Compiled list of Rudd Fuckups

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Compiled list of Rudd Fuckups

Post by IQSRLOW » Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:00 pm

Borrowed from elsewhere but for sure this will be a dynamic list, added to day by day with every policy announcement and guaranteed subsequent backflip or complete fuckup.

1 Said Sorry several times.

2 Ratified Kyoto as it is about to expire without successor.

3 Organised "best and brightest summit" - if anything useful came out of that, I missed it.

4 Set up "fuel watch", a costly fiasco since abandoned.

5 Set up "grocery watch" another costly fiasco since abandoned.

6 Established the Australian Social Inclusion Board. This rarely heard of bureaucracy was set up because "Every Australian should have an opportunity to be a full participant in the life of the nation. Unfortunately, too many Australians remain locked out of the benefits of work, education, community engagement and access to basic services. This social exclusion is a significant barrier to sustained prosperity and restricts Australia's future growth". If there is any evidence to support this argument it wasn't included in the announcement. The Board has been described as a "complete wank, .... the biggest waste of tax dollars imaginable, towards some more Rudd-style feel-goodism". That was in May 2008. It probably did seem a big waste of tax dollars then, but it's been turned into a drop in the ocean by what's happened since.

7 Set up the home insulation program - what a disaster! It was a disaster because Rudd so wanted the Feds to be able to claim the credit he gave it to his Dept of Environment. This feel-good department, whose Minister's previous experience was lead singer with a rock band, is full of environmental scientists and climate change disciples with zero experience in dealing with the real world or delivering real programs. Four deaths, a minister demoted, (not sacked or had his salary reduced) and $50 million to former union heavy Greg Combet to fix it, and Combet says that may not be enough. And the claimed environmental benefits were grossly exaggerated. Rudd said he took full responsibility but I don't what that means - he's still PM, he's still drawing his salary and privileged superannuation benefits.

8 Set up SIHIP (Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program). This program was initiated by a Memorandum of Understanding in September 2007. In July 2009 the ABC (hardly a hot-bed of opposition to the ALP) reported on its Lateline program that it was yet to build a single house. That was despite $45.54 million of its $672 million budget having been spent. A government report dated August 2009 said the program was being criticised as: too slow to deliver; its governance was overly bureaucratic; the program is too costly in terms of unit cost of housing and administration. The revised program budget is still $672m with each new house expected to cost $450,000 or $529,000 after factoring in a proportion of administration costs and "contingencies". As at 1st February 2010, 2 of target 750 houses and 70 of 2,500 refurbishments had been completed.

9 Sent money direct to taxpayers and non-taxpayers to spend on large screen imported TV's to stimulate the economy and avoid the effects of what Rudd and Swan called the worst depression since the 1930s. In fact unemployment was 11% in 1991 and in 2009 didn't get to 6%, which not too many years ago would have been regarded as virtually full employment. Remember Beattie's target 5%? But if you can't maintain your popularity rating by sending money to voters what can you do?

10 Promised that every child in every school in Australia would get a computer. This program is moving so slowly that most of the people who were high school students at the time of the promise will have left school before they see a new computer.

11 Set up the $70m green loans mess - people gave up their jobs, paid $3,000 for qualifications and insurance to be trained as assessors, only to find the demand for green loans had been grossly exaggerated, many more assessors were trained than the program envisaged, and there was no work for most of them. The Courier-Mail reported on 2 Feb 2010 that: "The Federal Government predicted up to 200,000 homeowners would take up the loans and only 1,000 have done so ....instead of training 1,500 to 2,000 well-qualified assessors the Government permitted a blow-out and it is now estimated there will be up to 11,500 well-qualified assessors". The program has now been transferred to Penny Wong's department - that should fix it.

12 Turned a good budget surplus into such a huge debt that our grandchildren will have so much trouble servicing it that our population will have to increase rapidly. Blamed the GFS while steadfastly refusing to give any credit to Howard or Costello for leaving them an excellent budget position to work with.

13 Didn't include any major infrastructure in the stimulus package because the effects would be felt too slowly (except for duplicating school halls and gyms).

14 Set up the home solar hot water initiative which was abruptly ended three weeks early with eight hours notice. This caused chaos in the industry, and many people intending to lodge applications missed out. Peter Garrett blamed a cost blow-out from the original estimate of $150 million to $750 million a year for the cut-back.

15 Disbanded "Work Choices". He had to do this because it was the unions' self-funded campaign against it that got him elected. Replaced it by giving back powers to the unions and re-instating the Industrial Relations Club. Set up Fair Work Australia with what seems to many as an over-representation of people with union backgrounds.
16 Changed the previous government's immigration laws so successfully that the exponential blow-out in illegal boat arrivals created a need for a lot more accommodation on Christmas Island.

17 Said "the science is in on climate change" and claimed the ETS would fix it. Labelled sceptics as deniers.

18 Attempted to railroad the ETS through the Senate before Copenhagen for no other reason than it would have allowed Rudd to strut the world stage.

19 Went to Copenhagen taking 114 government free-loaders with him (one of the largest of the 190 delegations), at huge cost to the Australian taxpayer and the world's environment. I haven't seen any announcement of the cost of the junket (and I doubt I ever will), but I'm sure that whatever was going to be achieved, at least 100 of the free-loaders were superfluous to requirements. And it was fairly predictable that nothing would be achieved.

20 Refuses to debate the use of nuclear power generation to reduce pollution because it's against ALP and union policy.

21 Has opened one of 2,650 promised "trades training centres", one of 260 promised child care centres in schools and TAFEs, and 2 of 31 promised GP Super Clinics.

22 Attracted 752 retired nurses back into the profession using a return-to-work bonus. When they announced this scheme Labor hoped 7,750 would take up the offer.

23 Removed Labor's original election 2007 promises from the ALP website.

24 Promised to take Japan to court on whaling, but now says that will not be until November, probably after the election. As time goes on, I find I'm becoming less convinced about who is really at fault here, Japan for fishing in international waters, or the protestors for disrupting a legitimate commercial operation.

25 Has so far kept the Henry tax review secret for political reasons. Last week Rudd was saying it wouldn't be released until after the election. Wiser heads have since made him realise people won't vote for a new tax system when they don't know what's in it. And there must be something nasty in it, either unpalatable to the voters or inconsistent with ALP policy, or it would be heralded as another triumph for the Rudd government.

26 Announced he will keep 30% of the state's GST to fund 60% of their hospital costs. The 60% funding will have strings attached. The states have not been given any of the details, just the executive summary, and he expects them to agree to the proposals without knowing what the strings are, or what he might take back with the other hand under the Henry tax review. The announcement doesn't explain how it will improve delivery of hospital services, but it will probably add another layer of bureaucrats to the health system. Australia already has 450,000 bureaucrats looking after 290,000 health professionals. The announcement was hurriedly made in March 2010 after it had been pointed out that he had imposed a June 2009 deadline on himself for reform of the hospitals system. Perhaps this explains the lack of details. Refer back to the criticisms of SIHIP above. I think it'll be deja vue all over again. Rudd said if the states block his plan he will take it to a referendum, which of course is just grandstanding.

27. Turned Gillard loose with $16.7 billion to give building contractors, states and bureaucrats a feast in return for COLA.s and unwanted libraries and gyms – the insulation racket all over again in spades.

28 Last week he trotted out five senior ministers to criticise the Senate for being "obstructionist". The 5 were Jenny (SIHIP) Macklin, Penny (ETS) Wong, Lindsay (clean nose) Tanner, Nicola (new hospital system) Roxon, and Greg (Mr Fixit) Combet. I think Rudd is lucky the Senate has been obstructionist because if it wasn't he'd have more failures to add to his already impressive list. I noticed Julia was too smart to join the line-up of losers, and has managed not to be associated with too many of the above "achievements" – actually lying low while the schools building fiasco and criminal activities are unfolding. But watch your back, Kevvy.

29. Introduced the resources super tax without consulting industry. Tried to start a class war that has so far kicked his lily livered arse

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Re: Compiled list of Rudd Fuckups

Post by IQSRLOW » Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:37 pm

Squealer wrote:There was also the juxtaposition of ABC articles in Perth:
1. RRT will roon mining
2. Mining will need an extra 500,000 workers in a few years

I guess righties can't draw a conclusion from the above consecutive news items
Yep. Either Rudd will be out on his arse or those 500K workers will not be needed

Everyone can see where your loyalties lie and it is not with workers, is it Squealer? How many potential jobs are you willing to sacrifice so Rudd can employ another layer of bureaucrats that add nothing down the line?

Everyone knows that private industry can and will spend their dollars on expansion and employment better than any govt dept. Just look at the Krudd waste to date- all they have succeeded to do is put an entire insulation industry out of business and the BER debacle is yet to fully emerge

It's a horrendous waste

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Re: Compiled list of Rudd Fuckups

Post by boxy » Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:00 pm

The list becomes quiet extensive, when you start with the axiom that every single thing that Rudd does is, by definition, a fuckup... and it became obvious that this was what this list is all about after point number 1.

Basically, "you rightarded idiot" :lol:
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."


Re: Compiled list of Rudd Fuckups

Post by punk » Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:39 pm

boxy wrote:The list becomes quiet extensive, when you start with the axiom that every single thing that Rudd does is, by definition, a fuckup... and it became obvious that this was what this list is all about after point number 1.

Basically, "you rightarded idiot" :lol:

im figuring you are the only one using the fuelwatch and grocerywatch websites then. and as you dont know the people who died or had their houses burned down that is of no consequence to you. that the debt will still be there for the next generatoion doesnt matter at all to you does it. do you swallow when krudd cums in your mouth?

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Re: Compiled list of Rudd Fuckups

Post by IQSRLOW » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:42 pm

do you swallow when krudd cums in your mouth?
Yes. Yes he does. He is one of "the swallowers"

The rest of us who don't prescribe to waste, mismanagement and being fucked over call ourselves "the stolen from generation"

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Re: Compiled list of Rudd Fuckups

Post by IQSRLOW » Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:22 pm ... Itemid=176
The Punch apparently published this list of incompetence, deceit and lies to add to the list.

1. 2020 - 1000 B&B; minds, $2+m = 9 usable ideas.
2. Save the whales – FAIL
3. Fight inflation genie – Oops GFC
4. Taxes up (gas, diesel, transport, alcopops) – inflationary
5. Fuelwatch, $21M – FAIL
6.Grocery Watch/Choice – dumped $13 million vow – FAIL
7. Arresting Iranian leaders: stunt
8. Bank guarantee - over 200,000 accounts frozen from September 2008.
9. Laptops
10. National Broadband Network($4b-$7B-$43B): To cost about $20,000 a connection
11. Cash Splash 1 –borrowed
12. Cash Splash 2: borrowed $42B
13. Work Choices/fair work: awards backflips – tourism/food industry dispensation but farmers will be out of work.
14. Refugees: how many boats so far?
15. Defence: cut expenditure & build weaponry?
16. Homeland Security Department –“non-core promise” broken Nov 28, 2007
17. The buck stops with me – so where are you?
18. Securing Murray/Darling water
19. IVF: cuts.
20.Medicare/private health: rebate same/lie
21. Dental scheme: gone
22.Cataract surgery: costs doubled
23. Superannuation: government needs it more than us.
24. Home Savers Grant: fizzer, lack of people saving
25. First Home Owners grant: lifted, inflating house prices
26. One-stop childcare centres
27. GP super clinics - $275M.
28. Non-compulsory university union fees: voted down
29. Worker share options – blunder
30. Carbon emissions reduction - LPG conversion subsidies phased out
31. Carbon emissions reduction (2): household solar rebate axed 9/6
32. Schools Stimulus/? Infrastructure Program – Subject to AG inquiry.
33. Ruddbank
34. Federal takeover of hospitals by mid 2009 if no improvement. – EPIC FAIL
35. Reduce consultancies by $112 million = increase to $800 million (6354 consultancies)
36. Govt will pay small business invoices on time = takes a lot longer
37. No nuclear Waste Dump NT – election promise – broken June 2008
38. $15 million to rural research & development corporations – election promise – broken May 2008.
39. A - E reporting on childcare standards & universal pre-school for 4 year olds – election promise – broken June 2009
40. ALP Uranium Policy/stance – in tatters. Garrett approves uranium mine.
41. Diplomacy – Japan – biggest customer – FAIL. India – Uranium contract – FAIL . USA – conversations (real/imaginary) released to media. China, May 2009 – “difficult to deal with” Australia led Asia Pacific Body – thud.
42. Boost funding for aboriginal Legal Aid – lie – actuality = cuts to funding in first budget.
43. Scale back Intervention – ignored review recommendations.
44. Homes /renovations for indigenous – not one shovel lifted to date
45. Digital TV –Conroy, 2008, slash $22m from costs of changeover, figures make no sense – original estimate $16m now to cost $66m
46. Cheaper Better Childcare – Govt regulations will see Childcare costs going up by about $1500pa on July 1, 2010

There are more problems that will be exposed before the election. House prices are beyond the grasp of this generation of school leavers, interest rates have risen making the cost of money to small business too high to cover as returns dwindle. Tour any town, suburb or city and you will see vacant shops owned by landlords who are not getting any rent. Business confidence is an illusion created by Wayne Swan and his press release makers who boast of beating the Global Financial Crisis but it may be that the "operation was successful but the patient died" due to higher taxes, higher housing costs, out of reach rental homes, mass importation of new people ( consumers ) and a health system that cannot cope.

For Labor the decision now is how best can they survive the Rudd experiment ( the one that followed the hideous Mark Latham Show ) and that means choosing whether to postpone the election or have it soon before the real human consequences of Labor failures are revealed. Rudd may soon be called to Trade Union Headquarters while Julia Gillard waits in the anteroom.

Hopefully the election will come before Kevin Rudd, the Trade Unions and self serving Labor self confessed crooks like Mike Kaiser ( appointed without advertising the vacancy to run the National Broadband Network on a salary of $450,000 a year ) get control of hospitals and the delivery of health services.
Buh bye Kev (Hi Monk/Squealer :mrgreen: )

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Re: Compiled list of Rudd Fuckups

Post by sprintcyclist » Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:34 pm

the thing that really pisses me off about the tax report was WE paid for it.
krudd the kunt did not.

krudd made US pay for it, THEN he hid it from US till he wanted.
Who the fuck does he think he is ?
the kunt, it's our report, WE paid for it.

you can fuck off krudd.
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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Re: Compiled list of Rudd Fuckups

Post by IQSRLOW » Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:14 pm

Squealer/Monk wrote:Fucked up where and how Celly?

Labor is still ahead and Abbott is way below where he should be in the electoral cycle to have any hope and the big miners have blown their bolt.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What an ignorant fuck

Dovetail Joint

Re: Compiled list of Rudd Fuckups

Post by Dovetail Joint » Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:35 pm

Squealer/Monk wrote:Fucked up where and how Celly?

Labor is still ahead and Abbott is way below where he should be in the electoral cycle to have any hope and the big miners have blown their bolt.
whos that tosser? Squealer/Monk? how doesnt he know whats happening in Oz?

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