forensic psychologists to asses our leaders mental fitness to lead our nation.

To get better, we need to demand better, as an entire community, not groups of sub- categories prone to discrimination and back- scratching.

The Yes Vote referendum was an example of exploitive divisive politics designed to manipulate one group of Australians to disadvantage all Australians in the long run, especially first nation's people who's corrupt pseudo- black elders would have sided with their white brethren who appointed them to sell off what's left of our precious country.

For Albo, this was a deliberate attempt to exploit all Australians.

Fortunately, Indigenous Australians smelt a rat, and decided that they didn't want something they didn't understand.

Perhaps they DID understand it, pretty simple, can't trust any government, because they operate in a manner to deceive our most vulnerable and disadvantaged, those who struggle to even get to the ballot boxes and shouldn't be denied access to their democratic rights because of such.

Why is voting for the Indigenous Optional?

Yet not optional for disadvantaged or disabled or simply not interested non- Indigenous Australians?

If Indigenous votes mattered, then our governments would have to give them a reason to cast a vote in their favor.

Picture this.... a healthy democracy whereby everyone shared the same rites and entitlements based on need, rather than creed or greed.

https://www.wa.gov.au/government/media- ... t-20231219

"The Cook Government's record $2.6 billion investment in housing and homelessness measures has been further boosted by a $209.2 million injection from the Albanese Federal Government through its Social Housing Accelerator Fund."

So where did this funding go? This government should be audited. If it were any Australian company or business, I am sure it would have been by now.

Yet here we are, August 2024...

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.news.c ... 1548%3famp

So what happened, and what went wrong?

Well, both commonwealth and WA state governments had hoped noone would find out about Indigenous "Mission's " like this they had hoped the referendum would sort out so that they no longer had to.

Welcome to 3rd world Australia, whereby traditional owners are treated like 3rd class citizens, hidden away from society like a dirty secret, their children being educated by the Catholic churches, the same institutions which have a history of institutional abuse.

Instead of abusing them within institutions, it's simple enough to exploit them within their own communities. Their water supply contaminated with uranium, and neither State or Federal governments want to take responsibility for this blatant neglect and abuse.

The Yes Vote referendum was supposed to be a double whammy for governments but fortunately it didn't work, Australians have wised up to their governments criminal conduct and they are more inclined to think about what their governments really want. The fine print.
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