Burning The Book

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Outlaw Yogi

Re: Burning The Book

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:07 pm

What about an "International wipe your arse on religious texts day"?
That way we could insult all the psychotics without prejudice.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Burning The Book

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:56 pm

Tell you why I reckon its all a load of rubbish.
For a start all the religious texts are mostly bull$#!+ and most of them are just rip-off reproductions of other religions.
Bet alot of people would dispute that pretty much all the current main/large religions originate directly or indirectly from hinduism.
Generally some character has a hard time, puts up with all sorts of dramas, flips out and has bouts of psychosis ... like Jesus meeting Satan out in the desert for example. And eventually discovers some really profound truth which should have been obvious anyway, mixed up with psychotic visions and/or rationales. And of course being the founding guru allows said character to add in their personal dislikes as "unholy .. unclean, heresy, offensive" and/or and old bigotry they like.

Taking offense to insult or denigration of texts and symbols or {*idles} with no more truth than Easop's Fables means that person takes themselves and one groups version of philosophical fairytales way too seriously and have missed the point of those texts true point/message.
* I do take exception to destruction of idols which are clearly cultural works of art despite whatever religious significance or dedication to. For example the Taliban shelling the Giant Standing Buddhas, because they are truely works of art.

Now how'z this for joining some dots?
Hinduism is the oldest current religion on the planet.
Some vedic texts contain truely amazing bits of information but its mostly clouded in with or expressed in or with religious allogory ect. The Puranas which contain the stories of the central characters, in this case Deva for male, Devi for female and Deveta for both gender Dieties. Thus make up the core of the religion itself. The Puranas are nothing more than fairytales with metaphoric and/or allegorical meanings/messages.

Judeaism branched from Shaivan Hinduism or they both split from a prior common religion some time before roughly 6000 years ago when diefication of cattle was pretty universal. Remembers what Moses' crew built while he was off having psychotic visions of "god said so" on the mountain? .. A golden calf.
Hebrews also at used a shivalinga (a short square pillar of stone) as their representation of their god/diety Yaweh just like Shaivan hindus still do today.
Jews were/are waiting for the Christ/Messiah's return.
Krishna said he'd come back to Earth everytime he was needed.

Christianity's core tenets are based on Buddhist themes and its storyline is a complete rip-off of Hinduism painted with a Jewish theme. The Trimurties became the Trinity, except Shiva {the most beautiful, Lord of Demons and serpents, and the Destroyer) was pulled out, recast as 'Satan' and replaced with Adi Shakti renamed Holy Ghost/Spirit.
Sainthood is a Hindu theme.
The Jesus story is a reproduction of Ganesha Purana
The Apocolypse of St John is a shortened plagiarism of Markandeya Purana.

Islam was a protest religion to/against Byzantine Christianity.

So they're all bull$#!+ and just ripp-offs of each others concepts and stories.

Y'know what I reckon?
Be your own god.

Ned Kelly

Re: Burning The Book

Post by Ned Kelly » Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:30 pm

Fucked if I know, but I can tell you that The Indian Bride's middle name is 'Devi.' Does that help?


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Re: Burning The Book

Post by boxy » Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:38 pm

Hate can transcend all borders
Sarrah Le Marquand

Obama and Bloomberg have shown genuine leadership in refusing to pander to anti-Muslim sentiment. Clearly they have realised that to deny a section of the community the right to practise their faith wherever they choose will only lead to further division and hostility.

It might not be a popular decision, but anything else would be irresponsible. That’s what freedom is: standing up for somebody else’s rights, even when we aren’t particularly fond of the outcome.

Nobody said democracy was easy.

But where is the leadership from the Muslim community? Why such steadfast inaction from the clerics behind the centre? How can they silently stand by as the issue threatens to undo the progress that has been made in Muslim-American relations in recent years?

Last week Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf expressed regret at the level of controversy the proposed 13-level structure has attracted, admitting he would not have chosen the site had he known it “would cause this kind of pain.”

Yet he insists that to reconsider the centre’s location would only play into the hands of extremists. “The story will be the radicals have taken over the discourse,” he predicted. “The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack.”

All of which sounds a little too convenient. Not to mention lazy.

If government officials have managed to appease the lunatic fringe in mainstream America, such as the matchbox-wielding pastor and his followers, then surely Muslim leaders can do the same.

Sidestepping all responsibility for fear of inciting fundamentalists is simply not good enough. If Obama has the courage to stare down the haters, then Muslim clerics must do so too.

The highest officials in the land have stood by the backers of the Islamic centre. The legal right to build there – irrespective of the opposition that exists – has been granted.

They have made their point. And it was a good one.

Now it’s time to make another point: to respond in kind to the respect that has been rightfully extended to them.

It’s time for the centre’s investors to take it upon themselves to move the building to a new site. And to make it clear that this decision provides no fresh ground to exploit in recruiting members of Al Qaeda.
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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J.W. Frogen
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Re: Burning The Book

Post by J.W. Frogen » Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:20 am

Heretic wrote:What about an "International wipe your arse on religious texts day"?
That way we could insult all the psychotics without prejudice.
Given my ass has been a book of revelations lately count me in.

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