12 year old brat finally denied bail after 70 arrests

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Re: 12 year old brat finally denied bail after 70 arrests

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:31 pm

Then Jaison, we need change.
These neglectful parents, Indigenous, or non-Indigenous need to be held accountable.

Stop their payments, at least we'll have more money to build residential schools with.
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Re: 12 year old brat finally denied bail after 70 arrests

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 4:20 pm

And let's call them residential schools for the politically correct snowflakes.
The time has come.

At the present, when these kids are homeless or their parents aren't able to keep them at home, they stuff them into "resicare" residential care houses whereby you have youths aged as young as 9 or 10 to 18 ( sometimes up to age 21) living in a poorly supervised house owned by Anglicare or DHS, other non ( cough) for profit organisations who place up to 12 youths , sometimes more in a purpose built house with lots of bedrooms, comunal dining and living areas, and what my friend called a "safe room" which serves as an office, bomb shelter, and has a bed for the poorly equipped and qualified care worker to work/sleep in ( it's done in shifts, and the residents are given lax rules.
Curfew for school kids is 8pm and rarely ever are these curfews enforced, and they cannot stop them leaving if they so choose, they just have to contact DHS if they do, or notify police if they are at serious risk, but they cannot stop them leaving, lock them inside etc.
No discipline, the care worker who has usually done the quicky cert 2 or 3 in social work at tafe is only required to be a presence, assist kids with meal prep, laundry and prompt them to do homework, sleep etc.
She said often these damaged ( sexually abused 10 year olds) would mix with older kids at these resicare squats and end up getting on substances, breaking the law, self harming or harming others. Isn't uncommon for younger kids entering resicare to have their belongings stolen by the older kids, get abused, assaulted etc, and my friend had her car damaged so had to start going to work via public transport due to constant threats. She would have to also lock herself into her safe room when they would go off, break walls, set fire to their rooms, others property etc. She was honestly shell- shocked following many bad shifts, and physically assaulted for trying to shield the younger kids, and sadly, as much as it broke her heart, she ended up working with disabilities, because she felt so unsafe and helpless. Needless to say, these resicare houses have a revolving door staff turnover, and often destroy the character of decent neighbourhoods. Our church is up the road from the same resicare house that my poor friend worked at and these kids use our churches sensor lights at night at the rear and front of our church to find veins in their arms to shoot meth. Needles and syringes have to be collected every morning, early by staff, because our church runs a Kindergarten too.
These resicare houses are a huge fail, and they impact on communities as much as they destroy already broken youths needing accommodation and supervision.
The kids are usually there, and are only required to partake in a reduced program from their local schools, some aren't capable of attending at all and instead attend a state government run virtual school ie, VSV, ( Victoria) which is only as good as the student is capable or wants to do. Care workers aren't often capable of assisting kids with high school maths, so... they often disengage, bit like how many students disengaged during covid without adequate parental supervision.
Only when these kids harm themselves or others a number of times will they be moved to a juvenile detention centre, but it has to be very serious, ie, building a bomb to orchestrate a terrorist attack or something like attempted murder. Even a serious attempt to take their own life isn't enough to get them out of resicare permanently.
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Re: 12 year old brat finally denied bail after 70 arrests

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 4:59 pm

Stay tuned for part 2 of where these kids go after they are no longer able to live at resicare, ( are considered too old) or are at risk.

The next stage is even more concerning.
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Re: 12 year old brat finally denied bail after 70 arrests

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:21 pm

Stage 2, youth residential care unit complexes.

After these kiddos come of age, or are needing to be removed from resicare houses due to their behavioural issues, abusive behaviours towards themselves or others, including support workers, caseworkers, visiting professionals etc, they are lobbed into residential youth complexes, ie, Anglicare or Uniting Church etc will use the grounds of their decommissioned churches to place multiple demountable units on. There's usually one building for visiting staff, another for professional services like therapy sessions, medical appointments, assessments etc, surrounding these standalone demountable/ re- locatable pre-fab tiny home kinda things ( rectangular and often painted brown, black or grey, ) and all the same usually are up to 20 seperate residential units which accomidate a single individual, a youth couple, and or sadly, even single or couples with kids who are from age 16 ( or in some cases younger) to age 24.
These places have become increasingly flexible on age, so it's not uncommon for these youth complexes to have older people living in them, especially as it's become increasingly difficult to find them alternative accommodation since covid, and our current housing crisis.

Would you feel comfortable renting your unit/ villa out to a youth or younger adult who is on benefits and who has no documented rental history?

So they board in these little ugly rectangular cinder-boxes which often catch on fire and end up completely gutted.
But this is ok, they just drag out the torched one and replace it with another equally ugly tiny cinder-box.

As you can imagine, the local community loves these miniature ghettos, as these kids are even less supervised than resicare houses. The workers remain on duty until 3pm or 5pm, depending, and do spot checks on weekends.
Many lurk around their local neighbourhoods pinching things, tagging up fences, schools, houses loitering and dealing/scoring drugs in the middle of the streets because their complexes are equipped with surveillance and they are told if they do this kind of thing within their own complex, they'll have to find alternative accommodation. So, they just wreak havoc within the local neighbourhood instead. When you drive through a neighbourhood and notice a for sale or sold sign on every other house in the street, there's a good chance there's either a resicare house or youth accommodation complex nearby. They are often within the grounds of old churches or are very large ( than usual houses) corner blocks.

Look for excess graffiti, it's a tell tale sign there's one not far away.

Eventually following numerous complaints from decent members of the community who have noticed their local schools fallen out of fashion ( noone wants to send their kids there anymore) or housing prices have dropped, and their suburb profile has declined also, despite similar areas nearby housing market having grown steadily, will council be forced to discuss the matter with whatever church is running it, whereby they will pass the buck to eachother, and tell you to direct your calls to one another, neither wanting to take responsibility for the atrocity complexes, then you'll need to petition your local member for government with enough like-minded local residents in order for them to move their villages of the damned onto the next poor unsuspecting locality. If you're in luck!
Otherwise, sometimes locals take matters into their own hands and all sorts of things occure.
It's these same localities that the churches often own a number of transient housing and house immigrants in also which also changes the character of once perfectly nice neighbourhoods.

If a local church starts buying up properties in your area, worry!
They have an arrangement with the council to house those you would rather lived somewhere far away from you.

After they are no longer considered youths, they get placed on the public housing register, there's 3 streams for priority housing now, and they're one of them. Youth at risk apparently, despite them being what places law abiding members of the community at risk themselves. Ironic hu!

Perhaps our government should start building prisons for law abiding citizens, so as to keep them safe from the out of control meth- zombies and youths who want to roam the streets and harm vulnerable elderly people to put on tiktok for likes and lols?

This might be the cheapest option the rate we're going.
Note- Politicians always ensure that these resicare squats and youth complexes are never built in places like Toorak, places whereby they're inclined to live themselves within their gated and patrolled secure communities with their well funded and resourced local public schools.

Tip- steer clear of areas with sufficient public transport.
These people they need to house require adequate public transport and access to their parole officers, court houses, drug programs etc, so if you think buying a property in a centrally located area close to the cbd on a bus route is a handy location, think twice.

Better off buying a property in a regional cities suburb which has a reputation for having woeful access to public transport. Because they don't want to pay workers or give out unnecessary taxi vouchers if they can help it.

Disclaimer- Not all churches are milking the homeless youth gravytrain, our church doesn't offer housing support services.
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Re: 12 year old brat finally denied bail after 70 arrests

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:50 pm

So I ask the question, what's the difference between boys/girls homes , and resicare houses and youth residential complexes?

The abuse of these kiddos is still rampant, and more often than not, they're owned and ran by our churches.

At least in the old style children's residential/school homes, there was more supervision of staff, given there wasn't just one carer providing care at a given time, furthermore, there was discipline , consequences and expectations and kids generally got an education in children's homes at least.

These days they can go to school, or remain in their bedrooms or wander the streets. Entirely up to them.

Myself, if I were an orphaned youth and needed care, I would take my chances with the children's homes rather than be housed with drug addicted much older kids under the same roof.

But that's just me.


This is why we are seeing so much youth crime these days.
When they began closing the institutions which at least ensured these kids were getting an education, were being fed, and were required to do chores to earn their keep, but with the commission into vultures cashing in on being orphaned, ( many were truthful, however many weren't) this has forced the government to propose alternative accommodation options such a resicare, youth complexes aka do whatever you like accomidation.... these kids reach working age illeducated, drug addicted and with the kinds of drugs we have on the streets now, they stand no chance of becoming desirable citizens.

When will there be an independent inquiry or review into resicare houses and youth complexes being ran by non-government organisations employing poorly educated and unskilled careworkers?

Many even have criminal histories or drug and alcohol problems themselves, lol.
And if they don't, they certainly will if they spend more than 6 months in this heartbreaking employment.

Perhaps it's time the state governments took responsibility for what mess it created to begin with and gave these kids a chance, rather than allowing these kids to drift between abusive fo$ter familie$ doing it for the $$$, then onto resicare houses then youth complexes ran by non government agencies.
We have the technological ability to have cameras in these residential schools, so I think the best approach is to re- visit the residential schools approach.

Just a thought!
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Re: 12 year old brat finally denied bail after 70 arrests

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:32 pm

Fostering children isn't like Fostering a puppy.
There's plenty of sickoes out there turning this into something that's pure evil.

Kinship Fostering ( family ) or married couples ( not same sexed) who cannot conceive naturally themselves is only how it should be.

The rest need to be placed where there can be adequate supervision with camera's to prevent the next round of adults demanding payouts for alleged and actual abuse.

Institutions set up in an age appropriate manner, like boarding schools.

Wealthy kids attend them, why not these kids too?

Because the current system has failed.
Last edited by mellie on Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 12 year old brat finally denied bail after 70 arrests

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:18 pm

So, rather than just complain about the youth problems, how about we discuss some reasonable solutions, because God knows we can't depend on politicians to solve our social issues, particularly when they hand idiot's with absolutely no experience in health or disability NDIS portfolios like Bill Shorten.

Good grief, it's like getting a dentist who has absolutely no interest in sports, much less football the job of coaching Parramatta footy club. Then again, I doubt it would make much of a difference, they'd still suck just as hard.

😆 Apologies to any Eeels supporters out there.I know it hurts.
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Re: 12 year old brat finally denied bail after 70 arrests

Post by Jasin » Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:40 pm

I agree.

Anyone under 20 years of age is still a kid. A teenager is considered a 'kid' and a 19 year old as no less a teenie than a 14 year old.
I don't believe in industries like Book Publishers who market them as 'young adults'. :roll :nah Just 'exploitation' of making kids believe they are someone they are not. A 20 year old is an Adult and the youngest one at that. Making a kid try to be older than they really are is almost a psychosis on youth.

Any 'Kid' (under 20) that does such bad things. I totally agree that the Parents are STILL RESPONSIBLE and should still BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
Hell, Drinking, Smoking and even Sex laws should be adjusted to 20 years of age.
Let children enjoy their full 20 years of youth - unspoiled and unexploited by the realm of Adulthood.
We live longer and are maturing slower.
Half the problem and misery of children is because many are forced to 'grow up' too quickly and youth to them is like dementia - something to be forgotten.

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Re: 12 year old brat finally denied bail after 70 arrests

Post by mellie » Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:13 pm

Jasin wrote:
Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:40 pm
I agree.

Anyone under 20 years of age is still a kid. A teenager is considered a 'kid' and a 19 year old as no less a teenie than a 14 year old.
I don't believe in industries like Book Publishers who market them as 'young adults'. :roll :nah Just 'exploitation' of making kids believe they are someone they are not. A 20 year old is an Adult and the youngest one at that. Making a kid try to be older than they really are is almost a psychosis on youth.

Any 'Kid' (under 20) that does such bad things. I totally agree that the Parents are STILL RESPONSIBLE and should still BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
Hell, Drinking, Smoking and even Sex laws should be adjusted to 20 years of age.
Let children enjoy their full 20 years of youth - unspoiled and unexploited by the realm of Adulthood.
We live longer and are maturing slower.
Half the problem and misery of children is because many are forced to 'grow up' too quickly and youth to them is like dementia - something to be forgotten.
Totally agree. Their brains haven't even finished developing until age 24, hence my daughter’s own paediatrician has extended the age until age 25 for kids at her practice.

Scientific fact.

Yet, they're sexualised, and expected to function as adults and in some primitive cultures yet to evolve from rock-ape status , even marry them off before puperty. Our laws need to focus on being correct, not politically correct.

I'm pleased that mother of the 20 year old murdered girl got jail time, however I would have preferred she was sentenced for the full three years, and was deported back to the land who's culture and values she's seemingly preferenced to our Australian culture and be made a meaningful example of.

They need to understand that they need to uphold Australian values and abide by Australian laws should they wish to live in a Western Christian country.

Sure, practice their faith, but they must still uphold our Australian laws and values regardless of their religion.
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Re: 12 year old brat finally denied bail after 70 arrests

Post by mellie » Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:24 pm

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

If they would prefer to maintain their country of origins values, way of life and make a mockery out of our generosity regarding immigration, then the should go elsewhere.

This is just it, civilised societies just don't want them, but they somehow find their way here, under both Labor and Liberals overly liberal immigration criteria and laws.

This needs to stop, it's changing the character of our nation, whereby we are confining ourselves to our own neighbourhoods rather than assimilating as was supposed to be the goal.

This depends on their agenda I guess, many arrive and have no desire to learn about our culture, way of life, nations history or even language.

And our stupid governments over the years have enabled them.
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