The bullshit thread

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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Mon Aug 24, 2020 12:18 pm ... areas/ar-B
Ever noticed how often politicians use the pronoun "I" compared to the pronoun "WE"
Jeanette Young uses the pronoun "I" in all her the link carefully.....
I wont do this....
I want that...
Ive decided this....
Ive decided that.....
Is Jeanette Young simply highlighting HER ambitious goals regarding the elimination of the conjob19 virus.
She has stated on numerous occasion her decisions regarding the virus...
She never refers to the governments plans...
Would her use of the pronoun "I" indicate her desire to exercise power over the peasants...
By using the word "I" it indicates her desires, her concerns, her opinions....her identity...
BUT isnt she part of a team...
Shouldnt she be using the word "WE"...
After all....
Arent WE all in this together..... :rofl
When I hear politicians using the word "I" it creates a totally different perspective around
what is being said....
"WE" tends to give the peasants a sense of belonging to a community....
"I" suggests we are being dictated to...
The use of the word "I" assumes all responsibility and the desire to place ones own personalities
and ideas to the fore....
The use of the word "I" so often by Jeanette Young tells us more about her personality than
she is aware of.....
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:15 am

SO I wonder what the latest is on the "mandatory" vaccine....
That falsity died in the arse pretty quick didnt it.....
I suppose the media whores will bring it up again when it suits them...
They will support the grubberment and attempt to brainwash the punters
into believing that a mandatory vaccine is a good thing....
WHAT did Voltaire say.....
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can also make you commit
Governments know that emotional people are easy to manipulate....
The conjob19 virus is more dangerous than the flu....we are told.... its not....
The media whores support the grubberment, and all the brainwashed sheeple
believe the media...
The media would have us believe that this is the ONLY disease in history
that needed a politician imposed lockdown to stop it.....
LIES....ALL LIES...... :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:31 pm

Over 2 million people have been tested for the conjob19 virus in NSW....
2.019 million to be exact....
Number of positive tests.....
Thats a percentage of about .2% of tests which have returned positive....
That means that 99.98% of people tested return a negative test.....
Of these, 52 people have died.....
How many were from the Ruby Princess....
How many were from overseas...
How many had underlying symptoms....
How many were smokers.....
Borders are closed....
The economy is ruined....
People have lost their jobs, livelihoods, businesses...
We dont have to repeat all the negatives.....
AND all we get is apologies.....
The governments stuffed up the protection of aged care nursing homes....
They didnt have a plan....
BUT they did apologize...... :giggle :giggle :giggle
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:54 pm ... 6131d46c1c
Oh puleeaze....
Gimme a break Mr Smug.....
By Friday, people living on the borders who are unable to cross a border will be able to
seek a review of any refusal of permission to cross the border.....
In other words, Mr Smug, in his infinite wisdom, (after how many months).....has decided
that the peasants will be able to appeal any decision stopping them from crossing a border....
Will these appeals be dealt with by another bureaucratic moron....
How long will the appeals take to be finalized....
"Mr Morrison said National Cabinet had achieved many great things over the past six months but he understood that Australians were “frustrated” by the restrictions."
What has the National Cabinet achieved....
Name those achievements...
This is just more political grandstanding by Mr. Smug....
Whilst people are suffering, politicians tell us that "we are all in this together...."
AND if we "obey the rules, we can defeat the virus..."
NO....WE are not all in this together....
Politicians have not taken a pay cut...they have not suffered as the peasants
have suffered....they have not lost one cent....
WE are NOT all in this together...
Only last week, Mr Smug was telling us that they were working towards having exemptions
granted for border crossings for real estate agents, teachers, farmers, tradies and so on....
BY 1st JANUARY, 2021...
THIS recent announcement that people will be able to appeal is absolute garbage...
AND the AMA calls for a Royal Commission into the Stalag Victoria fiasco, calling it a
"slow car wreck...."
The Australian peasants have been failed badly by our political leaders....
Their response to the conjob19 plandemic has been a disgrace......
AND the gutless media continue to pander to them....
Nothing changes.... :giggle :giggle :giggle
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Fri Aug 28, 2020 2:14 pm ... d=msedgntp
Political grandstanding by Mr Smug....
Morrison wants to wield the big stick when it comes to Victoria entering deals with China....
When it comes to the issue of border closures.....
Aaah well...its up to the States....they make their own rules....
ALTHOUGH we ...(the Australian Grubberment) would like to see borders remain open....
It seems as though Mr. Smug is quite happy to tilt his sword at windmills such as China....
BUT refuses to.....or cant do anything about border closures....
Tell me thats not grandstanding by the chief of the Australian flim flam brigade.....
AND of course when its convenient, Mr Smug moans about Chairman Dan and the creation of
Stalag Victoria....
BUT he insists that the Australian Grubberment is responsible for the aged care sector in Australia...
MR Smug seems to talk like a typical snake oil salesman....
Bullshit wrapped in dogshit....
Nothing changes.... :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:01 am

I see the ABC (aka Channel Buttrose) is reporting "Fears that certain Victoria local governments
could return to all male councils with concerns that fewer women will stand due to corona
virus concerns.
"FEARS"....why use the word "fears"...
WHY not simply report the possibility...
IS this mischievous journalism to simply create attention to the headline...
Is it simply sensationalising the issue...
Wouldnt this be a good thing if it occurred...
Why not have a council full of men...
Couldnt have that, could we....
Irrespective of talent or competence....we must have women on the council...
Why does Channel Buttrose incessantly promote women...
AS IF men are non existent....
Garbage news from a garbage channel... :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:33 pm
Mass protests in Germany over conjob19 plandemic lockdowns....
38,000 protestors.....300 arrested...
Not covered by Ostrayan media....
Cant have the Ostrayan peasants see that...
They might get ideas...
Gotta protect the grubberment....
Just ignore it...... :rofl :rofl :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:45 pm ... /ar-BB18xa
$550 million to aged care....
More policy on the run.....
Bit fkn late Greg...... :rofl
41 dead today in wait....only 8...the others died a month ago...
I smell a rat....cant have those figures being known....just "doctor" them down a bit...
I know just tell the peasants they died last month.....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:16 pm

Great to see that the talking heads have exposed the fact that 22% of kiddies arrive at
Kindergarten unprepared for Kindergarten.
The answer to this is to campaign for more child care funding...
NO mention whatsoever of the incompetent parenting which creates the kid who isnt
ready to go to school yet.
Instead we should be campaigning for more child care funding...
We shouldnt forget of course, that 85% of child care funding is paid for by the government.
How bout instead we get parents to become more competent...or is that asking too
much of the peasants these days...
No wonder the kids are growing up stupid these days..... :shock: :shock: :shock:
Last edited by billy the kid on Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:26 pm

Too many people expect kindergarten/school to do the parenting for them. I've even seen it written here and, I agree, it's why we now have a generation of idiots that the parents think are wonderful.

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