Why the left hate America

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Why the left hate America

Post by sprintcyclist » Sun Feb 14, 2021 5:25 pm

Kudos to Jeff Erding for writing “Fact Checking the Haters,” April 20, 2020; as a counter to the misinformation and outright lies put out by the left-leaning mainstream media. As expected, the leftist media is exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to smear him as a complete “failure” and even describing him as a “sociopath” while gleefully discussing how this pandemic can help the Democratic Socialists in 2020.

Why do Leftists hate America? America is a massive refutation of their utopian fantasy, universal equality. They compare America with their vision of a perfect country which has never existed. Rather than change their false theories, they lash out at America and conservatives, including Trump.

If we consider a “perfect” country, it is not hard to find problems in America: racial prejudice, economic exploitation and inequality, greed, etc. However, countries do not exist in fantasyland; they exist in the real world. However, the world that surrounds us is not too idyllic. If we compare the US to its surroundings, America is the one that begins to resemble an idealized paradise. Otherwise, why do so many foreign nationals risk life and limb to get to America?

In any election, the overriding consideration in voting should be the political ideologies associated with candidates and the direction America should take. Is it:

a. American Conservatism, promoted by Republicans and founded on Biblical/Christian principles that have resulted in the greatest country to have ever existed? Or,

b. Democratic Socialism, based on godless Marxism that has resulted in catastrophic failure with over 100 million people murdered by their governments in the 20 th century alone, with millions more living in poverty and misery whenever and wherever it’s been tried? Venezuela is a current example.

Gerald J. Boyum

Rochester, Minn.
http://fillmorecountyjournal.com/letter ... and-trump/
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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Re: Why the left hate America

Post by neverforget7/11 » Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:09 am

sprintcyclist wrote:
Sun Feb 14, 2021 5:25 pm
Kudos to Jeff Erding for writing “Fact Checking the Haters,” April 20, 2020; as a counter to the misinformation and outright lies put out by the left-leaning mainstream media. As expected, the leftist media is exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to smear him as a complete “failure” and even describing him as a “sociopath” while gleefully discussing how this pandemic can help the Democratic Socialists in 2020.

Why do Leftists hate America? America is a massive refutation of their utopian fantasy, universal equality. They compare America with their vision of a perfect country which has never existed. Rather than change their false theories, they lash out at America and conservatives, including Trump.

If we consider a “perfect” country, it is not hard to find problems in America: racial prejudice, economic exploitation and inequality, greed, etc. However, countries do not exist in fantasyland; they exist in the real world. However, the world that surrounds us is not too idyllic. If we compare the US to its surroundings, America is the one that begins to resemble an idealized paradise. Otherwise, why do so many foreign nationals risk life and limb to get to America?

In any election, the overriding consideration in voting should be the political ideologies associated with candidates and the direction America should take. Is it:

a. American Conservatism, promoted by Republicans and founded on Biblical/Christian principles that have resulted in the greatest country to have ever existed? Or,

b. Democratic Socialism, based on godless Marxism that has resulted in catastrophic failure with over 100 million people murdered by their governments in the 20 th century alone, with millions more living in poverty and misery whenever and wherever it’s been tried? Venezuela is a current example.

Gerald J. Boyum

Rochester, Minn.
http://fillmorecountyjournal.com/letter ... and-trump/
Most people would agree the Golden age of America was the post World War II period between 1945-1980 due to the massive economic boom. Everything was pretty cheap and American manufactory was exporting all over the world. Did you know that the highest income tax bracket at this time was 90%? Or that the minimum wage was the effective highest it had ever been? Or that social programs were expanded heavily by President's Johnson and Nixon? That doesn't sound like open capitalism to me... In fact, high tax rates and wealth redistribution sounds like... Socialism.

I could say plenty more on the topic if you want, like how the USA was explicitly founded on the SEPARATION of Christianity from the state as a rersponse to the English, or how Austria is a near perfect model of the good that can be done under socialism, or how every developed nation in the world bar the USA has some form of guaranteed healthcare, but I'm sure you're too busy to step out the echo chamber right now.

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Re: Why the left hate America

Post by Texan » Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:16 pm

The rich don't pay much in income tax. Back in post WW2, they made most of their money through capital gains. People were conservative until the 60s. Using civil rights (which was a just cause) the left introduced welfare and got as many people as possible on to it and it has decimated the nuclear black family and is spreading to all families. America is at the point where about half the population depends on the government for their paycheck. It's obscene because America became great through hard work and the ability to prosper from our work and ingenuity. Now that ingenuity and hard work is being taxed to death. I hope I am wrong, but I don't see America staying together as a country for more than another generation. We are starkly divided right now.

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Re: Why the left hate America

Post by sprintcyclist » Fri Feb 19, 2021 6:34 pm

Texan wrote:
Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:16 pm
The rich don't pay much in income tax. Back in post WW2, they made most of their money through capital gains. People were conservative until the 60s. Using civil rights (which was a just cause) the left introduced welfare and got as many people as possible on to it and it has decimated the nuclear black family and is spreading to all families. America is at the point where about half the population depends on the government for their paycheck. It's obscene because America became great through hard work and the ability to prosper from our work and ingenuity. Now that ingenuity and hard work is being taxed to death. I hope I am wrong, but I don't see America staying together as a country for more than another generation. We are starkly divided right now.
The underlined points are similar to here . There is a widening division here too.
Our PM is good. We had about 5 bad ones in a row though.

the mainstream medias relentless attacks on trump were the dividing cause.
I used to dislike the left, now I just plain hate them.
I hope they go to hell
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Re: Why the left hate America

Post by Mortdooley » Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:53 am

I have to take a small issue with the belief the rich don't pay their fair share. As Ronald Reagan famously said "it isn't that government taxes too little, it is that government spends too much". Those better off pay most of the taxes and about 50% of our people pay no taxes and many of them actually get our tax dollars from the Government by being in programs.

Yesterday I listened to Rush talking about the limiting factor in most of our lives is our own belief we can't do better. There are classes to teach life skills to people with down syndrome so they function with some level of independence. We need to start early teaching the rest of our children how to manage their future finances. The Stock Market is a wonderful place to invest even using what little money most people have. As long as it doesn't become like gambling a careful investor can save a nice little nest egg.
Taxpayers are the modern equivalent of Hebrew slaves building the pyramids for the Egyptian political class.

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Re: Why the left hate America

Post by Neferti » Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:31 pm

Don't know if this is in the correct thread. Got it from an American email friend this morning.


I'm selling my White Privilege Card. It's over 70 years old, but is in mint condition. It has never been used, not even one time. Reason for selling is that it hasn't done a damn thing for me! No free college, no free food, no free housing, no free anything, I actually had to go to work every day of my life while paying a boatload of taxes to carry those who chose not to work! If you are interested, I prefer cash but would be willing to do an even trade for a Race Card which seems much more widely accepted and comes with countless benefits if you fit the profile!


Contact me on my Non-Obama cell phone that I pay for every month.

Serious buyers only!
:purple :yellow

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Re: Why the left hate America

Post by sprintcyclist » Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:06 pm

there are record numbers of illegals swarming toward USA.

he will give away $billions to other countries.

I hate the left.
ALL the illegals should stay at HIS house.
the billions he gives away should be HIS money
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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