Latest fashion for males

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Re: Latest fashion for males

Post by Neferti » Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:55 pm

AiA in Atlanta wrote:Was at beach the other week and saw a 75ish year old man, bald on top with a longish fringe of white hair blowing in the wind wearing an electric blue woman's bikini. What was shocking was his enormous cock.
I remember seeing a picture of Brad Pitt, nude, on the net way back in 1995/96. There are showers and growers, apparently. :mrgreen:

Do males really notice other male's private parts in (female) beachwear very often? Perhaps the Old Guy had inserted "something" in the idiotic thought that females would come running due to the HUGE whatever? Or maybe he was just a nutcase and the FA Police should have been involved!

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Re: Latest fashion for males

Post by emma88 » Thu Feb 09, 2023 12:57 am

Neferti wrote:
Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:42 pm
boxy wrote:I blame Borat!

It looks like you'd need permenant half wood, to give it something firm to hook onto... And forget about actually running or swimming (especially if the water is a bit cool) :lol:
BORAT. :rofl Yes, I remember that piccie! :rofl Would have been better if paired with a green boho dress I saw from a website, click here to see it for yourself.

At least that mankini had "balance". I wonder whether the latest "fashion" comes in two sizes, left or right .... the above piccies seem to be made for guys who dress to the left. :rofl

Ha, that's hilarious! I love the balance comment! You're so right, the latest fashion certainly isn't for the faint of heart. I'm sure if you have the confidence to pull it off it can look really cool. But if you're looking for something a bit more subtle, there are plenty of other options out there. From statement shorts and tees, to classy blazers and chinos. There's something for everyone!

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