Chinese interference in Australian politics and Industry

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Chinese interference in Australian politics and Industry

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:27 pm

Rex Airlines has become the latest casualty dogged by leadership tensions with their major shareholder and former executive chairman Lim Kim Hai ( former underwater warfare engineer) who was ousted in June, and replaced by John Sharp, the deputy chairman and former Nationals federal transport minister. Lim has since pushed to remove Sharp and three other directors from the board, with a special shareholder meeting to vote on Lim’s demands.

Lims demands?

He needs to be deported, since when did our country start allowing foreign citizens to commit industrial terrorism in our country on account of them being pissed-off ousted chairman shareholders?
This and holding Australian industries and jobs to ransom?

I am certain that we're going to an early election, and when we do, this Chinese ALP endorsed communist government needs to go.

What's the alternative?

Whatever is willing to stop foreign interference in our politics and industry.

It's beyond a joke now, and they're not even trying to be discreet about it.
Same with our mining industry.

I think I'll be voting for Nationals next election. Fed up with both Liberals and Labor selling us out from under our feet to foreign investors.
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Re: Chinese interference in Australian politics and Industry

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:44 pm

Weak-chinned and mealy-mouthed Albo won't have the balls to stand up against Mr Lim, and stop this nonsense which could result in the fall of yet another Australian airline, because he's just a Beijing sock puppet , and will be instructed not to interfere.

I honestly cannot believe Albos estranged father is Italian, Italians are not backward in coming forward, and generally have more spine.

Albo is another Kevin Rudd, who is likely to assume a role within the UN as soon as he gets booted from Australian politics, because after his woeful stint as PM, not even the ALP will want his blood on their hands.
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Re: Chinese interference in Australian politics and Industry

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:49 pm

I have family visiting with me ( if they ever arrive) stranded at Sydney's Rex terminal as I write this.
9am flight cancelled ( they lied and said fog was the cause) and are currently all waiting for a 4.30pm flight to Melbourne.
So fog won't clear until 4.30pm?

This cowboy dethroned Rex chairman Lim is holding an Australian airline to ransom, and what does Albo have to say about this?

Nothing really. Just a false spool about him supporting Australia's oldest continuously running airline and how important Rex is to regional communities. Lol
Like he cares for regional Australia, he couldn't give a crap about the entire country and already has his future within the UN council mapped out, come next election.

He's another Kevin Rudd, 2.0 ...a Chinaphile.
A doorman, bellhop, the guy who changes protective policy, and opens the doors and carries the bags for foreign interference, particularly China and Russia.

It needs to go!
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Re: Chinese interference in Australian politics and Industry

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:07 pm

Trump knows exactly what Albo is, an unpatriotic Chinese Muppet who will have to go by November anyway, because Trump won't put up with him.
And neither will Australians who want their offspring to have any semblance of a future in the country they were born in.

The woke need to wake up, it's their Australia too that's at stake, their children and grandchildren will forever hold them in contempt if they don't.
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Re: Chinese interference in Australian politics and Industry

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:11 pm

Oh that's right, the woke don't have children, they just remain woke and vote with their feet like children themselves and fantasise about becoming global denizens instead.
Last edited by mellie on Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~

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Re: Chinese & Foreign interference in Australian politics and Industry

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:16 pm

Sorry wokelings, I doubt China or any country will want to accomidate a pack of unemployed unskilled doll bludgers.
Not even if you promise faithfully to attend political protests in exchange for residency, because these countries have enough woke protesters of their own and really don't want to keep you or pay your medicals when you get trampled or pepper sprayed.

Read this Forbs article dated 2010 when this self described hard-nosed businessman took over Rex. ... avior.html

Meanwhile, he has his own domestic companies responsibilities and really couldn't give two hoots about a small regional airline in Australia.

I think Rex has learnt a valuable lesson about off-shoring chairmen, though is it too late?

Another one bites the dust unless the government jumps on board and saves it.
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Re: Chinese interference in Australian politics and Industry

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:39 pm

Fu**ing Rex.

Back later tonight!
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~

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