Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7

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billy the kid
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7

Post by billy the kid » Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:16 pm

Redneck wrote:
Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:14 pm
billy the kid wrote:
Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:04 pm
Redneck wrote:
Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:09 pm
billy the kid wrote:
Thu Dec 31, 2020 2:15 pm
Amazing how the narrative changes.
It didnt seem that long ago that we were all criticizing Chairman Dan
for his draconian lockdowns....
YET today, bureaucrats left right and centre are calling for Gladys to impose a
lockdown in Sydney due to the Croydon cluster...
"A short, sharp lockdown will do the trick" Im reading....
I see...
What about next time...
Another short sharp lockdown per chance...
The media whores get on the hysteria bandwagon and spruik the opinions of the
bureaucratic experts without a thought for the people effected by the possible lockdown...
The cricisisms are endless about the cricket in Sydney going ahead...
Gladys says we dont want to end the year with a super spreader such as NYE crowds, yet
permits the cricket to go ahead.
Australia will be in and out of lockdowns ad infinitum...borders will open and close at the
hint of a cluster somewhere..
Meanwhile, the WHO tell us that a vaccine does not prevent viral contamination...
Authoritarianism comes to mind....
Or should that read "tyranny"....
So what would your solution be?

Let her rip and end up like USA or UK?

Like him or not Dan did a good job of bringing it under control!
Once again you boringly display your total lack of intellect.
I am a critic.
I am not a politician
I am not a epidemiologist
I am not an economic professor.
I simply criticize incompetent governments when I see incompetence.
I feel sorry for anyone adversely effected by the conjob19 plandemic and the
incompetence of politicians and their so called "best medical advice in the world"
If you believe that Adolf Andrews did a good job then good for you...
I dont post on this forum to offer solutions.
I post to offer an opinion...if you dont agree then I dont really give a stuff.....
I could offer you an opinion of your critique but I have to remember you are a protected species on this forum.
Give me an opinion....come on...humour me....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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billy the kid
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7

Post by billy the kid » Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:21 pm

Why has Victoria closed its borders to all of NSW.
If thats not sheer knee jerk incompetence, someone tell me what is....
ALL of NSW...not just Sydney....
AS Ive said before....
Australia will be in and out of rolling lockdowns for a long long time....
AND border closures will be at the drop of a hat....
The deputy Premier of Victoria is just as incompetent as Andrews.....
This country is being destroyed by tyrannical, incompetent politicians
and everyone just rolls over and meows.....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7

Post by Redneck » Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:25 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:21 pm
Why has Victoria closed its borders to all of NSW.
If thats not sheer knee jerk incompetence, someone tell me what is....
ALL of NSW...not just Sydney....
AS Ive said before....
Australia will be in and out of rolling lockdowns for a long long time....
AND border closures will be at the drop of a hat....
The deputy Premier of Victoria is just as incompetent as Andrews.....
This country is being destroyed by tyrannical, incompetent politicians
and everyone just rolls over and meows.....
I think John Smith would have an appropriate answer for you !

But I wouldnt say that!

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billy the kid
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7

Post by billy the kid » Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:37 pm

The average Australian is brainwashed into wearing masks and believing everything
the media tells them.
The politicians supporting the party in power will all toe the party line...
The politicians in opposition will criticize...
The media calls for mandatory masking...
The media encourages everyone to kow tow to government......
The media and the politicians work hand in glove....Its all bullshit....
We are living in a dystopian society......get used to it....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Black Orchid
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:40 pm

Well I don't live in Melbourne but I think Dan did a shyt job. He finally got on top of it but more through luck and force than anything else.

His not being able to travel 5km from home rule was ridiculous.

Hardly anyone wears a mask around where I live.

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