Human Induced Climate Change is bullshit.

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Human Induced Climate Change is bullshit.

Post by Bogan » Tue Dec 07, 2021 6:37 am

If the "experts" who claim that the temperatures are rising significantly, the ice caps are melting, and the seas are rising, make predictions about immanent doom which never eventuate, then you don't have to be a Mensa to figure out that these "experts" do not have a single, solitary clue what they are talking about.

Climate alarmist predictions which flopped.

The first IPCC meeting was held in 1988 in Europe, during the one of the worst snow storms that Europe had ever recorded.

"Entire nations" were not "wiped off the Earth by 2000", predicted by Noel Brown, the director of the UN environment Program in 1989.

On November 4, 1998, the BBC, quoting "European scientists", claimed that Italian ski fields would snow free by 2008, while skiing in Germany would be "impossible" as the snow would simply fall as rain.

The Washington Post. 2019 "AOC claims the world will end in 12 years unless we do something now."

In 2007, the BBC reported that the Arctic would be "ice free" by 2013. The Arctic ice cap grew by 533,000 square miles between August 2012 and August 2013.

In 2006, NASA's James Hanson said that "Manhattan would be underwater by 2008."

In 2006, In December 2009, Al Gore claimed that the Arctic would be ice free by 2014. John Kerry proclaimed 2014 as the year the arctic would melt, the seas would rise, and they would drown low lying island chains and coastal cities. The BBC predicted that New Orleans and Miami would be underwater by 2014. In 2014 when the arctic was certainly not ice free, and the oceans of the world had stubbornly refused to rise to drown cities and subways, and entire nations had not been wiped off the Earth, the Third U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA), released May 6, 2014, reported that the Arctic Ocean is expected to be ice free in summer before mid-century. Seems like if the "expert" predictions sadly do not eventuate, the "expert" alarmists just put the date for the end of times back another decade or two.

Oddly, Coastal real estate prices all over the world have not crashed, and nobody with a water front property (including Australia's climate commissioner Tim Flannery) are trying to sell their waterfront properties at giveaway prices. As a matter of fact, waterside real estate prices just keep climbing. Perhaps it is because the equity managers, the real smart guys, who are responsible for investing trillions in real estate, regard HIGW as complete malarkey?

Tim Flannery's 2006 prediction that "the dams will never fill again" looks funny when the dams overfilled and they drowned Brisbane and Townsville. Sydney's Warragamba dam had to open it's floodgates twice. When the dams overflowed, Tim Flannery then claimed that "climate change can not be ruled out" as the reason for the flooding rains. Not bad. Drought? Blame climate change. Flooding rains? Blame climate change. Temperatures hotter and bad bushfires? Blame climate change. Northern hemisphere buried in snow? Blame climate change for that too.

Other predictions from Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery.
Predicted 2004. Climate change would be so quick we would not have time to build desalination plants.
Predicted 2004. Perth would be the world's first ghost Metropolis
Predicted 2005/6/7. The eastern coastal suburbs of Sydney would be under water
Predicted 2007 Brisbane and Adelaide would run dry of water.
Predicted 2013. The Arctic would be ice free by 2018
Predicted 2015. Hurricanes would be more frequent (they aren't)
On 16th of October, 2008 the British parliament passed the British Climate Change Act, which is the most expensive piece of legislation it has ever passed, committing the UK to cut emissions of CO2 by 80%, at the cost of some $400 billion pounds. On that very day it snowed in London in October, for the first time since 1934. $400 billion pounds in the UK alone? Somebody is sure making big money out of this farce.

Climate "Scientist" Dr David Viner, of the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University. (you remember them, the Climategate guys) predicted that “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”

In February 2019, (and in 2020) the USA, all of Europe, and Russia were all up to their eyeballs in snow. It was even snowing in Los Angeles, which it just like saying is snowing in Brisbane.

The Himalayan Glaciers did not melt.

The "ship of fools", consisting of an expedition from Sydney University which set sail to Antarctica in a taxpayer funded chartered Russian icebreaker, to prove that the East Antarctic Ice Shelf was melting. Instead it got stuck in record amounts of thick sea ice and had to be rescued by carbon belching rescue ships and helicopters.

The "urgently" needed (and hugely expensive) desalination plants in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide which still rot away unused.

The Climategate scandal where supposed "scientists" from the East Anglia Climate Research Unit discussed among themselves how to fudge the data which clearly displayed that global temperature rises were levelling out. And, they also discussed the sacking of one EACR scientist, who was a climate change sceptic.

And whaddya know, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology themselves got caught red handed "adjusting" the historical temperature data to "prove" rising temperatures, by the families of people who have been recording temperatures in their own districts for over 100 years, and who still have their families hand written records to prove it was complete BS.


A group of politically motivated, publicly funded scientists, who's obscure profession of Climatic Research was not considered important, in the way that Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology, and Engineering are considered important, proclaimed that their research had discovered a previously unknown catastrophic world crises. This was the second climatic catastrophe these fortune tellers had foretold in fifty years. In the 70's they had previously predicted a catastrophic new ice age. Scientists claimed that the only way to save the human race from extinction by this coming ice age was for the governments of the world to immediately come together and spread soot all of the polar ice caps. Some climate scientists expressed disgust because no government took them seriously.

Their newest prediction, however, was taken very seriously and it created a well funded demand for their services. It also created a new priestly caste of politically activist scientist/ priests with a doomsday ideology, who felt they now had the moral authority to dictate policies to governments and tell everybody else how we must all stop sinning and be saved.

This supposed world catastrophe, was seized upon by cash strapped governments who quickly realised that supposedly legislating to prevent supposedly catastrophic human caused climate change was a fantastic way for politicians to make the public accept much higher taxation. Leftist politicians in particular, immediately grasped that here was a fantastic way to destroy free market democracies, greatly increase taxation, expand the ever growing public service, subsidise dysfunctional third world countries, and increase government regulation, without any discontent from a frightened and cowed public.

Governments lavish spending on climate scientists. Nobody funds skeptic scientists. They are the ones who get sacked from their government jobs, like Australia's Professor Paul Ridd, who was sacked for "peer reviewing" a "scientific report" on the effects of climate change on the Barrier Reef, and criticizing the methodology used. Or Canadian Zoologist Mary Crockford, who completely disproved the Alarmist claim that Polar Bears were all drowning. The bears are in fact thriving. Professor Judith Curry said that no government has given any research money to skeptics.

It is a pretty funny science when there is a serious division of scientific opinion on a subject of immense importance to the public, and only one side of the debate gets financed by the government? C'mon lefties. You can see government duplicity and government subsidising "the rich" everywhere. But can't see a real one staring you in the face?

In 2010, 31,478 US scientists publicly put their names on a petition saying that they do not accept HIGW. If that number of US scientists alone did that, then the science is definitely not settled. Climate alarmists claim that "the science is settled", because 97% of climate scientists, who's careers and continued employment is predicated upon agreeing with HIGW, say it is. That is like saying that the Australian ABC is not biased because 97% of ABC staff say it is not biased. As for the other 3%, they had better keep their mouths shut or the next time that there is a staff cutback, that 3% will end up like Professors Ridd and Curry. Then the ABC can proudly announce that 100% of their staff say that the ABC is not biased. So there. It must be true.

HIGW was also seized upon by and publicised by the world's media who are always looking for impending "end of times" catastrophe stories to frighten the public into purchasing their supposedly informed publications. This was especially so for publicly funded media, who saw in climate change as another way to promote a government "Of the public service. By the public service. And For the public service."

The difference between the style of media promoting either side of the climate change debate was very marked. Media promoting HIGW was slick, professional, well directed, with soothing or spooky sound tracks, depending upon what point was being highlighted at the time. It was obvious that big money was behind these productions. (Yoo hoo, lefties, where aaaaarrrreeeee youuuuuuu?)

The "climate skeptic" media usually consisted of amateurish home made productions, with the presenters simply presenting facts and drawing reasonable conclusions. And doing a damned good job at that, too.

But for almost forty years, climate skeptics have been treated by the press as crazy kooks and most of the media simply refused to even interview them. But any HIGW scientist can say any blithering nonsense, or make any ridiculous prediction that never eventuates, and the media hangs on their every word. Worse, when their "expert" predictions for impending "End of Times" catastrophes fail to materialize, most media do not hold these doomsday sooth sayers to account.

Next came the legions of national and international public service bureaucracies. By claiming that they were Saving The World they could considerably expand their departments and be given much wider legal powers over the productive business class of people, who created the wealth for everybody. They could also inflate their ego's by making their government buy "carbon credit" Indulgences in order to transfer the wealth of the west into the pockets of the sticky fingered leaders of "developing" countries (who never develop).
Not to be outdone from exploiting this farce came the kooky vegans, who jumped on the bandwagon and demanded that all humans must stop eating meat to save the planet. In 2002, vegan royalty George Monbiot claimed, “Within as little as 10 years, the world will be faced with a choice: arable farming either continues to feed the world’s animals or it continues to feed the world’s people. It cannot do both.” If this promotes a chuckle of disbelief from the readers of this article, just remember that at the Edinburgh CHOP26 attacking meat producing countries as climate change renegades, was discussed and taken seriously.
Next to come yapping at the heels of every other self interested group, was the growing Brahmin caste of educated elitists who realised that here was another opportunity for them to strut and preen, look down their noses at their working class inferiors, and display their moral superiority over the middle class business types (who are usually their parents.) Totally mortified that not all of the mainstream press was no longer house trained and unquestionably accepting the climate change cultist party line, and unable to formulate reasoned arguments themselves, they resorted to acting like tantrum throwing 2 year olds.

They demonstrated, screamed, hyperventilated, threatened, sued for libel, "cancelled", and intimidated leading sceptics. They even super glued themselves to busy roadways in peak hour. This last bizarre tactic clearly backfired. Especially since so many of the spoiled, rich kid activists glued to the road, looked like extras from a low budget horror movie. While the older ones looked exactly like what they probably were, retired, well off public servants, who had retired early on their overly generous superannuation, but had never lost the taste of talking down to the public and telling them what they should do.

The link between Climate activism and those who hanker for a totalitarian, left wing state, was illustrated by the public statements of prominent green activists. "Australian intellectual" and author Clive Hamilton, for instance, has suggested that the "suspension of democratic processes" might be a necessary emergency response to the threat of climate change." Australia's Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery declared the catastrophic effects of imminent climate change would be so bad that the Australian Government should "call out the army." to quell dissent. The Sydney Morning Herald columnist Elizabeth Farrelly recently wrote that "Australia's ludicrous dithering on a pollution tax" was evidence that voting should be a "privilege" rather than a right. She also opined that China should be envied because it need not "pander" to voters. Neither does China pander to green activists like Elizabeth Farrelly, with China building a new coal fired power station every two weeks.

Next came the worldwide tactic of left wing public service teachers unions throughout the western world, brainwashing kids to the idea that conservative governments were destroying their future. This was in addition to censoring or cancelling children's books in school libraries, telling kids that there was 178 genders, and also promoting anti white racism through the study of Critical Race Theory. These brain washed school children handed out leaflets on street corners and railway stations, some literally crying, and claiming that adults were taking away their futures. Using children as your foot soldiers for political advantage hardly impresses the informed adult voting public. The sight of 16 year old Greta Thurnburg sneering "How dare you!" to the representatives of every nation at the UN was more worthy of hilarity than serious consideration. Every parent has seen such adolescent disapproving and lecturing behaviour before, and this from world saving kids who demand to be driven everywhere, and who can't even keep their bedrooms tidy.

Anyone with any knowledge of history knows how previous climatic changes which occurred entirely naturally, in warming and cooling cycles roughly every 500 years apart, knows that our present warming cycle is right on schedule. And if the previous 8 warming cycles that occurred roughly 1000 years apart, occurred prior to industrialization, then it is reasonable to conclude that our present warming cycle is probably caused by exactly the same factors, not by CO2.

First Atlantic Warm Period about 7750 BC
Second Atlantic Warm Period about 7000 BC
First Saharan Warm period about 5800 BC
Second Saharan Warm Period about 5000 BC
Egyptian Warm period about 3200 BC
Sumerian Warm Period about 2200 BC
Minoan Warm Period about 1200 BC
Roman Warm Period about 400 BC to 300 AD
Medieval Warm Period about 1000 AD
Modern Warm Period about 2000 AD

In the last 8 thousand years, the Earth has warmed and cooled like clockwork, eight times. How come human induced CO2 played no role in the first seven warming periods?

Lastly comes the claim that climate denier organizations are funded by the fossil fuel industry. This was the charge leveled at Emeritus Professor Of geology Ian Plimer who is a prominent scientist opposed to HIGW. The charge was that since Professor Plimer worked for the mining industry, he had to be biased.

Now that is very interesting. Since it is the climate change cultists who claim that their position is based upon science, therefore it is beyond question, then they just destroyed their own argument by claiming that scientists can be financially partisan. Therefore, the charge that those climate scientists who advocate HIGW, could have exactly the same quite validly charge leveled at them.

And if you want to figure out if somebody is doing something insidious, any police detective knows that you should follow the money.

US Natural Gas donated US $26 million dollars to the Sierra Club because the Sierra Club wants to shut down coal fired power stations. And that is in the interests of US Natural Gas. HIGW organizations are lavishly funded by government and the UN, while skeptic organizations rely mainly on public donations, and are not in anywhere near the same league when it comes to funding

President Eisenhower. January 17, 1961.

"We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex." " ... we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger, that public policy itself could become captive of a scientific-technological elite."

Since all of the modern world's infrastructure is based upon fossil fuels, a scientific and technological elite are saying that the world must give it all up or very bad things are going to happen, very soon. The scientific and technological elite who comprise the Climate Industrial Complex, want to completely up end the western world in order to redistribute the world's wealth and create global equality. Where have I heard that one before, comrades?

Interview with Dr Ottmar Endenhofer, IPCC, co-chair of working group 3, November 13, 2010,

"We (UN-IPCC) redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy..... One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..."

The New York times writes that earth's population needs to panic.

"Panic might seem counterproductive, but in the case of climate change, we are at a point where alarmism and catastrophic thinking are valuable. The looming catastrophe demands a global response, now.

So, unless the western world does not panic and completely destroy itself by adopting an impossible Quixotic dream of a modern society without fossil fuels, and redistributes it's wealth to poorer countries, right now, we are all gunna die soon.

President Trump has tweeted that global warming is "fake science". He withdrew funding for renewable energy and withdrew the USA from the Paris accord. No wonder the left who represents the elites hated Trump with such a passion it did anything to get rid of him.

I agree with Dr Endenhofer, this has little to do with the environment. It is simply a tactic by a bunch of One World Government dreamers, neo Marxists, public service empire builders, left wing teachers federations, self aggrandising publicly funded scientists, vegans and other kooks, extreme green environmentalists, sensation seeking shock/horror media people, self interested corporations, and a now class of usually well off educated elitists, to whom virtue signaling and class identification is everything, to panic the public they all despise into finally accepting a totalitarian government of their own caste's worldview, to control the public's lives.

Prime Minister for Canyons
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Re: Human Induced Climate Change is bullshit.

Post by Prime Minister for Canyons » Tue Dec 07, 2021 9:24 am

A post so good it needed to be posted 3 times. Other than that seems to be plagiarised from somewhere with no attribution. Is Bogan Mechanic?

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Black Orchid
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Re: Human Induced Climate Change is bullshit.

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Dec 07, 2021 12:49 pm

Maybe that was a glitch? Do you have anything other than one line attacks? Are you John Smith?

Prime Minister for Canyons
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Re: Human Induced Climate Change is bullshit.

Post by Prime Minister for Canyons » Tue Dec 07, 2021 1:26 pm

Again, though I'll wait until theres a reference posted for it.

Jovial Monk

Re: Human Induced Climate Change is bullshit.

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:32 am

Mostly media hysteria got mentioned by Bogan, not actual work.

There is no doubt the globe is warming at a rate of 0.2°C per decade. Satellite and terrestrial observations show that. (Deniers’ dnd the other elight, the dodgy UAH6 series shows warming at 0.15°C per decade.)

There is no doubt the warming is due to CO2—spectroscopic observations from satellites show huge gaps in the spectra of CO2 and the other GHGs. More IR retained in surface, oceans and atmosphere means more energy retained causing warming.

The Arctic has shown a strong downward trend in volume. This year deniers are jubilant—it appears the ice extent/area increased. This is due to the lack of the usual strong storms that send ice out of the Arctic through the Framm Strait.

The Antarctic is different, being land surrounded by sea but some major glaciers (Thwaites and Pine Island) are sliding into the sea at an increasing rate. If the ice shelves at the marine edge of these glaciers let go then there is nothing to stop the glaciers just letting go.

Ice loss from land and thermal expansion of the top layers of the oceans is causing a measurable increase in sea levels.

So the real science of observation and analysis leading to hypothesis being formed and tested is going on and points to AGW being warm and increasingly harmful.

This warming is happening at a time the sun left the 20th century maximum and with the Milankovitch Cycle turning down over the last 4000 years—we should be cooling not warming,

Jovial Monk

Re: Human Induced Climate Change is bullshit.

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:34 am

The bogan article quoted:
In 2006, NASA's James Hanson said that "Manhattan would be underwater by 2008."
This is taken entirely out of context: Hansen had been asked what would happen if CO2 doubled by 2008. A very dishonest piece.

Jovial Monk

Re: Human Induced Climate Change is bullshit.

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:46 am

BTW, a bunch of genuine skeptics at Berkeley Earth Systems decided the adjustments made to terrestrial temperature series were bogus. Partly funded by the Kocj Bros a Team set out to compile a “true” terrestrial temperature record. From Australia they got the whole record including the pre1911 readings BoM/CSIRO don’t use because the readings were made without stevenson screens around the thermometers.

The end result? BEST showed MORE warming than NASA/NOAA etc etc.

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Re: Human Induced Climate Change is bullshit.

Post by Bobby » Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:48 am

Good first post Bogan,
how will Monk explain all those failed predictions?

Jovial Monk

Re: Human Induced Climate Change is bullshit.

Post by Jovial Monk » Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:44 pm

0.2°C warming per decade:
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Re: Human Induced Climate Change is bullshit.

Post by Bobby » Sat Jan 01, 2022 2:39 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:
Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:44 pm
0.2°C warming per decade:
That's fake news folks - from Monk.

Hey Monk,
your signature is out of date.

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