Creepy Joe

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Re: Creepy Joe

Post by Valkie » Sat Aug 28, 2021 1:07 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Sat Aug 28, 2021 12:42 pm
He even copied Bush's speech from 9/11. :roll:
He is nothing more tgan a puppet.

Just like bush before him.

The real power now realizes that a senile moron is the best puppet as they can do what they like and blame him.
We will never see another true leader again.

But they have known that in Australia for years.
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Re: Creepy Joe

Post by Black Orchid » Sun Sep 05, 2021 10:07 am

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Re: Creepy Joe

Post by Neferti » Mon Sep 06, 2021 10:31 am

This is doing the rounds. :rofl

Why does Biden keep looking at his watch? Perhaps for this ......

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Re: Creepy Joe

Post by Valkie » Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:23 am

Joe is on the nose

Misstep after misstep is plaguing the Biden administration to the point where his once loyal supporter base is deserting the US President in droves

AFTER a series of selfinflicted disasters, including a stagflating economy, a southern border overwhelmed by illegal migrants from around the world and the botched withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, US President Joe Biden has plummeted in the opinion polls.

After just eight months, the honeymoon is over.

And how.

Twenty per cent of Biden voters now regret their vote, according to the latest Zogby poll, with young people and minorities the most disenchanted.

Of Hispanics who voted for Biden, 33 per cent rue their choice as do 25 per cent of African Americans.

The hits keep coming.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds Biden’s overall approval rating is down six points from June to 44 per cent, with 57 per cent of independents disapproving of his performance.

A Rasmussen poll earlier in the week found 60 per cent of voters thought Biden should be impeached over the Afghan debacle.

Biden’s weakness in the polls means he desperately needs a win at November’s climate conference in Glasgow to salvage what is left of his credibility with his base.

That’s why we saw top Democrats cynically capitalise on last week’s storms in the north-east which saw people drown in basements in New York.

It’s why Biden flew to Louisiana in the wake of a hurricane. Partly, the Democrats are trying to change the subject from Afghanistan by hyping a heavy rainstorm as the cataclysmic consequence of climate change.

But they also are using the weather to spruik their $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure” package of green boondoggles, which they pretend is the solution to climate change.

However, if the renegade West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin makes good on his threat to torpedo the legislation on fiscal prudence grounds, Biden will have nothing to boast about at Glasgow.

That would be embarrassing optics for a President who has declared climate change is “the No.1 issue facing humanity” and who made a big deal of rejoining the Paris agreement on his first day in office.

If Biden wants a win at Glasgow, he will have to extract concessions from China, the world’s biggest carbon dioxide emitter – at 27 per cent of global emissions compared to the US’s 11 per cent (as well as being an actual filthy polluter of rivers and the air, not that anyone seems to care about such things anymore).

To that end, John Kerry, the former Secretary of State who is now Biden’s “special envoy” for climate change, spent two days jawboning with Chinese diplomats last week trying to get a commitment that they will lower emissions from 2030 and at least stop financing overseas coal-fired power plants.

But, in another predictable foreign policy humiliation for America, the Chinese sent Kerry away with a flea in his ear. “The US side wants the climate change co-operation to be an ‘oasis’ of China-US relations,” Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told Kerry.

But “China-US co-operation on climate change cannot be divorced from the overall situation of China-US relations”.

In other words, Biden must appease China, whether with trade concessions, or not investigating the origins of the Wuhan virus, or not protesting China’s persecution of Christians and Uyghurs, or whatever else President Xi Jinping wants.

In earlier meetings with US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman (who also helped make a hash of the Afghan withdrawal) the Chinese spelled out their demands in a peremptory “List of US Wrongdoings that Must Stop” and a “List of Key Individual Cases that China Has Concerns With”.

These include lifting sanctions on Communist Party figures and to stop interfering with suspected Chinese espionage operations in the US. What a cheek.

The lists also demand the US drop its defence of Taiwan, and back away from its Pacific alliances, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Whatever deal China works out with the Biden administration looks like bad news for Australia.

Biden already has given the cold shoulder to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, refusing to share any of his vast stockpiles of spare mRNA vaccines or bothering to phone him over his unilateral Afghan withdrawal, despite the fact Australia answered the call to fight alongside the US in Afghanistan from October 2001, at the cost of 42 Australian lives.

Since Australia contributes only a little over 1 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, the pressure at Glasgow should rightly be on the two biggest emitters, China and the US.

But that doesn’t stop the United Nations chief climate adviser jetting into Canberra this week to lecture Australia about its “per capita” emissions, as if that makes any difference.

The fakery of Glasgow can be summed up by the fact that the European Union is proposing to exempt private jets from its planned tax on aviation fuel.

In any case, why would you trust any Chinese commitment on climate, anyway?

President Xi Jinping just keeps building dozens of coal-fired power plants to fulfil his nation’s yawning energy needs.

It suits the Chinese that western nations want to impoverish themselves chasing the climate unicorn.

They know Biden doesn’t care whether they genuinely plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions.

All he wants is the “perception” of Chinese climate action, just as he told Afghanistan’s President to lie about Taliban advances.

China knows the game.

Let’s just hope Biden doesn’t give too much away.

Biden’s weakness in the polls means he desperately needs a win at November’s climate conference to salvage what is left of his credibility with his base.
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Re: Creepy Joe

Post by Neferti » Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:47 pm

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Re: Creepy Joe

Post by Valkie » Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:58 am

Bidding Biden ill will

Americans in their droves roundly boo the US president at every opportunity

JOE Biden’s poll ratings are plummeting after his bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan but his “boo” ratings are skyrocketing. Wherever he has gone in the past two weeks he has been heckled.

“Boooo,” came the voices, when he arrived at the 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan on Saturday.

“You’re a mutt for what you did to Afghanistan”, yelled a man.

“Terrible, terrible.” “Don’t sniff ’em”, called out someone else when the President moved to greet a friendly face his minders directed him to – an elderly woman who appeared to be the same one he had greeted the previous year.

He is no more popular at college football games the past two weeks, where young people around the country have started chanting, “F---Joe Biden!”

“F--- Joe Biden” was also the chorus at the Yankees-Mets game in New York on Saturday night.

Weekend concerts of country music stars were marked by the irreverent chant.

After Morgan Wallen in Nashville, Tennessee, paid tribute to the 13 young military members who died in Kabul last month, his fans spontaneously broke into the chant.

The same thing happened at a Brantley Gilbert concert in West Virginia and a rap song titled “F Biden” on YouTube has garnered 1.3 million views the past three weeks.

Even in the progressive enclave of Brooklyn, New York, “F--- Joe Biden” was heard on the Brooklyn Bridge this week, as a young crowd protesting the President’s recent vaccine mandate marched across.

It’s a crude insult but the President has not helped himself with angry rants and serial incompetence, from Afghanistan to the illegal migration calamity on the southern border, where vaccines are not mandated for migrants but are required for American citizens in the rest of the country, on pain of losing your job.

Biden’s draconian about-face on mandates has jarred a country where 65 per cent of adults are fully vaccinated, including 83 per cent of the over-65 age group. As well, an estimated one third of the population has natural immunity.

“Our patience is wearing thin,” he thundered last week in his vaccine mandate speech which spawned a thousand mocking memes. But it was his behaviour at the Ground Zero memorial service on Saturday morning that showed he has a thin skin for criticism and a peculiar insensitivity about how he alienates people.

A moment of inappropriate levity was captured in images of Biden as he and wife Jill stood alongside Barack and Michelle Obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton.

He had removed his mask, his face was animated and his mouth wide open as if he were shouting at someone opposite. He made faces at people, waved and pointed in exaggerated fashion.

The stricken looks on the faces of everyone around him said it all.

Biden chose not to make a speech on the 20th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on US soil, although he visited all three places where the Islamists struck — the twin towers in New York’s financial district, the Pentagon and the field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the third hijacked plane crashed.

He had hoped to crow about being the only president to end the forever war but no such luck.

With the withdrawal botched, silence was his only option. Unfortunately, he couldn’t keep mum long and, in Shanksville, he tried to defend his Afghanistan blunders and then expressed his displeasure to reporters about protesters brandishing signs that said “F--k Biden”.

“I’m thinking of, you know, what the people who died, what would they be thinking. They think this makes sense for us to be in this kind of thing where you ride down the street and someone has a sign saying ‘Eff so and so’? I mean it’s not who we are.”

The President was peeved that he hadn’t been warmly welcomed that day.

But his sudden reverence for 9/11 seemed hollow after he had spent the past eight months downplaying the enormity of the attacks and claiming the January 6 Capitol riot was worse.

It also did not escape the attention of New Yorkers that he brought along the most despised politician in America, Californian Democrat Nancy Pelosi, and she had taken the prime spot in the front row at the Ground Zero memorial — a spot previously reserved for Rudy Giuliani.

It was a petty sign of disrespect to the hero former mayor who led New York through that terrible day 20 years ago — Democrats revile him because of his combative role as Trump’s personal lawyer.

But this year, of all years, it was jarring to see out-of-state leaders of the party that campaigned on “Defund the Police” elbowing aside the heroes of that day to stand in posed solemnity as the names of the fallen were read aloud. They may as well have spat on their graves.

After the Washington Democrats departed, Giuliani gathered his closeknit team at Cipriani on Wall Street for a night of bittersweet memories.

His NYPD commissioner of the day, Bernie Keric, was there, along with hero firefighters, members of SEAL Team Six which killed Bin Laden, and other veterans of the war on terror. They worked through some of the anger about Biden’s Afghanistan debacle and Giuliani vented against top general Mark Milley, saying he “wanted to grab his stars and shove [them] down his throat” over the decision to abandon Bagram Air Base.

There were tributes to the fallen and a celebration of the “largest evacuation” in US history, with 25,000 people moved out of the twin towers, thanks to the selfless courage of the first responders.

Giuliani praised the NYPD as “the best law enforcement agency in the world” during an entertaining speech full of impersonations of mobsters he had locked up when he was a crusading district attorney who cleaned up New York.

He even took off the Queen: “You did a wonderful job on September 11,” he said in a posh royal accent.

Nasty trolls on Twitter, who were not there, later described the speech as a drunken rant.

It was nothing of the sort, but it shows the depths to which partisan haters will stoop to besmirch what was a beautiful night for the heroes of 9/11 just a few blocks from what they described as “the first battleground in the last 20-year war on terror”.

Biden promised to be the “unity” President but he has done nothing but divide the nation into warring tribes, race against race, state against state, vaccinated against unvaccinated.

Then he dishonoured the sacrifices of the 9/11 generation — and that is why they boo him.

Biden promised to be the “unity” President but he has done nothing but divide the nation into warring tribes
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Re: Creepy Joe

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:43 pm

'I'll write a cheque' to anyone who can decipher what Biden's trying to convey.


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Re: Creepy Joe

Post by Bobby » Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:09 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:43 pm
'I'll write a cheque' to anyone who can decipher what Biden's trying to convey.


I think people in Florida were saying that if Robert E lee
was running the war in Afghanistan it would have been better than Joe's lousy work.
Biden resents that.

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Re: Creepy Joe

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:45 pm

Reports Biden's officials knew when French submarine deal would be called off.

Mr Morrison has detailed conversations in a bid to prove French President Emmanuel Macron was not blindsided by the decision to scrap the $90 billion submarine deal Australia had with France.

There are also reports today that President Joe Biden's officials knew the timeline on how the French would be told - despite him making comments to the contrary on Sunday.

“What happened was, to use an English phrase, what we did was clumsy, was not done with a lot of grace,” President Biden said.

“I was under the impression that France had been informed long before that the deal was not going through, I honestly did not know you had not been.” ... np1taskbar

This idiot should be eating soup in a quiet room.

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Re: Creepy Joe

Post by Nom De Plume » Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:19 pm

He is quite a fuckup! :lol: :lol: :lol:
"But you will run your kunt mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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