Do I have Covid?

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Re: Do I have Covid?

Post by Jasin » Wed May 01, 2024 9:07 am

I won't deny that Lockdowning people from spreading it fast and furiously, along with 'isolating and confinement' efforts - probably saved billions of lives while the Virus was running Super Hot.
The 'fast-tracked' so called Vaccines which were nothing but 'immune boosters' (hence the need for repetitive jabs) had its positive and negative effects. The USA is the last place you want the world to put its trust in 'Medical' affairs - and thus it was poorly handled.

But I am glad in a way, at the end of all things - that when I finally did get it (here in my semi-sparsely populated regional area) by the eventual influx of returning Tourists from the big (infected) Cities. That I managed to live as it really knocked me about the ring as far as infections go. The only energy I had to crawl out of bed for was to eat tins of Mango slices as I didn't have the energy to chew or digest more solid foods. This knocked me over for over a month - which a cold or flu never does.
Since then, even when getting Covid Positives++ - the effects are very minimal to nothing at all. Cold and Flu is worse with their week-long effect.

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Black Orchid
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Re: Do I have Covid?

Post by Black Orchid » Wed May 01, 2024 10:44 am

I don't agree that the vaccines were immune boosters. I think they were 'immune weakeners' for the majority of the population.

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Re: Do I have Covid?

Post by Jasin » Wed May 01, 2024 2:13 pm

You have a point BO.
They were/are 'fabricated' immune boosters and for many it was an immune overload (just like too many anti-biotics can induce things like Crone's disease), especially if the person didn't get Covid for these boosters to have a reason to be in the system. Hence why, at a guess - people had side-effects like 'heart' problems possibly?
I 'had to' get at least 4 shots for legality reasons because of the way society was suddenly structured. But I haven't had more. I held off getting any jab for as long as I could, just to see how all the other 'guinea pigs' were coping with it around the world? The side-effects of the jabs was increased body temperatures, headaches and joint pains. Never a good sign to start with. A 'vaccine' for 'curing' Covid if someone got it would have been the more sensible and effective procedure. Though, it's hard for me to say if all these so-called Vaccines which were really immune boosters, were indeed a life-saving effect? I can say that many people did die of Covid directly and like all Viruses - they are at their most dangerous when they have plenty of 'fuel to their fire' in highly concentrated densities of peoples (cities) where the acceleration of viral mutation is boosted by the transition and accumulation of each person getting more and more variables of the Virus to pass on... let alone the filthy conditions of pollution and city conditions, as was the case of Wuhan and its Wet Markets of rotting flesh and biological slop festering in the hot sun in the gutters and grounds of the place. But saying that - there is always the 'originator' theory of it being developed in a lab in the first place?

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Re: Do I have Covid?

Post by Black Orchid » Wed May 01, 2024 2:29 pm

It was developed in a lab and the NIH admits that they funded this risky practice and research in China and still do.

The question is did it come from bats in a cave or was it leaked from a lab. My money is on the latter. ALL of my money!

Anthony Fauci should be drawn and quartered. Again and again if that were possible.

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Re: Do I have Covid?

Post by Jasin » Wed May 01, 2024 2:48 pm

True. He should be held accountable more than anyone else on the planet.
He even sabotaged Trump with mis-information and lies.

About 2 years before the Corona-Covid outbreak in 2019. I watched a documentary on how Wuhan workers go into these Bat Caves in search of highly sought after 'nests' by the saliva of birds that share the caves with the Bats. The guy doing the doco had to prove himself the the Workers and get such nests himself via their 'bamboo' methods.
What I remember in hindsight of that doco (and trust me, I've searched and searched for it - but can't find it again) - was that it was mentioned that there was a 'Research-Medical' Health Lab-Clinic not far from the Caves and was there for the 'Health' of the Workers and 'also' the Researchers who contract the 'Corona Virus' from the excessive amounts of Bat Droppings on the Cave floors. Now although the Researchers used Full PPE when entering those Caves - they could still manage to contract the Corona infection and the Workers - mostly attired in thongs and shorts, mostly always got sick from Corona infection. These 'Workers' would also take their harvests of very expensive 'nests' to Wuhan Markets to sell. So in essence, they were taking their filthy feet and lung infections to the Markets.
Now the Lab-Clinic aspect was also mentioned in regards to treating these Workers and Researchers who get infected with Corona Virals in regards to bringing them back to health (saving their lives in some cases). It was not mentioned, as far as I can remember, if they were playing 'God' in regards to 'playing around' biologically with the Virus and its effects for nefarious reasons. Though I'm sure under the excuse of Saving Lives - they were playing around with experiments, etc with the Virus as all Researchers/Scientists do.
If this is the case that it was a 'fabricated mutation' being released or escaped from the Lab-Clinic directly or just the 'natural-filthy' occurrence of the filthy Workers taking the Corona bacteria into the 'filthy' settings of the Wet Markets upon thongs and in lungs... Well, it's anyone's guess now?

Sometimes, its TWO wrongs not making it a right.

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Re: Do I have Covid?

Post by Black Orchid » Wed May 01, 2024 5:34 pm

Fauci also funds the abominable experimentation and torture of Beagle puppies in Tunisia, China and other third world countries. The man is a monster and should be shot.

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Re: Do I have Covid?

Post by Jasin » Wed May 01, 2024 5:37 pm

Totally agree except for the bullet. He needs a nice 'injection' to put him down. Never liked the guy from the first time he hit the Media during Covid. Something 'slimey' about him, before anything about him came out.

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