brian ross wrote: ↑Sun May 08, 2022 10:46 pmWhere is the relationship between Negros and Apes, Bobby?
You made a claim and tried to back it up it up with a bullshit picture. Tsk, tsk, tsk...![]()
Then why do they look more like apes than us?

brian ross wrote: ↑Sun May 08, 2022 10:46 pmWhere is the relationship between Negros and Apes, Bobby?
You made a claim and tried to back it up it up with a bullshit picture. Tsk, tsk, tsk...![]()
Apologies but I was very busy (given it was Mothers Day weekend).Bogan wrote: ↑Sun May 08, 2022 6:50 amI would much prefer a long answer, Lisa, as it shows me how much you know. Anyhoo, if they teach you that gunk at university, then perhaps you should have spent more time in the library reading opposing views?Lisa Jones wrote
Short answer? Nurture trumps Nature. And that's how it's taught at Uni.
If behaviour is primarily a factor of nurture and not nature, Lisa, then how come in every nation on planet Earth, males make up 93% to 97% of prison populations? Is that caused by "environment" and "discrimination"? If so, then when it comes to "discrimination" you should insist that more women should be in jail. But if you have a brain, then I think the penny might be starting to drop that what your left wing professors told you in university is bunkum. Quite obviously, right there in this example is a genetic link to criminal behaviour. Most long term prisoners are in for violent crimes, and males are very much disproportionately violent than women. Unless you want to argue that women are as violent as men, but legally get more breaks in the justice system? But I am not sure that the Sisterhood will agree with you on that. Although, since most of them agree on absolute male and female equality, they should.
A person's personality is a product of both nature and nurture. Nature provides the underlying personality while nurture builds or removes from that. The Twins Reared Apart study in the USA was instigated because in the early 1900's child welfare authorities responsible for orphaned children concluded that in the case of unwanted twin or triplets, it was much easier to separate the twins after birth to make adoption easier. Scientific researchers given limited access to the children's files found that in examining criminal behaviour, that there was a statistically significant link that if one twin brought up in one household became a criminal, the other twin reared in a different household would do so as well. It was not always the case that both twin would become criminals. Just a statistically significant factor that they would. This also displayed that in the case of a child who may be genetically prone to criminal behaviour, good parenting may make a difference.
But you are a smart young woman, are you not, Lisa? So as a educated woman who understands the importance of an impartial examination of both sides of an argument, you know that this factor can also be looked at from a different angle. Smart couples have smart kids and smart people do well in life. They live in nice neighbourhoods with other smart people where crime is low or non existent. Their smart kids go to school, study, and do their homework. These smart kids go on to university and become a success in life.Lisa Jones wrote
Interestingly this applies across many parameters : intelligence, propensity to attend university, propensity to commit crime etc. It's pretty much environmentally determined.
Dumb people have dumb kids and dumb people do poorly at life. They live in bad neighbourhoods with other dumb people where crime is high. Where a person from such an area has some brains he or she will be upwardly mobile and they will try and do well at school. They will get the hell out of that area at the first opportunity. They will refrain from engaging in criminal behaviour as they are smart enough to realise that a criminal record may be very detrimental to their future success. Most will not attend university but they will at least make the jump from the disadvantaged and criminal classes, into the working class, and perhaps even the lower middle class.
The poorest areas in Australia are usually remote country towns where if there is a low proportion of aboriginal people, crime is almost non existent. Some poor Australian country towns have never had an armed robbery in their entire history.
Within criminal communities, there are known to be "crime families" who's every member is a criminal. This does not definitely prove a genetic link. It is just another piece of the genetic puzzle which reinforces the concept that genetics and crime are linked.Lisa Jones wrote
Illnesses (physical and mental) tend to have a hereditary ie genetic link. Even then...not always.
Oi...Bogan??????Aussie wrote: ↑Sat May 07, 2022 5:53 pmI suggest that if we were to take a white child from the womb and a black child from the womb...bung them both in ice for 20 years, and then bung them both into 2022 western society making sure they each got the same exposure to everything including education etc, they'd both end up pretty much the same. Until such an experiment is conducted we will never know.Bogan wrote: ↑Sat May 07, 2022 7:22 amIt has been an article of FAITH in the western world to consider that "All Men are Equal". Leaving aside that this statement just happens to be sexist, it implies what most western people have taken for granted for decades. The idea that all races are equal. But mother nature is no Egalitarian. People are different. Even within families and races, people are unequal in intelligence, physical beauty, athletic ability, and in what might be considered to be sociable personalities. And while nurture may be important, for the most part they are born that way.
In the Western world, several distinct ethnic groups are always dysfunctional with very high rates of welfare dependency and serious criminal behaviour. Humanitarian activists have long claimed that this is because of disadvantage and discrimination within the communities of these ethnic groups. But the existence of other groups such as successful Asians who could be considered as starting from the same base as the dysfunctional groups, often with a lot less privilege's, seems to indicate that something other than lack of opportunity and discrimination is the real reason.
Especially since the homelands of these dysfunctional groups are themselves dysfunctional, while the homelands of Asians are doing even better financially and socially than their teachers and mentors, the white race.
I propose that the real reason for the widespread dysfunction of certain well known ethnic groups is because of a generally low median IQ coupled with a genetic predisposition to extreme violence. What do you think?
PS. I have been gotten off a few debate sites for being a heretic on this subject, but I don't worry about that. What pissses me off is opponents who strongly oppose my racist views, and who deny, deny, deny, everything I write, while refusing to submit any argument as to why they think that races must be equal. If you wish to debate me on this topic, sooner or later you will have to submit an argument justifying your own view. If you refuse to do that (because you know you can not do it) then do me a favour and don't bother replying to my topic. It is only for intelligent people who may oppose my views and who can engage me in fair debate.
Conversely, it seems your position is that if I took a black kid and a white kid from the womb and was able to bung them into aboriginal Australia 60,000 years ago, the white kid would discover "penicillin" and the black kid would discover a stick.
No - Negroes have huge mouths and jaws - huge lips and some have protruding browsbrian ross wrote: ↑Mon May 09, 2022 2:18 pmBecause they didn't face the same evolutionary pressures perhaps? Care to explain why Southern Indians, Negros from Africa, Indigenous from Australia and Southern Japanese all look similar, Bobby? Very different "racial" types but similar skin and facial types... Funny that, hey? What does that do for your evolutionary claims? Tsk, tsk, tsk...![]()
I forgive you. Of all your sins. Although, it is a very long list. And there are some real juicy ones there, Lisa.Lisa Jones wrote
Apologies but I was very busy (given it was Mothers Day weekend).
Then I would refer you to "Trends and Issues" article no. 263 published by the Canberra based "Australian Institute of Criminology" article "Is There a Genetic Susceptibility to Engage in Criminal Acts?" Read the paper yourself, it should be available on the internet although I actually drove to Canberra to the Institute to get my copy. But I will summarise it for you to save you some trouble. The finding of the Institute is that there is well, ummm, gee willakers, unfortunately, "yes", there is a genetic factor in criminal behaviour. But it also states that this information should not be used to justify wrong conclusions. Which is another way of saying that this information should not be used to make some pretty damned obvious conclusions.Lisa Jones wrote
At Uni when a particular theory is pushed forward then the lecturer will also refer to a number of published papers. These are scrutinised further during weekly Tutorials.
I will look forward with pleasure.Lisa Jones wrote
My previous response merely put forward the general thrust of the ideas pertaining to your topic. When I have more time .. I'll come back with more material/studies etc.
Something similar has already been conducted. As you know (or should know) lefties have been promoting the idea that class division is a social construct and it has no basis in reality since the end of the 19th century. You can get an east End flower girl seller, give her elocution lessons, and she would be indistinguishable from a Bohemian princess.Aussie wrote
I suggest that if we were to take a white child from the womb and a black child from the womb...bung them both in ice for 20 years, and then bung them both into 2022 western society making sure they each got the same exposure to everything including education etc, they'd both end up pretty much the same. Until such an experiment is conducted we will never know.
No. If white people had lived in Australia for 50,000 years cut of from the rest of the world and unable to rise beyond the first of seven stages of human development, because there were no herdable animals in Australia and no plants that could be cropped, then white Australians would be as dumb as aboriginal people are today. If aboriginal people had lived in European lands and had reached the seventh level of human development, they would be as smart as white people are today.Aussie wrote
Conversely, it seems your position is that if I took a black kid and a white kid from the womb and was able to bung them into aboriginal Australia 60,000 years ago, the white kid would discover "penicillin" and the black kid would discover a stick.
source?Bogan wrote: ↑Mon May 09, 2022 6:58 pmTo prove their point, they began an experiment where children from the lowest classes of society were housed and fed, and educated with the best teachers available, at a place called Waldon Pond. The belief was that these children would begin to exhibit high intelligence and this would prove that intelligence was solely a factor of education.
The experiment flopped.
source?Bogan wrote: ↑Mon May 09, 2022 6:58 pmBut there still exists a very significant difference in IQ scores between Jews, Asians, white Caucasians, Hispanics, and the very dysfunctional ethnicities. It is hardly a coincidence that these IQ scores are closely linked to ethnic success or failure in western societies
So do many White people, so do many Asian people, so do many Latino people, so do many Australian Indigenous people, Bobby. Superficialities.Bobby wrote: ↑Mon May 09, 2022 5:37 pmNo - Negroes have huge mouths and jaws - huge lips and some have protruding browsbrian ross wrote: ↑Mon May 09, 2022 2:18 pmBecause they didn't face the same evolutionary pressures perhaps? Care to explain why Southern Indians, Negros from Africa, Indigenous from Australia and Southern Japanese all look similar, Bobby? Very different "racial" types but similar skin and facial types... Funny that, hey? What does that do for your evolutionary claims? Tsk, tsk, tsk...![]()
see pic: ... 3dc731.jpg
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