What would I know.

All things Health (including Viruses like Covid)
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billy the kid
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What would I know.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:13 pm

I see that Alan Jones is campaigning against the possible introduction of covid passports in Australia.
He says that there are 12 states in the US which have banned covid passports.
Jones is worried that if we dont do anything now, the grubberment will move to introduce
covid passports.
What is a covid passport....
It would generally be considered by most that as soon as the word "passport" is used, then
it means that you have to have a covid passport to travel overseas.
Our government has already flagged that international travel wont be happening anytime soon...
I said 9 months ago that we would be subjected to covid passports, not only to travel, but to
enter buildings, sporting stadiums, concerts and possibly even shopping centres...
I also posted that there would be no international travel permitted until well into 2022
at the very earliest.
People throughout Australia are starting to wake up to the conjob19 plandemic
and the tyrannical restrictions being placed on us by our power hungry, useless leaders....
They wont even allow Ivermectin......
But what would I know...... :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: What would I know.

Post by Texan » Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:06 pm

What is it like down there now. Are restaurants open? Are schools open with sporting events and band performances and such? Can you take your family out to dinner? Do you have to wear masks?

It varies by state here, but I can pretty much do what I want in TX. Just last night i took a son out for Mexican food while anther son went to the gym and my wife went to get a massage. My oldest son's family is moving from Kansas to the East Coast through about a dozen states next week. My wife is flying to Kansas to help them and will fly home from Philadelphia when she returns. We have no need or desire to travel internationally. The idea of a covid "passport " annoys me. It doesn't account for anyone with natural immunity.

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Re: What would I know.

Post by sprintcyclist » Fri Apr 16, 2021 3:01 am

Texan wrote:
Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:06 pm
What is it like down there now. Are restaurants open? Are schools open with sporting events and band performances and such? Can you take your family out to dinner? Do you have to wear masks?

It varies by state here, but I can pretty much do what I want in TX. Just last night i took a son out for Mexican food while anther son went to the gym and my wife went to get a massage. My oldest son's family is moving from Kansas to the East Coast through about a dozen states next week. My wife is flying to Kansas to help them and will fly home from Philadelphia when she returns. We have no need or desire to travel internationally. The idea of a covid "passport " annoys me. It doesn't account for anyone with natural immunity.
yes, sounds like down here is very similar to the US.
Clubs, restaurants and venues mostly open.
Domestic travel is ok. We can fly to and from New Zealand with no quarantine.
Other than that, international travel is off.
Price of 2nd hand cars has risen a LOT. Apparently supply of new cars is limited
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Re: What would I know.

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:35 am

And NO masks. Well at least in NSW.

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Nom De Plume
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Re: What would I know.

Post by Nom De Plume » Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:53 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:35 am
And NO masks. Well at least in NSW.
No masks in Victoria either. Schools are open, all venues are open... I'm just back from a family trip to Sovereign Hill, which is a theme park retelling the history of the gold rush and the Eureka Stockade. All is well in Ballarat too!
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billy the kid
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Re: What would I know.

Post by billy the kid » Fri Apr 16, 2021 10:08 am

Seems we forget very quickly....
Palaszczuk only yesterday lifted a state wide masking mandate.
Only recently we had one 1 case in Byron Bay and Gladys put up a masking mandate
for all of northern NSW...
I posted about being the only person in a shopping mall without a mask...
Entry into a Commonwealth Bank early this week was refused if you didnt
wear a mask...no mask...no entry...
Gladys cancelled a music festival in Byron Bay in which 50,000 or more people
were expected, but football matches all over Australia went ahead.
Yes, we also had the Royal Easter Show last weekend where people mingled in their
thousands without socially distancing and without masks...
We can even get on a train in Sydney now without socially distancing...
BUT...watch the draconian measures come straight back as soon as soon there is 1 case
AND simply because the weasel Alan Joyce shows his ugly face on TV, SloMo suddenly
starts the doublespeak again about opening borders.
The only reason he promised Australians would all have a jab by October
was that JOYCE said ages ago he wanted flights to begin again in October.
Thats the only reason SloMo granted us all half price fares..
He couldnt bail out Qantas as he would have had to bail out Virgin as well...
Instead he cons everyone by granting half price fares...to support the airlines....
You people are being conned and you dont even realize it..... :rofl
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Re: What would I know.

Post by billy the kid » Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:50 am

https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-u ... 01f293a473
Cut through all the spin and the bullshit and you will see that SloMo is talking about vaccine
passports...nothing more...nothing else...
Get your jabs and you can travel....
Thats a vaccine passport...
WHY doesnt he say so....
More half baked, half cocked policy on the run....
A thought bubble at best...
At worst...more control of the sheep....
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Re: What would I know.

Post by billy the kid » Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:32 pm

https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/i- ... d=msedgntp
Craig Kelly to introduce a bill to ban vaccine passports....
This will be interesting....
One one hand we have SloMo who gagged Kelly recently about Ivermectin...
(and SloMo is today literally coercing Australians to get the jab so they can fly....)
AND on the other hand we have the gagged politician who is now an Independent, seeking
to introduce a bill to ban the very vaccine passports which SloMo wants to introduce....
This will show just who in government, and who in opposition, is actually on the
same page as SloMo....
This could in effect be a popularity vote....
Any bets on the outcome.... :rofl
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Re: What would I know.

Post by billy the kid » Sun Apr 18, 2021 1:21 pm

https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/uknews/u ... d=msedgntp
There you have it....
A letter to Boris Johnson by 1250 British clergy from different christian denominations says
the “introduction of vaccine passports would constitute an unethical form of coercion and violation of the principle of informed consent”.
This is what SloMo is babbling about introducing....vaccine passports (for air travel....what else...)
Vaccine passports....
Hundreds of UK church leaders have told the prime minister that plans to use vaccine passports for entry into venues is “one of the most dangerous policy proposals ever to be made in the history of British politics” with the “potential to bring about the end of liberal democracy as we know it”.
Thats a lot of God botherers......
They go on within the link to discuss the vaccine passports being used to
refuse entry into churches ......where does it end....(air travel is obviously the first step for
SloMo...what is the second step....your guess is as good as mine...)
Aaah well...what would I know....
And someone says Im being politically abusive....
Well why wouldnt I be...I dont want to kiss SloMos arse like some.....
Last edited by billy the kid on Sun Apr 18, 2021 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Black Orchid
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Re: What would I know.

Post by Black Orchid » Sun Apr 18, 2021 1:29 pm

ScoMo's bumbling along but the ALP would introduce vaccination passports in a flash. Sometimes it's better to bumble.

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