Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

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billy the kid
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Sun Sep 06, 2020 5:17 pm

Mate of mine just told me that he posted several questions and scenarios on the Qld Government
website referrring to the AFL Grand Final and how 30,000 fans from NSW and Victoria were going to
be permitted entry into Qld.
He suggested that they could all seek accomodation in Tweed Heads, and then walk across the border
into Coolangatta without the need for a pass or any type of quarantine....(all coming from hotspots....)
They could then simply secure transportation to the ground, watch the game, and then return
to Tweed Heads unhindered...
Needless to say, his post was deleted almost immediately...
He re-posted it several times....
On each occasion it was deleted....
It seems that someone doesnt want anyone to know about this "glitch"
in the fantastic Qld border bubble......
Laughable.....absolutely laughable......
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Juliar » Mon Sep 07, 2020 10:15 pm

Now something in plain English devoid of hysterical predictions of the end of the world and neurotic depression dots.......

Will the vax be here in time to save wee Willy ?

Caring ScoMo is right onto this snapping up enough vaxs for all Australia plus the islands plus nearby Asia.

Vaccine next year—if it works!
AMM 07.09.20.


It should be called “The Great Race” as the world’s scientists struggle for first place in the quest for a workable coronavirus vaccine. Imagine the value of a patent? But right now a fully tested and proven vaccine is yet to be certified.

Free vaccinations for COVID-19 will be made available next year in Australia, depending on the outcome of “promising” drug trials, the Australian Government is expected to announced today. In a statement released late on Sunday, the Federal Government said that contingent on the outcome of ongoing trials, vaccines would be made available “progressively” throughout 2021, following a $1.7 billion supply and production agreement with pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca and CSL/Seqirus.

Free coronavirus vaccination to be made available throughout 2021, if trials prove successful, says Federal Government
Source: ABC

The agreements would see the University of Oxford/AstraZeneca and the University of Queensland/CSL provide more than 84.8 million vaccine doses for the Australian population, with early access to 3.8 million doses of the University of Oxford vaccine in January and February 2021.
For the latest news on the COVID-19 pandemic read our coronavirus update story.

If the Oxford vaccine trials prove successful and safe, it would be made available from the beginning of next year, while a UQ vaccine would be available mid-2021.

The agreements are for 33.8 million doses of an Oxford vaccine and 51 million doses of a UQ vaccine.

More than 95 per cent of the vaccine doses are expected to be manufactured in Australia, with each batch taking approximately one month to manufacture.

They are expected to be delivered monthly beginning in January, if they pass scientific testing and regulatory approval.
The full details of the agreements are expected to be officially announced on Monday by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, along with Health Minister Greg Hunt and the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews.
In a statement, Mr Morrison said both vaccines would need to be proven safe and effective in trials and meet regulatory requirements before being made publicly available.

“Australians will gain free access to a COVID-19 vaccine in 2021 if trials prove successful,” Mr Morrison said.
“By securing the production and supply agreements, Australians will be among the first in the world to receive a safe and effective vaccine, should it pass late-stage testing.
“There are no guarantees that these vaccines will prove successful, however, the agreement puts Australia at the top of the queue if our medical experts give the vaccines the green light.”

Australians will only need to take one of the successful vaccine candidates, with an initial dose followed by a booster dose of the same vaccine within weeks.
It is likely vulnerable people and front-line health workers will be provided with vaccinations first.

Large clinical trials are currently underway to test the vaccines,with the Oxford vaccine currently in a phase 3 trial of 30,000 people, and preliminary results expected to be available in December.
The UQ vaccine is in the early phase 1 clinical trial, which uses a small controlled group of people to see if it provokes an immune response. If successful, it will then move on to phase 2, which tests a few hundred people across different demographics

The Government has secured access to 84.8 million potential vaccine doses to cover Australia’s 25 million population in case one, or both, of the vaccines prove unsuccessful.
The Oxford vaccine doses are expected to cover as many as 16.9 million people, with the UQ vaccine doses to cover 25.5 million.
The statement said Mr Morrison was committed to ensuring access to vaccines for Pacific and South-East Asian countries, with both agreements allowing for additional orders to be negotiated and for doses to be donated or on-sold to other countries or international organisations at no mark-up.
If both vaccines prove successful, that could mean as many as 30 million doses could be provided to neighbouring countries.

According to the World Health Organization, there are 165 COVID-19 vaccine candidates in development with 32 in human trials and eight in the more advanced phase 3 trials.

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Juliar » Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:58 am

Apologies for no DOOM and GLOOM and End of the World predictions............

If Aussies watch only dictator Dan on the news constantly, no wonder Aussies remain ignorant.

Dan is nothing but a dictator who relished the power to destroy people’s lives and will never admit to knowing about these stats.

Only those who watch the MSN news will never have heard about the Communicable Diseases stats. Of course, it has been pointed out at the start that this cj19 is all about politics and not a virus.

Those who watch only MSN news also don’t know there are several other cures for this illness that are being stifled by farcebook, google, apple and the rest of the con news outlets.

Flooding the blood with oxygen and vitamins will kill this virus but the MSN say that chlorine dioxide is bleach which it is definitely not.

See good Sky News video.

Jones: The untold story about coronavirus
Sky News 07/09/2020.


Australians are unaware only 9% of COVID deaths are caused solely by virus.

Sky News host Alan Jones says Australians are not being told the facts which clearly show people are dying with coronavirus, not from it.

The Department of Health released the Communicable Diseases Intelligence Report on August 22, which said “comorbidities were common in those COVID-19 cases admitted to Australian sentinel hospitals”.

“With 78% recording at least one of the specified comorbidities; only 9% recorded no comorbidity,” the report continued. “Why are we not being told this?”

Comorbidity is the state of having multiple medical conditions at the same time, especially when they interact with each other in some way.

Morbidity is the state of being sick or having a disease.

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Juliar » Tue Sep 08, 2020 10:21 am

The Labor goons are closing ranks to try to protect Dangerous Dan down in Victoria.

There is a 'Labor mates' protection racket going on for Andrews

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese's criticism of the handling of the pandemic rings hollow given he is running a "Labor mates protection racket" for Premier Daniel Andrews, according to Sky News host Chris Kenny.

Mr Albanese on the ABC on Tuesday criticised the handling of the aged care crisis, which has been the main source of deaths throughout the pandemic.

A total of 335 deaths have been recorded coming from aged care facilities and home care.

Mr Kenny said the opposition leader was right to "make this attack".

"Yes, there is criticism to be made of the federal government especially about aged care … but your criticism rings pretty hollow if you are running a Labor mates protection racket," he said.

"(Daniel Andrews) has stuffed up quarantine, made a mess of contact tracing, had lax rules for infected people, failed to provide the right information to the public, and then blamed the people of Victoria for all the problems, and locked them down under a curfew.

"Albanese can't have any credibility on pandemic criticisms if he can't be up front enough to recognise and learn from the shambles under the Andrews Labor government."

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:20 pm

The Stalag Victoria Germ Bubble.
This is another example of the "expert medical" advice our political grubs are supposed to be receiving.
If you have a germ bubble visitor, that visitor has to wear a mask when he/she visits you.
BUT if the relationship is an intimate one, there is no need for the mask.
Work that one out.
Also if a germ bubble visitor arrives at the door, then if anyone has a housemate or a spouse, then that
person, if in attendance, has to leave.
This is is laughable...
This is the expert advice...
You can have sex with your germ bubble partner, not wear a mask, but if youre not in a
sexual relationship with your germ bubble partner, you have to sit there having a cup of tea
with your mask on...
What happens if everyone loses track of time, and 9pm arrives...
Whoops.....who stays and who leaves....
All within 5K I presume....
What a fuckup....
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:54 pm

Sutton states regarding the above that the situation is going to be reconsidered.
Isnt all this based on expert medical advice.
Oh....I see....the politicians will reconsider the medical advice, and then decide.
That means that they have power to overrule the expert medical advice.
Whats the difference between two people visiting each other in a relationship and
two people visiting each other but are not in a relationship.
The intimacy of the relationship has absolutely nothing to do with it.
This is so petty.
What constitutes a single....
What if four guys share a dwelling...
Can each of them have a germ bubble buddy..
Can they all visit at once...
That means there will be eight people together in the same dwelling..
They are all singles...
Why cant they each have a germ bubble buddy...
BUT according to Andrews, they cant visit all at the same time...
Nothing will change.....
It will all just get worse..... :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Juliar » Tue Sep 08, 2020 4:44 pm

Now are you already immune to the virus ?

ScoMo's vaccine will be of most interest to sick and elderly people with weak immunity.

How do pandemics usually end? And how will this one finish?
ABC Health & Wellbeing / By Tegan Taylor Posted 7hhours ago, updated 6 hours ago

A group of nurses wear face masks during the 1919 Spanish Flu outbreak.
Masks were a common sight during the 1918 influenza pandemic, and again now, just over a century later.(State Library Of Queensland)

Just over 100 years ago, a new strain of influenza infected a third of the world's population — but within just three years, the threat of this deadly flu had all but passed.

This was a time before modern medical care and even before humans understood what viruses were. So what's changed since then?

It's a question plenty of you have asked in recent months: how do pandemics end? And how will the one we're currently living through end?

Three ingredients for a pandemic
An infectious agent needs three conditions to cause a pandemic, says virologist Kirsty Short from the University of Queensland:

1.It needs to cause disease in humans
2.It needs to be highly transmissible
3.We need to have no pre-existing immunity to it

"For example, we live with MERS today," says Dr Short, referring to Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome, a coronavirus that is related to the one that causes COVID-19.

"It hasn't caused a pandemic yet because it's not highly transmissible from person to person.

"In contrast, the seasonal coronaviruses that we get, probably at one point were a pandemic, and they've just become these seasonal colds that we don't really care about because we've evolved immunity to them."

Stay up-to-date on the coronavirus outbreak
Download the ABC News app and subscribe to our range of news alerts for the latest on how the pandemic is impacting the world

In terms of the three ingredients that make a pandemic, when it comes to COVID-19 there's not much we can do to stop the coronavirus from infecting us, because that's based on the biology of the virus and us as humans.

With physical distancing and masks, we are somewhat able to pull that second lever of not allowing the virus to transmit as much.

But the big thing that stops a virus becoming a pandemic — that is, a large-scale outbreak affecting multiple countries or continents — is the third factor: immunity.

"Herd immunity can be achieved through natural infection or vaccination," Dr Short says.

Read on here and become an expert on the Virus. ... d/12596954

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Thu Sep 10, 2020 10:01 am ... o-visit-hi
AND people wonder why I detest politicians...
A man has terminal cancer and he is told he has to chose which one of his children
can visit him...
Heartless and incompetent....
They have a special unit of 80 bureaucrats to receive and determine applications for such
Havent they got the foresight to realize the backlash that will occur if these decisions
are taken. need brains to have foresight....
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Fred » Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:41 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Thu Sep 10, 2020 10:01 am ... o-visit-hi
AND people wonder why I detest politicians...
A man has terminal cancer and he is told he has to chose which one of his children
can visit him...
Heartless and incompetent....
They have a special unit of 80 bureaucrats to receive and determine applications for such
Havent they got the foresight to realize the backlash that will occur if these decisions
are taken. need brains to have foresight....
The link does not work.

However, you could simply answer, are you talking about the daughter who could not visit her father and now cannot attend funeral in QLD??? Or is this another one???

I can understand the need to control this outbreak but 20 days to get an exemption. This is where we can agree on incompetent government. Why should it take so long??? Are there not enough people to process the requests??? Perhaps, instead of paying everybody to stay home out of work they could start employing more people to work in getting things done better throughout the crisis.

It just begs belief that these types of situations continue to raise their ugly head, because government are just too incompetent to carry out the most basics of consideration for their community…

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billy the kid
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:38 pm

Fred wrote:
Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:41 pm
billy the kid wrote:
Thu Sep 10, 2020 10:01 am ... o-visit-hi
AND people wonder why I detest politicians...
A man has terminal cancer and he is told he has to chose which one of his children
can visit him...
Heartless and incompetent....
They have a special unit of 80 bureaucrats to receive and determine applications for such
Havent they got the foresight to realize the backlash that will occur if these decisions
are taken. need brains to have foresight....
The link does not work.

However, you could simply answer, are you talking about the daughter who could not visit her father and now cannot attend funeral in QLD??? Or is this another one???

I can understand the need to control this outbreak but 20 days to get an exemption. This is where we can agree on incompetent government. Why should it take so long??? Are there not enough people to process the requests??? Perhaps, instead of paying everybody to stay home out of work they could start employing more people to work in getting things done better throughout the crisis.

It just begs belief that these types of situations continue to raise their ugly head, because government are just too incompetent to carry out the most basics of consideration for their community…
No..this is another incident...
Young has just bullshitted her way through a presso in which she came across as an absolute
moron...Ive totally lost interest in posting about government incompetence...
It beggars belief that the prime minister of this country has to get on the phone and virtually
chastise another politician for not allowing a daughter to attend her own fathers funeral...
How does this look to the rest of the world...
The laughable point about this is the "polls" which supposedly support the Qld Premier.
The polls are all bullshit.....lies...
The people in the street off camera will tell you a different story.....
I know....Ive talked to them....
The Premier, amongst the people I spoke to, is hated......
I also laughed when she said that the afl teams and people like Hanks
support the economy....
Whats that got to do with the public health issues...
Its statements like this that make people shake their heads....
Its obvious from statements of this nature that the content of the statement INFLUENCES
her decisions as to whether someone gets an exemption OR NOT...
Both women are imbeciles.... :roll: :roll: :roll:
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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