The debate - Biden vs Trump

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Re: The debate - Biden vs Trump

Post by Jasin » Mon Jul 08, 2024 4:40 pm

I don't think Trump has what it takes to bring the 'entire' Democrats down for corruption.
His job was to be a Lightning Rod and draw the corruption of the Democrats out into the open for Americans and the World to see (on top of what Assange showed through WikiLeaks).
With this he has succeeded and their corruption is as obvious and blatant now as the "Let's go Brandon" lie.
Trump has been like a little Dwarven stout warrior who has been strong enough to take probably the biggest battering from any Political Party in Power in history. His Dwarven Shield has been strong. Although he has lost a lot in sacrifice for his challenge to Big Brother Media and the Democrats in the pursuit of Political purity for his country. The fact that he has prevailed after so much and he's 'still there' and he's know like the Return of the Jedi (Star Wars) Skywalker about to become 'Great Again' as President again - says a lot!
It shows the mighty tenacity of the little American 'Ranga' male. The N.American version of the European 'Bilbo Baggins'. Just a 'little fellow' in a BIG World of Politics.
This won't be the end of the Democrats... yet.
They'll bring in some Media-Celebrity... like Robert DeNiro to offer a sense of Personality and Popularity that Dopey Joe Biden the clumsy Hospital Orderly never had.
DeNiro would beat Trump at the next Election.
From Brunette Biden you now have Raven-haired DeNiro doing the Mr Mafia 'get tough' Godfather 'act' (yep - acting as if he's a Politician and knows Politics. :roll: )
But after little red-haired Trump is gone - his job done. Along will come his tall Blonde-haired 'Angel' male mate and show America, the World and everyone the 'truth' of 'real' Politics above and beyond the reach of those who can only 'act' as if they know Politics. ;)

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Re: The debate - Biden vs Trump

Post by Bobby » Thu Jul 11, 2024 3:21 pm

Trump represents America.
He represents being bigger, stronger and better than anyone else.
It doesn't matter if he was wrong, he is THE TRUTH, THE LIGHT AND THE WAY.
Being proud to be a REAL AMERICAN is more important that being right or just or ethical.
That is the reality of the world now.

When Trump cheated, or lied, or hotdogged, or was unsavoury -
He did it because the end justified the means. And he is loved for it. And still loved for it.

Trump is America.

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Re: The debate - Biden vs Trump

Post by Jasin » Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:58 pm


They're all bad, liars, etc, etc - cliche'

But Trump does it directly for America as the priority.

The Media narrative and Democraps seem to do it for Europe, Asia, Africa.
They do it for the 'African' American.
Trump does it for the 'American' American regardless of race.

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