Zero Hedge articles now featuring Australian News.

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billy the kid
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Re: Zero Hedge articles now featuring Australian News.

Post by billy the kid » Sun Sep 06, 2020 10:07 am

To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Re: Zero Hedge articles now featuring Australian News.

Post by Juliar » Thu Sep 10, 2020 10:35 am

Zero Hedge is a propaganda site feeding on the fear and instability of pessimists - basically life's losers.

The real identities of the guys behind 'Zero Hedge' have been revealed
WILL MARTIN APR 29, 2016, 7:45 PM

The men behind the legendary finance blog Zero Hedge have been unmasked after one former blogger with the site revealed the identity of his employers.

Speaking with Bloomberg reporters Tracy Alloway and Luke Kawa, Colin Lokey — described as a “political science graduate with an MBA and a Southern twang” — said he was part of a three-man team running Zero Hedge, the blog best known for its sensationalist headlines and bearish outlook on the world.

Lokey, 32, says the other men behind the site are 37-year-old Daniel Ivandjiiski, a Bulgarian former hedge fund analyst, and Tim Backshall, a 45-year-old credit derivatives strategist.

Lokey worked for Zero Hedge for more than a year, according to Bloomberg, but decided to go public after leaving the blog in what Bloomberg describes an “acrimonious departure” in which “two-thirds of the trio traded allegations of hypocrisy and mental instability.”

The identity of the bloggers running Zero Hedge has long been the subject of speculation in the financial community, with Ivandjiiski often cited as the likely source of much of the site’s content. As early as 2009, speculation that Ivandjiiski could be behind the blog appeared in US media, with a New York Post article titled “BLOGGER MAY HAVE A PAST” speculating that he was in fact behind Zero Hedge.

Ivandjiiski worked in a hedge fund before being kicked out of the securities industry during the height of the financial crisis in 2008 for insider trading, Bloomberg says.

Backshall frequently tweets under the handle @credittrader and has made appearances on CNBC. In 2012, for example, Backshall appeared on CNBC by phone to discuss the credit default swap market. The screenshot below is taken from that appearance.

Tim Backshall Zero Hedge
Backshall declined to comment to Bloomberg on the matter, while Ivandjiiski confirmed that the three men were the only ones on Zero Hedge’s payroll in the past year. He added: “Ultimately we wish Colin all the best, he’s clearly a troubled individual in many ways, and we are frankly disappointed that he’s decided to take his displeasure with the company in such a public manner.”

Secrecy at Zero Hedge is helped by the fact that all reports on the site are filed under the byline Tyler Durden, taken from one of the protagonists of the cult movie “Fight Club.”

The Durden byline reflects the character’s bleak outlook on the world, which is thought to be shared by the men behind Zero Hedge. Played by Brad Pitt, he despises the financial system and consumerism, frequently spouting lines like: “Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy s— we don’t need. We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place.”

That bleak, anticonsumerist approach is not true, Lokey told Bloomberg in an email. “What you are reading at Zero Hedge is nonsense,” he said. “And you shouldn’t support it. Two guys who live a lifestyle you only dream of are pretending to speak for you.”

Lokey told Bloomberg the site had a strong focus on traffic and making money and that headlines were discussed fervently to maximise traffic. This wasn’t denied by Ivandjiiski, who told Bloomberg: “Ultimately, the website makes money, and it’s profitable, which is also why we’ve never had to seek outside funding or any outside money — our only revenue is from advertising, always has been since day one. Obviously, every publisher’s mission is to maximise revenue and page views, and we think that we do it in a way that is appropriate.”

Since Bloomberg’s post was published, Zero Hedge has posted a rebuttal to the article, alleging that much of what Lokey told Bloomberg is in fact untrue, and that Lokey is “an emotionally unstable, psychologically troubled alcoholic with a drug dealer past, as per his own disclosures.”

Lokey earned $6,000 (£4,100) a month at Zero Hedge, he told Bloomberg, topped up with a $50,000 (£34,290) bonus.

You can read Bloomberg’s full “unmasking” here ... egade-blog

and Zero Hedge’s rebuttal here. ... zero-hedge ... ?r=US&IR=T

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Re: Zero Hedge articles now featuring Australian News.

Post by Juliar » Thu Sep 10, 2020 10:44 am

The sad thing is, Zero Hedge’s fear filled pessimistic readers are so indoctrinated by their propaganda Fake News that even after reading this breaking news, they are still likely to delude themselves into believing the fake news they are so used to consuming.

Zero Hedge’s Tyler Durden Outed as a Russian Agent
By MillionDollarBonus -October 9, 20173111280

Zero Hedge’s Tyler Durden is “Daniel Ivandjiiski”

As many accredited news reports have revealed, the real name of Zero Hedge’s Tyler Durden is “Daniel Ivandjiiski”, a name that raised many eyebrows due to its suspiciously Slavic origins.

But accredited journalists maintained their integrity for years, and refrained from voicing their suspicions that the mysterious Tyler Durden was in fact a Russian agent, running the notorious blog “Zero Hedge” as a Kremlin propaganda machine.

But today, the Accredited Times can finally say for sure that Daniel Ivandjiiski is in fact a Russian agent.

Last week, I told you that I was going away on one of my frequent LGBTQ+ rallies to block highways at rush hour to spread our message of love and acceptance. But in fact this was just a cover for a secret meeting with a group of anonymous sources at an undisclosed location, who revealed to me the shocking information that I am about to reveal to you.

The anonymous sources I met with are highly credible, some of whom have worked for Zero Hedge as undercover CIA agents, and some of whom have worked at the NSA and monitored the site for years. Many of you have read in accredited news publications that Daniel Ivandjiiski, the mastermind behind Zero Hedge, is a failed hedge fund manager who was charged with insider trading. But what was unknown to the public until now, is that shortly after his bankruptcy he found a job working for Russian intelligence, through one of his many Russian connections.

Russian intelligence was intrigued by Daniel’s financial expertise, and saw an opportunity to create a fake media outlet that could win the hearts and minds of many disgruntled Westerners, especially in light of the recent financial crisis which had generated a considerable amount of malice towards bankers and the financial industry.

They aimed to brand the site as an “anti-establishment” alternative voice to the mainstream financial media, playing on the resentment that common folk had towards the financial industry.

Ivandjiiski immediately began inventing conspiracy theories about how Goldman Sachs and other major financial institutions were “manipulating” the markets, pointing to their supposedly “unrealistic” 90%+ winning trading days per year.

He then invented a new conspiracy theory alleging that the silver price was being tremendously suppressed by a cabal of banks, which sucked millions of his naive readers into the silver bubble and eventually bankrupted them, much to the delight of his Russian handlers.

Daniel used his knowledge of Western pop culture to brand his fake news site with rebellious, defiant connotations, using references to the popular Western movie, Fight Club, to deceive his readers into thinking he was one of them.

The reference to Fight Club was a clever ploy to create a culture where anything goes, and where disagreement is encouraged, helping to foster a vicious, anti-Western attitude on the site, and to fuel the fire of hatred towards respected Western politicians, financiers and Federal Reserve officials.

The following image of Daniel Ivandjiiski working from his Russian military bunker behind layers of sophisticated proxy servers was leaked to us by US intelligence:


The sad thing is, Zero Hedge’s readers are so indoctrinated that even after reading this breaking news, they are still likely to delude themselves into believing the fake news they are so used to consuming.

Zero Hedge has successfully created legions of pro-Putin, pro-Trump drones who cannot be convinced that they are being brainwashed, no matter how much evidence is presented to them.

If we want to protect Western values and save our children from the Russians, then we have no choice whatsoever but to shut down subversive websites like Zero Hedge, and introduce licensing and accreditation for bloggers and internet journalists! ... ian-agent/

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Black Orchid
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Re: Zero Hedge articles now featuring Australian News.

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:16 pm

Tyler Durden is a pseudonym. Daniel Ivandjiiski is a Bulgarian former investment banker who lives in the US. He is not a Russian spy.

I think your article refers to Colin Lokey who was only at Zero Hedge for a short time and after that interview Bloomberg wrote ...
In April 2016, as part of its expose from the Colin Lokey interview, Unmasking the Men Behind Zero Hedge, Wall Street's Renegade Blog, Bloomberg Markets stated that since its founding in the middle of the financial crisis, "Zero Hedge has grown from a blog to an Internet powerhouse.
Followed by ...
In a May 2016 follow-up Bloomberg opinion piece, Noah Smith said: "Zero Hedge has become known as a source of cutting-edge news, rumors and gossip about the financial industry, as well as a haven for gold bugs, foes of the Federal Reserve and critics of high-frequency trading"; and also that: "But I've realized that the website is also something else—a kind of support group for financial industry workers who are worried about their own economic future in the face of sweeping changes in technology, regulation and demand".
Zero Hedge, per its motto,[a] is bearish in its investment outlook and analysis, often deriving from its adherence to the Austrian School of economics and credit cycles.[20] While often labeled as a financial permabear,[21][22] Zero Hedge has also been described as a source of "cutting-edge news, rumors and gossip in the financial industry"
It all boils down to one thing though. Don't be led by the main stream media and above all as Billy says, believe what you want to believe, and if any person or site is banned from Twitter, Instagram. Facebook, Google etc you need to look deeper at the reason why these leftist sites want to control what you read and see.

Don't be a moonbat.

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billy the kid
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Re: Zero Hedge articles now featuring Australian News.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:32 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:16 pm
Tyler Durden is a pseudonym. Daniel Ivandjiiski is a Bulgarian former investment banker who lives in the US. He is not a Russian spy.

I think your article refers to Colin Lokey who was only at Zero Hedge for a short time and after that interview Bloomberg wrote ...
In April 2016, as part of its expose from the Colin Lokey interview, Unmasking the Men Behind Zero Hedge, Wall Street's Renegade Blog, Bloomberg Markets stated that since its founding in the middle of the financial crisis, "Zero Hedge has grown from a blog to an Internet powerhouse.
Followed by ...
In a May 2016 follow-up Bloomberg opinion piece, Noah Smith said: "Zero Hedge has become known as a source of cutting-edge news, rumors and gossip about the financial industry, as well as a haven for gold bugs, foes of the Federal Reserve and critics of high-frequency trading"; and also that: "But I've realized that the website is also something else—a kind of support group for financial industry workers who are worried about their own economic future in the face of sweeping changes in technology, regulation and demand".
Zero Hedge, per its motto,[a] is bearish in its investment outlook and analysis, often deriving from its adherence to the Austrian School of economics and credit cycles.[20] While often labeled as a financial permabear,[21][22] Zero Hedge has also been described as a source of "cutting-edge news, rumors and gossip in the financial industry"
It all boils down to one thing though. Don't be led by the main stream media and above all as Billy says, believe what you want to believe, and if any person or site is banned from Twitter, Instagram. Facebook, Google etc you need to look deeper at the reason why these leftist sites want to control what you read and see.

Don't be a moonbat.
I read recently in the criticism of ZH above that "we all know that mainstream media is controlled
solely by the jewish mafia....."
When I read that, I did not read any further....laughable...
ZH not long ago exposed the worldwide lies about North Korea building up its military
where the mainstream media was printing photos of increased military gathering at a
particular site.
It turned out that the photos touted as "recent" by the MSM were taken a long long time ago.....
AND yes, they tried to ban ZH....
I think at the time, ZH were embroiled in a campaign trumpeting the need for free speech....
Funny that.....
The simple reason I refer to ZH articles is because they are now so often referring to
Australia, whereas in the past, they never did.
This is because Australia is constantly creating worldwide attention due to our
"handling" of the conjob19 plandemic by tyrannical politicians...
Our Trade War with China has also attracted attention.
Our politicians will sugar coat this and blame China.
China is not blameless...
However, if our government continually sides with the USA, what do you expect from
Theyre not going to say..."ok mate...thanx for that...."
In the meantime, the bulk of our media continue to shitcan Trump.
At some stage, the US will say.."hang on side with the US, but you
shitcan our Pres.....whats going on...."
Our politicians are extremely naive when it comes to using a little common sense...
Meanwhile, our barley, beef, and wine exports suffer...
One does not have to read ZH to see all this...
Its sticking out like dogs balls....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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billy the kid
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Re: Zero Hedge articles now featuring Australian News.

Post by billy the kid » Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:06 am

To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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billy the kid
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Re: Zero Hedge articles now featuring Australian News.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:04 pm ... irts-brown
Absolutely excellent article on Australia.....
May I be the first to congratulate the Deputy Police Commissioner on his wonderfully profound
He speaks so well...and makes me feel so proud....
Only recently he said he felt like a dog eating his own vomit...
Congratulations Commissioner.....wonderfully professional of you....
Australia is being used as a guinea pig....
As usual, the comments are not flattering.....
The eyes of the world are on Australia and its tyrannical response to
the conjob19 plandemic.....
Look around you you see what I see..... ... ORM=VRDGAR
Hunters and Collectors had a great song....same title....
We are being conned.....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Nom De Plume
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Re: Zero Hedge articles now featuring Australian News.

Post by Nom De Plume » Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:57 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:04 pm ... irts-brown
Absolutely excellent article on Australia.....
May I be the first to congratulate the Deputy Police Commissioner on his wonderfully profound
He speaks so well...and makes me feel so proud....
Only recently he said he felt like a dog eating his own vomit...
Congratulations Commissioner.....wonderfully professional of you....
Australia is being used as a guinea pig....
As usual, the comments are not flattering.....
The eyes of the world are on Australia and its tyrannical response to
the conjob19 plandemic.....
Look around you you see what I see..... ... ORM=VRDGAR
Hunters and Collectors had a great song....same title....
We are being conned.....
"But you will run your kunt mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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billy the kid
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Re: Zero Hedge articles now featuring Australian News.

Post by billy the kid » Fri Sep 18, 2020 12:39 pm ... ood-market
We made the hit parade again....
"The state of Victoria has enforced one of the most draconian coronavirus lockdowns in the developed world, with authorities giving themselves the powers to enter homes without a warrant and also seize people’s children.
As we highlighted earlier this month, a pregnant woman was arrested in her home in front of her own kids for the crime of posting about the protest on Facebook.
Police in Melbourne also announced that they would be using surveillance drones to catch people who don’t wear masks and to keep track of cars that travel further than 5km from home.
Journalist Avi Yemini was also dragged to the ground and arrested for merely covering an anti-lockdown protest in Melbourne.
Numerous videos have also emerged of people being forcibly arrested by police for not wearing masks."
Yep....Ostraya's going gangbusters with SloMo at the helm....steering a steady course
through the plebs....cracking skulls where necessary, ensuring that all the peasants kneel before
their illustrious leaders....
Over 500 comments by ZH readers...none of them flattering....
Australia...the lucky country.....come on down....
Meet our tyrannical leaders...make sure you get a selfie... flights.... :rofl
Maybe if your name is Hanks, youll get in... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Black Orchid
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Re: Zero Hedge articles now featuring Australian News.

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Sep 18, 2020 3:28 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Fri Sep 18, 2020 12:39 pm ... ood-market
We made the hit parade again....
"The state of Victoria has enforced one of the most draconian coronavirus lockdowns in the developed world, with authorities giving themselves the powers to enter homes without a warrant and also seize people’s children.
As we highlighted earlier this month, a pregnant woman was arrested in her home in front of her own kids for the crime of posting about the protest on Facebook.
Police in Melbourne also announced that they would be using surveillance drones to catch people who don’t wear masks and to keep track of cars that travel further than 5km from home.
Journalist Avi Yemini was also dragged to the ground and arrested for merely covering an anti-lockdown protest in Melbourne.
Numerous videos have also emerged of people being forcibly arrested by police for not wearing masks."
Yep....Ostraya's going gangbusters with SloMo at the helm....steering a steady course
through the plebs....cracking skulls where necessary, ensuring that all the peasants kneel before
their illustrious leaders....
Over 500 comments by ZH readers...none of them flattering....
Australia...the lucky country.....come on down....
Meet our tyrannical leaders...make sure you get a selfie... flights.... :rofl
Maybe if your name is Hanks, youll get in... :rofl
Scare tactics. It would be impossible to track everyone who ventures 5km from home. It's absurd.

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