New virus from shithole China

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Nom De Plume
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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Nom De Plume » Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:09 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:55 pm
Nom De Plume wrote:
Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:46 pm
billy the kid wrote:
Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:04 pm
Wont it be great when the plandemic is all over.....
We wont have to view footage of plebs sitting in their cars with their
gobs wide open getting tested for the virus....or worse still with the testing
apparatus being shoved up their snouts.....
I have to compliment our gutter journalists as they ensure that all viewers get
a birdseye view down some strangers gob....
Nothing like a bit of variety as youre partaking of the evening meal....
Ooh look...that plebs got fillings in her back teeth....
Ooh look...that ones got a tongue stud.....
Quality viewing....absolute top drawer stuff.……. :OMG
Aren't you the silly billy for watching.... Rather surprised that you watch trash news! It doesn't fit with your M.O!
I must have been channel surfing at the time.... :rofl
Channel surfing? Oh yeah... I forgot about that. I don't use an aerial... I stream everything.
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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by BigP » Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:48 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:24 pm
I agree...BO...
I have pretty much reached the stage where apart from channel surfing, all I will watch
these days is motor cycle racing, golf, horseracing, favourite movies which I have probably
seen so often I can repeat the dialogue before its spoken, and re-runs of Seinfeld, Becker
and Two and A Half Men.....that's about it....oh and RBT, to laugh at all the brain surgeons
they pull over...... :lol:
The news, apart from being totally biased, is just crap, and is full of grammatical errors and
muppets sitting/standing there waving their hands around for emphasis...which seems to be
the flavour of the month these days.....
Ive just ordered a new book...All The Presidents Bankers by Nomi Prims...on the recommendation
of a friend....
"".All The Presidents Bankers by Nomi Prims...on the recommendation
of a friend....""

Im sure it will be an interesting read,Just keep in mind the agenda of the author, Its a cop out to blame the successful for the worlds problems, When you have finished, try reading something about the failure of socialism to deliver to the masses, I have no doubt what system I prefer to live in :f

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Bobby » Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:01 pm

And now another virus just as bad as Covid-19 and it's in China.

Flu virus with 'pandemic potential' found in China

By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online

A new strain of flu that has the potential to become a pandemic has been identified in China by scientists.

It emerged recently and is carried by pigs, but can infect humans, they say.

The researchers are concerned that it could mutate further so that it can spread easily from person to person, and trigger a global outbreak.

While it is not an immediate problem, they say, it has "all the hallmarks" of being highly adapted to infect humans and needs close monitoring.

As it's new, people could have little or no immunity to the virus.

The scientists write in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that measures to control the virus in pigs, and the close monitoring of swine industry workers, should be swiftly implemented.
Pandemic threat

A bad new strain of influenza is among the top disease threats that experts are watching for, even as the world attempts to bring to an end the current coronavirus pandemic.

The last pandemic flu the world encountered - the swine flu outbreak of 2009 that began in Mexico - was less deadly than initially feared, largely because many older people had some immunity to it, probably because of its similarity to other flu viruses that had circulated years before.

That virus, called A/H1N1pdm09, is now covered by the annual flu vaccine to make sure people are protected.

The new flu strain that has been identified in China is similar to 2009 swine flu, but with some new changes.

So far, it hasn't posed a big threat, but Prof Kin-Chow Chang and colleagues who have been studying it, say it is one to keep an eye on.

The virus, which the researchers call G4 EA H1N1, can grow and multiply in the cells that line the human airways.

They found evidence of recent infection starting in people who worked in abattoirs and the swine industry in China.

Current flu vaccines do not appear to protect against it, although they could be adapted to do so if needed.

Prof Kin-Chow Chang, who works at Nottingham University in the UK, told the BBC: "Right now we are distracted with coronavirus and rightly so. But we must not lose sight of potentially dangerous new viruses."

While this new virus is not an immediate problem, he says: "We should not ignore it."

Prof James Wood, head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cambridge, said the work "comes as a salutary reminder" that we are constantly at risk of new emergence of pathogens, and that farmed animals, with which humans have greater contact than with wildlife, may act as the source for important pandemic viruses.

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Bobby » Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:24 pm

It's an H1N1 flu -
just like the Spanish flu -

we're doomed.

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:47 pm

China the gift that just keeps on giving! :roll:

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Bobby » Tue Jun 30, 2020 6:13 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:47 pm
China the gift that just keeps on giving! :roll:
How many more diseases do they have?

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Nom De Plume » Fri Jul 03, 2020 12:38 pm

A new study about the possible origin of the coronavirus has found that Covid-19 is not natural in origin.

The study, led by Norwegian virologist Birger Sorensen, has found that the coronavirus’s spike protein contains sequences that appear to be artificially inserted.

“The inserted sequences should never have been published. Had it been today, it would never have happened. It was a big mistake the Chinese made. The inserted sequences have a functionality that we describe. We explain why they are essential. But the Chinese pointed to them first”, Sorensen said.

The researchers found that the virus had been doctored to bind to humans. They pointed out that it has hardly mutated since it began to infect humans, suggesting that it was already fully adapted to humans.

Former MI6 head Richard Dearlove has backed the claim. He suggested that scientists may have been carrying out gene-splicing experiment, but rejected theories that this may have been for malevolent purposes. ... ntel-head/

Now, the onus is on the rest of the virology boffins to prove otherwise.
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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jul 03, 2020 3:46 pm

I'm not sure anything about this is real. I believe CV exists but I really don't believe the veracity of it.

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:09 pm

Coronavirus response is being driven by politics.

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by cods » Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:12 am

my guess is

trumps team came to him and said call it off.... not the other way round..

tio carry on as if this chaos isnt happening in AMERIKA is ridiculous.

if people are not dropping by the numbers.. they are killing each other...

yet trump almost doesnt see it.......its barely mentioned....

its a bit like covid I am sure he thinks if he ignores it it will go away...

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