Greenies want to start a Black Power disruption in Australia

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Black Orchid
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Re: Greenies want to start a Black Power disruption in Australia

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:38 pm

I am glad Gladys woke up. It will end up being just a bunch of rabble-rousers with an agenda.

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Re: Greenies want to start a Black Power disruption in Australia

Post by Juliar » Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:18 pm

Not to mention the thousands of Rent A Crowds all on WELFARE that the Greenies always get to make it look bigger.

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Re: Greenies want to start a Black Power disruption in Australia

Post by sprintcyclist » Fri Jun 05, 2020 7:34 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:38 pm
I am glad Gladys woke up. It will end up being just a bunch of rabble-rousers with an agenda.
yes, they can fine a lot of people if they turn up
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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Re: Greenies want to start a Black Power disruption in Australia

Post by Juliar » Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:02 pm

Sick Diseased Greeny insanity flies into top gear as they prepare to topple statues as part of their push to create a Black Power Movement here in Australia to cause endless mayhem and destruction.

The Greeny NAZI Party with its Führer the hated and despised Adolf Bandt is seizing the opportunity to copy cat the USA Black affair to push their highly destructive anti-Australian agenda here to attack the Australian Society run by old white men which is now clearly a matter of National Security!!

Save Australia from treachery - DO NOT VOTE for the EVIL GREENIES!!!!

Madness is contagious: expect attack on Captain Cook!
AMM 11.06.20. Jacquelin Magnay ' is the European Correspondent for The Australian, based in London.

Captain Cook who circum-navigated the WORLD.

Ms Magnay has been watching the destruction of historic statues by the lunatic reactionaries in reply to the death of black criminal George Floyd in the US—once again proving just how well organised anarchists are to be able to mobilise large groups in major cities in many countries around the world within hours.

That mayhem contagion is sure to be already stirring the local pea-brained mob of bludgers just like it has before with acts of vandalism upon Australia’s historic statues—Captain James Cook in particular! Good people will again suffer various bastards savaging the hand that feeds them! Such mongrels should be held accountable and compelled to pay for all damages!

An activists site urging Britons to “Topple The Racists’’ has identified Captain James Cook statues to be removed across the country.

Topple The Racists, linked to the “Stop Trump Coalition’’ and backing Black Lives Matter supporters, has listed more than 60 statues and monuments around Britain to follow in the ­destruction of the Bristol statue of 17th-­century slave trader and philanthropist Edward Colston, which was thrown into Bristol Harbour on Monday. ... c4dff63221

James Cook next in statue protesters’ sights
Source: Jacquelin Magnay, News Corp

The Topple list includes a statue of Cook in the village of his boyhood home of Great Ayton in North Yorkshire.
“James Cook was a colonialist who murdered Maori people in their homeland,” the site says.

There are several British statues commemorating Cook’s exploration in the Pacific, including a large statue overlooking Whitby, where he learned his sea-crafting skills, and in The Mall, in London.

The momentum to destroy and remove historic statues, some many centuries old, has sparked fury in Britain, with commentators saying it was rewriting history and that the achievements of those honoured was not being viewed in the context of their time, and pointing out that many statues being targeted didn’t have anything to do with slavery.

London mayor Sadiq Khan said London had to face an uncomfortable truth about its links to slavery and all London statues and streets would be reviewed; any with slavery connections should be taken down.

This week, a statue of slaveholder Robert Milligan, who owned plantations and more than 500 slaves in Jamaica, was removed from outside the Museum of London Docklands.

On Tuesday, Black Lives Matter supporters chanted “Rhodes, you’re next’’ after gathering outside Oriel college at Oxford University to demand the Cecil Rhodes monument be removed.

Others on the Topple The Racists hitlist includes monuments of Sir Francis Drake at Plymouth, Sir Robert Peel, Christopher Columbus, Horatio Nelson, William Gladstone and Oliver Cromwell.

The Topple The Racists site said of Peel: “He was pivotal in setting up the police forces which maintained British rule in Ireland and a system which led to the poverty, famine and displacement of Irish people.

“Colonialism and racism — in this case anti-Catholic sentiment — are central to British history. Not only that but with the legitimacy of current policing in question, the history of policing, its origins in colonialism and its role in suppressing dissent deserves greater scrutiny.’’

The Cecil John Rhodes statue at the University of Oxford’s Oriel College. Picture: Getty Images

The activists say that sea captain­ Drake should be remembered not for his discoveries but for his contribution to the slave trade with cousin John Hawkins.

They said he attacked native villages and stole human cargo from Portuguese slave ships, transporting the slaves to the Spanish Caribbean.
Oxford University law student Ndjodi Ndeunyema, a former Rhodes scholar, organised the ­Oxford rally on Tuesday after starting the “Rhodes Must Fall” campaign five years ago.

“The glorification of him through his statue remaining here is an affront on the university’s support for movements such as Black Lives Matter,” Mr Ndeun­yema said. “Rhodes is not worthy of veneration or glorification because­ of the racism and sub­jugation he represents.”

Those protesting also knelt in respect of black man George Floyd, who was killed by a white policeman, sparking two weeks of protests across the US and in several other countries, including Australia. ... c4dff63221

What do the ordinary people reckon ?

Muphin 11/06/2020, 7:32 am
Isn’t saying ONE colour “black” lives matter RACIST?? What about White, Asian, Chinese, Japanese, Melanesian, Indian, Eskimo, North American Indian, the list is endless, DON’T these coloured peoples lives matter?
Where are these idiots going to get their “Rhodes Scholarships” from???

Lorraine 11/06/2020, 9:08 am
you think they have the ability to be Rhodes Scholars , really lol

TL46 11/06/2020, 7:33 am
I have said for a long time now that ballot papers in State and Federal elections should be issued by the tax office to taxpayers and retired taxpayers only and that they be the only ones allowed to vote. That way the people who fund the Government are the ones who chose the Government.

Theydon Wood 11/06/2020, 9:14 am
We’ve already got tax payer suffrage.
Tax payers suffer while the rest make hay.

Aktosplatz 11/06/2020, 7:42 am
This is what happens with our dumbed down education where even the subject of History has been manipulated and politically changed.
British Heritage is being systemically eradicated with the removal of these statues because of reasons that are outright lies, and that is what the Communists want. Nigel Farage has suggested George Soros is behind all of this.
I’m sure he’s right.

ibbit 11/06/2020, 8:15 am
You have a point about history, but even if it was correctly taught, it would make no difference. The thing that marks the protesters out is a lack of brain power.
They are out there, not because they believe in or have convictions about anything of import, but because they are vindictive, little minded people who just love to take advantage of protests to satisfy their destructive lusts, be that statues or governments.
This is what happens when you break down discipline, respect for people and property, undermine family authority and policing, have courts tell criminals what good people they are.
We reap what we sow is the lesson not learnt.

Pensioner Pete 11/06/2020, 8:07 am
Another nail in the Puzzleduck political coffin should these lunatics get a free ride in Queensland where there are quite a number of statues commemorating Captain James Cook, the recognised as the greatest navigator of all time.

The latest YouGov poll as shown in The Courier Mail today, shows both the ALP and the LNP are being ditched by voters with a swing to the minor parties launching fears of an unworkable Queensland parliament for the next four-year term.

I don’t have a lot of faith in polls as more times than not, they are so far off the mark it isn’t funny, however, PP hopes this is one of the rare poll results being accurate.

Given the local talk out here and elsewhere is about ditching the major parties for One Nation, there are possibilities of a political upheaval coming for Queensland.

wal1957 11/06/2020, 9:34 am
Let’s hope so PP. I refuse to vote for ‘the lesser of 2 evils’ anymore.
As a lot of people have been saying – the choice between labor lite and labor does not encourage a vote from me.
Both Labor and Liberal parties have become captive to the twitterati shrills and sjws. I refuse to vote for either party when they can’t stand by their principles and are so willing to be swayed by the vocal minority, just so they can claim to be woke.

Aktosplatz 11/06/2020, 1:52 pm
I agree with all of what you guys are saying. I despise the LNP. ALP and the Greens. The minor parties are comprised of hard working individuals who have copped a lot of flak for their stance.
They are worth a go.

Maryanne 11/06/2020, 9:07 am
The really big elephant in the room is: WY DO GOVERNMENTS PERMIT THIS MAYHEM? They have police forces supposedly to keep the peace yet they refuse to let them do their job. Crack a few heads. Arrest them and make them pay their fines. Throw them in the clink if they refuse. The silent long-suffering majority would applaud. The ‘human rights’ wankers would scream and appeal to international bodies. Ignore them! Stand up for national sovereignty and legal independence over the wankers’ ‘interdependent’ law.

Lorraine 11/06/2020, 9:25 am
most Labor State Governments rely on the wanker vote to be elected, I think that is your answer Maryanne. and the Liberal States are practicing woke , thinking the mob may vote for them

wal1957 11/06/2020, 9:35 am
Agree with both Maryanne and Lorraine

Soroako 11/06/2020, 10:10 am
Agree 100% with your sentiments Maryanne. But we know that our governments will bend the knee to the noisy minority [aided & abetted by the left dominated media] and allow desecration of our monuments.

The hysteria over the cop murdering George Floyd has been fanned by the left and I’m surprised that we haven’t had a statue of him erected to him so that we can all go pay homage to the life of criminal who served multiple gaol sentences – including home invasion during which he poked a loaded gun into the belly of a pregnant woman.

During the height of the rioting and looting by the sensitive souls who were in mourning for George Floyd a group of black men were in the midst of stealing TV sets from a pawn shop when they were interrupted by David Dorn – a 77 year old former Police Chief. One of the mourners shot and killed Dorn – and one of the mourners thought it would be appropriate to live broadcast his death on Facebook.
The fact that David Dorn was a Black man was of no consequence. ... u-n2570219
Meanwhile Black on Black killings in Chicago broke a 60+ year old record last weekend. Chicago has some of the strictest gun ownership laws in the USA and ranks at or near the top of murder rates per head every year.

The USA is on a downward spiral and it can largely be blamed on the push by Democrats buying the votes of the poor and uneducated. As the percentage of Caucasians slides it will get worse.

And the media [including Hollywood] will keeping fanning the flames of resentment and violence.

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Re: Greenies want to start a Black Power disruption in Australia

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:25 pm

Re the Rhodes statue ...
A video clip out of Oxford, UK shows two protesters demanding the removal of the Cecil Rhodes statue before admitting they don’t even know who he is.

Thousands of demonstrators gathered outside Oxford’s Oriel College yesterday to demand the removal of “imperialist” Rhodes statue because it is “incompatible” with the city’s “commitment to anti-racism.”

However, it appeared as though some of them didn’t even know why they were there.

“Do you support tearing down the statue?” two men, who both appear to be Muslims, are asked by a woman.

“Yeah,” they respond.

“Why are you against it?” she enquires.

“To be honest, I don’t actually know who he is,” responds one of the men.

“And this has just proved my point, they haven’t got a clue about the history of the things they hate, they just do so because they are being told to,” said one respondent to the clip.

Meanwhile, a local council in Poole, Dorset is attempting to remove a statue of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of the scouts, but residents have turned up to protect it.

Tards the lot of them.

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Re: Greenies want to start a Black Power disruption in Australia

Post by Juliar » Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:30 pm

Put bluntly they are mad as cut snakes!!! Just Welfare Supported Rent A Crowds out for a thrill. Now if the Virus wanted to do some really GOOD WORK...

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Re: Greenies want to start a Black Power disruption in Australia

Post by BigP » Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:51 pm

Juliar wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:41 am
Anyone could see this coming as the Greenies have been trying for years to stir the Aboriginies up into a Black Power Movement like that in the USA because they think it be very disruptive to the hated Australian society controlled by old white men. Think Australia Day protests.

So the Greenies, thrilled by the disruption in the USA, decided to try to extend the US protests into Australia by holding copy cat protests.

Also, the episode at Surry Hills where a policeman slam dunked an Aboriginal threatening him, has played right into the evil Greenies hands.

The Greenies are like a cancer gnawing at the vitals of Australia and they are funded and controlled by hostile overseas groups who HATE Australia.

Do you want to POISON Australia ? Then VOTE for the sadistic Greenies, the Australian NAZI Party with their FÜHRER the loathed and hated ADOLF BANDT.

Now what disruptive hate will the evil Greenies try next ? And these same sick Greenies are the Coalition Partner of the Labor Party!!!!!

‘For the better’: Hundreds march in Black Lives Matter rally in Sydney CBD
Gus McCubbing 10:54pm, Jun 2, 2020 Updated: 12:06am, Jun 3

Protesters marching during a Black Lives Matter protest in Sydney on Tuesday night, following the US death of George Floyd. Photo: AAP

Hundreds have marched through Sydney’s CBD in solidarity with those protesting in the US over the death of George Floyd while being arrested in Minneapolis.

Starting from Hyde Park about 5pm on Tuesday, the 500 people at the rally chanted “Black lives matter” and “I can’t breathe” as they weaved their way past NSW Parliament before arriving at Martin Place.

The protesters – most of whom wore masks – could also be heard chanting “always was, always will be Aboriginal land” as they simultaneously marched for the more than 400 indigenous Australians who have died in police custody since 1991.

Gadigal man Tristan Field, who spoke at the start of the Black Lives Matter rally in Hyde Park, commended organisers for putting black voices at the forefront of the action.
“This mob has let the black people lead this movement for the better,” Mr Field told AAP.
“When I was a kid I got harassed by the police,” Mr Field said.
“I remember what it was like to live in fear and I know what it’s like to be scared that you might die.”

The 26-year-old said he wasn’t surprised by an incident in Surry Hills on Monday that saw an Aboriginal teenager taken to hospital after having his legs kicked out from beneath him as he was arrested.

NSW Police are investigating the incident and on Tuesday placed the male officer who arrested the teenager on restricted duties.

Another protester, Tegan Smith, said the arrest in Surry Hills “really hits home for me”.

“I have a younger brother the same age and every day I wonder if he’ll be the next one harassed by police,” the 23-year-old Aboriginal woman said.

“It’s scary and disgusting to be reminded police are doing this, even if it’s not surprising.”

Former Sydney Kings announcer and Australian basketball icon Rodney Overby, who grew up Philadelphia, said he regularly heard about incidents similar to the Surry Hills arrest in other parts of the world.

“That is news every day … it’s just because of this brother George being killed in the United States that people are arking up about it,” the 54-year-old told AAP.

“We’re coming together to say: ‘stop killing us’.”

NSW Police said no arrests were made at the rally. ... ly-sydney/
If its any consolation to you, when the dust settles, They will realise that its the old white guys that are paying their welfare tab, and when things will settle down , Antifa are just a passing fad :OMG

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Re: Greenies want to start a Black Power disruption in Australia

Post by Black Orchid » Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:06 pm

BigP wrote:
Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:51 pm
If its any consolation to you, when the dust settles, They will realise that its the old white guys that are paying their welfare tab, and when things will settle down , Antifa are just a passing fad :OMG
I admire your optimism lol.

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Re: Greenies want to start a Black Power disruption in Australia

Post by BigP » Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:16 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:06 pm
BigP wrote:
Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:51 pm
If its any consolation to you, when the dust settles, They will realise that its the old white guys that are paying their welfare tab, and when things will settle down , Antifa are just a passing fad :OMG
I admire your optimism lol.
It will happen, name one communist country that Antifa are openly active in ?

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Re: Greenies want to start a Black Power disruption in Australia

Post by BigP » Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:18 pm

They only exist in countries that have an open democracy, they would otherwise be terminated as a threat to the state ,, :clap

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