Question about masks

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billy the kid
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Re: Question about masks

Post by billy the kid » Tue Apr 20, 2021 9:06 pm

Is that done before you place the used mask in a biohazard bin provided by the government...
Ooops sorry....there are none....
Wonder why..... :roll:
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Re: Question about masks

Post by Neferti » Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:08 am

We are advised to put used masks in the household garbage bin (not the recycle bin).

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Re: Question about masks

Post by Texan » Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:24 am

I'm getting really tired of stepping over used masks in parking lots.

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billy the kid
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Re: Question about masks

Post by billy the kid » Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:58 am

At least you dont live in Oregon, where I understand they are considering making masking permanent.
I read today that Texas and Florida are leading the way in opening up.... :thumb
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Re: Question about masks

Post by sprintcyclist » Wed Apr 21, 2021 6:23 pm

cut the ear loops on them before you discard them
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Re: Question about masks

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 21, 2021 9:57 am ... d=msedgdhp
Can everyone see the narrative unravelling....
A third of N95 masks didnt pass testing...
BUT the plebs have to wear a cloth or paper mask in the mall...(during restrictions)
Yep....thatll work.....paper masks are very reliable.... :rofl :rofl :rofl
What a joke...
They will soon come out and abandon masks and tell us that they have served their
purpose....lies....all lies....
They wont tell us the truth..that they are useless as even the N95 masks fail the test....
Fauci was exposed this week as lying about having to wear a mask after getting the jab...
He admitted it was all theatre...
Which advice will our illustrious leaders (state to state) follow as all the obedient sheep
in Australia line up for the jab...
Will they have to wear a mask after getting the jab...
The N95s dont why wear a paper mask....
After youve been jabbed....
What a fkn joke.... :rofl
"The Victorian government long denied healthcare workers were getting infected with COVID-19 at work during the state's second major outbreak in 2020 but has now admitted that 2599 doctors and nurses did catch the deadly disease in their workplace.

Healthcare workers campaigned extensively for N95 masks to be rolled out, first in high-risk areas, then across hospitals as more workers fell sick. Late last year, the state government agreed to roll them out in hospitals and then in February to hotel quarantine workers after some who were wearing surgical masks fell sick."
2599 doctors and nurses caught the conjob19 virus in their workplace....
Obviously they would have been wearing an N95....
Yep...paper masks and homemade cloth masks will do the trick....
Once again, a government is found to lie to the plebs....
Nothing changes.....
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Black Orchid
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Re: Question about masks

Post by Black Orchid » Fri May 21, 2021 11:13 am

Masks lol. I had the strangest experience the other day. I had to go to the hospital during our 7 day lockdown. First you have to line up and have your temperature taken and ok that's fine. Then they want to scan your QR code which I refuse to do so they had to take my name and phone number and again that's fine too.

So I'm standing there next in line when a woman comes up to refill the paper mask box right in front of me. She shoves them all in the box then proceeds to maul them all by moving them around and patting them all down on all sides and in doing so touches every one of them! So I'm standing there and actually rubbing my hands with their foam hand sanitizer and then use just my fingernails to pick one out of the middle of the box.

The mask nazi then went ballistic at me telling me I had contaminated every mask in the box. Well did she cop an earful from me. I pointed out that the other woman had already contaminated them all without sanitizing her hands first and that I was entitled to get one out of the box that she hadn't already rubbed her grubby hands over. I shut her up pretty fast and moved on. :roll:

Once inside everyone had them pulled down or pulled off.

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Re: Question about masks

Post by sprintcyclist » Fri May 21, 2021 5:31 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Fri May 21, 2021 11:13 am
Masks lol. I had the strangest experience the other day. I had to go to the hospital during our 7 day lockdown. First you have to line up and have your temperature taken and ok that's fine. Then they want to scan your QR code which I refuse to do so they had to take my name and phone number and again that's fine too.

So I'm standing there next in line when a woman comes up to refill the paper mask box right in front of me. She shoves them all in the box then proceeds to maul them all by moving them around and patting them all down on all sides and in doing so touches every one of them! So I'm standing there and actually rubbing my hands with their foam hand sanitizer and then use just my fingernails to pick one out of the middle of the box.

The mask nazi then went ballistic at me telling me I had contaminated every mask in the box. Well did she cop an earful from me. I pointed out that the other woman had already contaminated them all without sanitizing her hands first and that I was entitled to get one out of the box that she hadn't already rubbed her grubby hands over. I shut her up pretty fast and moved on. :roll:

Once inside everyone had them pulled down or pulled off.
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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