The bullshit thread

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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Tue May 19, 2020 11:59 am

How absolutely ludicrous is the coronavirus sex ban on AFL players.
They've been given a 40 page instruction manual prior to their return to playing.
Apparently one night stands are still permitted, but a series of hook-ups is off the table.
Yet other players with partners are still permitted to jump on each other.
I see....when is casual sex not casual sex...
How are they going to police this...
Players will simply be required to comply....
They wont...
Will they have to take a polygraph before each game and be asked questions about
their sexual activity.....of course not....
Why is the topic even on the table...
Oh sorry, whilst jumping on your date you might get the virus and then give it to
your team mates....
Doesn't that apply to all of us....or just footballers...
AND they cant high five each other after a goal is scored, and must sit 1.5 metres
apart whilst being benched....
Yes, this is the bullshit thread everyone....and this is just bullshit...... :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Thu May 21, 2020 12:05 pm ... e4c98d331b
What.....peasants getting screwed by the boss.....that doesn't happen does it.....
I know......maybe we can all work from theres a great idea...…
We could all be regarded as permanent casual work from home employees....
All gets a bit muddled doesn't it.....
Maybe if we adapt Jacinda Arderns idea we can all work from extra
hours for four days per week....and not even leave the comfort of our own home.....
That's if we go back to a fulltime job after the plandemic passes....
How many workers will just get four days work for four days pay....
The workplace is about to be completely turned upside down....
AND the peasants will be screwed once again...…
Im glad Im retired...the workplace was screwed 20 years ago and its just
going to get worse...... :rofl
Have a great day slaves...... :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sat May 23, 2020 7:04 pm

Can someone tell me the difference between ridiculous, absurd and preposterous....
Well...I suppose there isn't any....
I wonder what adjective could describe Professor Catherine Noakes, from the UK Governments
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies….
She is advocating office workers now sitting side to side or back to back....
Well, at least its not as bad as a school in Quebec who wont let the kids leave the chairs
all day except to go to the toilet...and even then their hand washing will be strictly supervised
in the bathroom....that's correct...they have to sit all day in their chairs...cant share pencils, rubbers,
rulers...whatever..and their coats have to be hung on the back of their lockers any more...
AND all they can bring from home is their lunch (probably inspected to ensure there isn't any choccys in there…)
and a plastic bag to take home any uneaten sandwiches and apple cores etc.....
Being seated in a particular place in a NSW government office can lead to complaints of workplace harassment.
That's right...any action by a colleague/superior which you consider makes you uncomfortable can be regarded
as harassment...even sitting without a view as you are seated in a corner position can be regarded as
harassment....even an unwelcome glance at someones computer screen can be regarded as harassment.....
How is everyone going to be seated side by side or back to back, so everyone doesnt breath on each other.....
Will everyone simply kowtow to this regimental requirement....back to back...1.5 metres apart...ludicrous....
(Compares to the other "expert" advice that condemns "loud speaking" and "singing"...…)
The brainstorming....sorry..brainwashing….bullshit continues....
Don't forget to check under your bed tonite before you go to bed slaves.....
The covid19 boogie man might be lurking under there...just waiting for you to go to sleep...... :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Wed May 27, 2020 3:23 pm

Well, it could only happen in Queensland, couldn't it...
QCAT has heard a case pursued by a tenant to have the rent reduced because of the
covid19 virus.
NOT deferred....reduced....
AND, without knowing all the details, I have just read that the case has been determined in favour
of the tenant.
The landlord will be forced to offer a rent reduction to his tenants...
The decision virtually throws the Law of Contract out the window....
Needless to say it will be interesting to discover what happens if the landlord
does not abide by the ruling, or offers a peppercorn reduction in rent.....
Rulings by Tribunals quite often have absolutely no teeth when it comes to enforcing them....
Im not supporting landlord or tenant, just shitcanning the decision......
The decision is a joke..... :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Black Orchid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Wed May 27, 2020 3:49 pm

More BS. Another ship on our shores with CV infected crew. This time in WA I think?

Talk about incompetence and lack of learning from past mistakes.

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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Wed May 27, 2020 5:03 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 3:49 pm
More BS. Another ship on our shores with CV infected crew. This time in WA I think?

Talk about incompetence and lack of learning from past mistakes.
Maybe WA will check their "expert modelling"...…
Or is that just applicable to the number of deaths....Ive lost track......
Maybe that will tell them what to do...….
Then again....maybe it wont...…….. :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by cods » Thu May 28, 2020 7:41 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 3:49 pm
More BS. Another ship on our shores with CV infected crew. This time in WA I think?

Talk about incompetence and lack of learning from past mistakes.
these "mistakes" can only happen from the TOP...

have you noticed how the blame game kicks in from moment 1.... :roll: :roll:

maybe they hope that will get it off the front page.

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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Thu May 28, 2020 1:01 pm

Apparently we are in the middle of a Senate Inquiry into the Australian Governments response
to the Covid19 plandemic….
An inquiry.......already........why...……..
Is this our governments checks and balances system being exhibited for all and sundry to observe...
Oooooh...doesn't it make you feel all fuzzy and warm inside.....
Someone in Canberra actually cares...…. :roll:
The amusing part of this is that the muppet Lowe from the RBA has fronted the inquiry
and in his usual jibbering manner, spruiked that the JobKeeper scheme may have to be
I see....'
Isnt your job Mr.Lowe to oversee/comment/control.....monetary policy.....
Wouldn't JobKeeper come under the umbrella of fiscal policy.....
Who runs this country.....
Morrison or Lowe.....
Sorry....I forgot......its the media....
No wait...Maybe we should put that question on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire...."
No wait...
Two millennials yesterday when confronted with the question "what field does an epidemiologist
work in...…" Multiple choice answers.....moles...bones...teeth or diseases.....
Laughingly one millennial passed...couldn't answer....
The other answered...."moles" the middle of a pandemic....WRONG..... :shock:
So who runs the country just might be a tad too hard...…
Well for some millennials...….
BUT I digress…... :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 29, 2020 11:53 am

Quarantining methods were well established even before the Roman Empire..... preventative health care is the best way to deal with disease..... that includes eating well, exercising and enough hours of sleep..... low stress and avoiding a toxic lifestyle such as tobacco, drugs, regular use of alcohol, and other toxic habits...... preventative health is as old as methods to quarantine.... that is how civilizations stayed healthy...…
Of course, back in the day...we didn't have the CCP creating bioweapons but did we......
We created a toxic culture and only go to the doctor when we are sick.... the moment we get well we return to a toxic way of life.... ...that is a sure way to lead a short and sickly life.....
Doctors and scientists told everyone not to wear masks in March.
Doctors and scientists subsequently have been telling us that the USA would suffer 2 million deaths.
Tens of thousands of deaths in Australia predicted by "expert modelling"
103 so far...when categorising them...start with the Ruby Princess......
Are these the experts we should be listening to...……….
What do we do when the next pandemic arrives...
Another lockdown.....
Why haven't we had lockdowns in the past for other pandemics....
How much of this plandemic is just bullshit.... :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sat May 30, 2020 11:45 am ... a/12058368
What is wrong with this country....
The above link talks about schools in Tasmania providing lunches for children.
The plan ensures that children not only eat lunch but eat a healthy lunch...
"We don't want them (the children) to worry about where their next lunch is coming from...."
"I think there is a benefit to parents. If they know their child is being well fed at school and they don't have to pack a lunch, I think we'd have a lot of happy parents," she said.
What the fuck is going on....
Isnt it the responsibility of parents to give their kids their school lunch...
In another link I just read.....
"Thousands of students across NSW will be given free breakfasts every morning, with the Berejiklian government to roll-out a program to provide healthy meals in 500 schools."....dated 17th June, 2019.....
This is a similar programme to a school breakfast for kids which operates in Queensland.....
I repeat the question above....
What the fuck is going on...
Is poverty in Australia so rife that parents cant give their kids breakfast, and The Tasmanian School Canteen
Association is now contemplating giving lunches to the kids.....
HOW many people in Australia are REALLY on the bones of their arse…..
How much has our false economy been DISGUISED by politicians......and for how long.....
With the covid19 lockdowns and the huge loss of jobs...with people withdrawing from
their super funds...not being able to get finance to purchase anything....due to their
credit rating going down...(which the government hasn't announced yet....)
This country is in a fkn MESS...….. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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