Coward Trump hides in bunker!

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Black Orchid
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Re: Coward Trump hides in bunker!

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:43 pm

Gordon wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:29 pm
Redneck wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:22 pm
Gordon wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:14 pm
During the Vietnam war, wasn't it the hip thing to be a draft dodger?
True but at least Joe had a legitimate illness asthma not bone spurs for heavens sake.
He desirves to be picked on about Vietnam because of the Mcain comments, but as for avoiding the draft, anyone who could did.

If I was around then I'd have done a Gary Busey.
You'd be a complete idiot not to try to avoid it imo.

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Re: Coward Trump hides in bunker!

Post by Gordon » Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:02 pm

Redneck wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:30 pm
Gordon wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:27 pm
Red didn't go to Nam because he was on a cruise :rofl :rofl :rofl

I was going to join up when Sadaam invaded Kuwait, but my uncle who'd just retired a very high rank said it will be over before you even get your kit bag issued.
Now that was hitting below the belt Gordon! :(

And I am sure that last sentence was true as well! :thumb
I'm stiring you! I reckon if I was young then I'd have been stupid enough to go. And yeah didn't GW1 last like 6 weeks?

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Re: Coward Trump hides in bunker!

Post by Redneck » Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:18 pm

Gordon wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:02 pm
Redneck wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:30 pm
Gordon wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:27 pm
Red didn't go to Nam because he was on a cruise :rofl :rofl :rofl

I was going to join up when Sadaam invaded Kuwait, but my uncle who'd just retired a very high rank said it will be over before you even get your kit bag issued.
Now that was hitting below the belt Gordon! :(

And I am sure that last sentence was true as well! :thumb
I'm stiring you! I reckon if I was young then I'd have been stupid enough to go. And yeah didn't GW1 last like 6 weeks?
I realise that!

I think half the US presidents and the contenders all avoided it especially if their parents had influences in high places!

Quite a few of my mates went, although we were in the first draft, I think the objectors in Australia mainly came later as opposition to the war grew!

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Re: Coward Trump hides in bunker!

Post by Valkie » Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:43 pm

howard the coward went into politics to avoid the draft.

Such a cowardly a hole.
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Re: Coward Trump hides in bunker!

Post by Gordon » Mon Jun 01, 2020 6:07 pm

Did Aussie go to Nam? He'd have pinned the gooks to a tree.

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Re: Coward Trump hides in bunker!

Post by Gordon » Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:03 pm

Redneck wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:43 pm
Redneck wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:00 pm
Redneck wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:18 pm

Did your dad serve in Vietnam Black Orchid?
Well did he? Or was he a volunteer for the Korean War?
Mmm quite interesting,

BO is quite happy to ask me personal questions and I suspect imply I am a draft dodger re the Vietnam War

but wont answer questions about the same subject relating to her or her family!!

Just confirms what everyone says about her!
Probably fair enough to volunteer info about herself but not others?

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Re: Coward Trump hides in bunker!

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:39 pm

My family is none of Red's business unless I volunteer it. I've always spoken freely about myself but what I say about my family is up to me and not offered up on demand.

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Re: Coward Trump hides in bunker!

Post by Texan » Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:04 am

Redneck wrote:
Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:12 pm
As protests sparked by the death of George Floyd raged outside the White House on Friday night, Donald Trump was taken into a special secure bunker, the New York Times reported.

;D ;D ;D ;D

“The president and his family were rattled by their experience on Friday night, according to several advisers,” the Times report said.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Meanwhile brave Former vice president and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Sunday paid a visit to the site of the prior night's protests in Wilmington, Delawaresparked by the death of George Floyd.

Joe stated: "The only way to bear this pain is to turn all that anguish to purpose. And as President, I will help lead this conversation — and more importantly, I will listen, just as I did today visiting the site of last night's protests in Wilmington."

What a great man is our Joe not a bone spur coward! :thumb
Let's assume we had a president who was a recently retired navy seal and could kick ass 6 ways to Sunday. His responsibility would still be to protect the presidency. The American people have invested a lot into selecting and preparing a president. To risk him to beating up protesters would be stupid. That navy seal president would go into the secure bunker just like Trump did.

I'd say Trump has taken greater risks with his life than any president in recent history. He did visit the DMZ.

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Re: Coward Trump hides in bunker!

Post by Redneck » Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:20 am

Quote from elsewhere (AIA)
He and his family went to a bunker made to withstand a nuclear blast. He did this over a few protesters who never would have made it to the heavily fortified White House. Sharp shooters could have taken out anyone who climbed over the fence. Something isn't right about all this ...
Couldnt agree more!

Something isn't right about all this ..

A Trump stunt imo!

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Re: Coward Trump hides in bunker!

Post by Texan » Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:16 am

They have security protocols for a reason. Who's to say that a professional terrorist wouldn't use the cover.

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