Australia’s DESPICABLE Covid response 2022

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Re: Australia’s DESPICABLE Covid response 2022

Post by Rosie » Tue Jul 09, 2024 5:37 am

I'm not vaccinated against covid and have never had it. For the first year of covid I didn't go out very much as I wasn't allowed in many places but these days I go where I want when I want.

What do people think we have an immune system for?

Just about everyone in my family who is vaccinated against covid have had it.

As a child I had chickenpox and measles. It's rare to get either a second time so obviously the immune system kicked in.

When I was 8 years old I had polio and spent six weeks in an isolation hospital, I still have nightmares about that, in a hospital room all on my own with no visitors allowed. My mum and dad could visit and look at me through a window but couldn't talk to me or give me a hug. It was in my throat and very mild so no real after effects apart from a deep voice and I can't sing for toffee. But we are brainwashed so much that when my doctor told me I didn't need to get my kids vaccinated against it as I would have passed on the immunity I still did. I'm not making light of polio as being in that hospital I saw what it could do to people. In the rooms the walls were windows so I could see the baby one side of me and the man in an iron lung on the other side.

So in my book the polio vaccine is a good thing but chickenpox and measles should maybe left to the immune system because that is what it is there for.
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Re: Australia’s DESPICABLE Covid response 2022

Post by Frances » Tue Jul 09, 2024 7:22 pm

I had the first three rounds of Covid vaccinations, but decided to not bother after that.

Back in 2022, I had a runny nose for a week or so, but it cleared up without developing into anything else. Then my husband came down with Covid with all the classic Covid symptoms, so I took him to one of those testing centres. I asked to be tested too but was told that they wouldn't do it for free because I didn't have any symptoms. After his results came back as positive I decided to do a RAT test on myself and, of course, I tested positive too.....

Then in April this year I had what I assumed was a mild bout of hay fever for a couple of weeks. At least I thought that was what I had, and it coincided with the neighbour's orange jasmine hedge flowering, which is a hay fever trigger for me, but later I found that about half the people I had been in contact with had come down with Covid, including my husband, who has been coughing, sneezing, sleeping more than usual and complaining that he has lost his sense of taste.......

So I've had Covid twice it seems, and each time it's only been a mild temporary discomfort. Most of the colds I've had have been worse.

I'm pretty sure that I haven't had measles. I think I might have had mumps when I was 11 or 12, but my mother couldn't be bothered taking me to the doctor, so it may have been something else. I had chicken pox when I was in my mid 30s and can say that it's not something you want to catch as an adult. I'm not sure if I was vaccinated for any of them.

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