China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

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Black Orchid
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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Black Orchid » Sat May 23, 2020 3:44 pm

We should soon be exporting 500,000 million tonnes of barley to India. There are other markets out there too. Let China buy an inferior product from elsewhere.

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Redneck » Sat May 23, 2020 3:53 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Sat May 23, 2020 3:44 pm
We should soon be exporting 500,000 million tonnes of barley to India. There are other markets out there too. Let China buy an inferior product from elsewhere.
I hope so!!

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Juliar » Tue May 26, 2020 9:23 am

Mr Christensen told Sky News hosts Alan Jones and Graham Richardson Australia should consider using the clause in the Port of Darwin lease contract with China which renders the deal null and void in the case of a national security emergency.

“If we don’t get the beef and barley back pronto and stop talking about other industries, we can actually take some action of our own, then it is a trade war”.

Australia should threaten China with taking back Port of Darwin: Christensen

LNP MP George Christensen said when responding to the coronavirus, Communist China “corralled the problem for themselves, and sent (the virus) across the world”.

Mr Christensen has called China’s recent trade actions against Australia a “bastard act,” and said it was far “too convenient and too much of a coincidence” that only weeks after the government called for a global inquiry into COVID-19, for China to then threaten tariffs.

China has given the nation’s barley producers ten days before potentially imposing close to an 80 per cent tax on its barley imports.

“These are not the actions of a reputable trading partner”.

This comes as an ongoing committee into the need for diversification in Australia’s trade relationships – chaired by Mr Christensen – is preparing to call on the ambassador to give testimony.

“China’s got form on this sort of coercion when it comes to trade and mixing trade with politics".

Mr Christensen told Sky News hosts Alan Jones and Graham Richardson Australia should consider using the clause in the Port of Darwin lease contract with China which renders the deal null and void in the case of a national security emergency.

“If we don’t get the beef and barley back pronto and stop talking about other industries, we can actually take some action of our own, then it is a trade war”.

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by BigP » Tue May 26, 2020 9:48 am

Juliar wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 9:23 am
Mr Christensen told Sky News hosts Alan Jones and Graham Richardson Australia should consider using the clause in the Port of Darwin lease contract with China which renders the deal null and void in the case of a national security emergency.

“If we don’t get the beef and barley back pronto and stop talking about other industries, we can actually take some action of our own, then it is a trade war”.

Australia should threaten China with taking back Port of Darwin: Christensen

LNP MP George Christensen said when responding to the coronavirus, Communist China “corralled the problem for themselves, and sent (the virus) across the world”.

Mr Christensen has called China’s recent trade actions against Australia a “bastard act,” and said it was far “too convenient and too much of a coincidence” that only weeks after the government called for a global inquiry into COVID-19, for China to then threaten tariffs.

China has given the nation’s barley producers ten days before potentially imposing close to an 80 per cent tax on its barley imports.

“These are not the actions of a reputable trading partner”.

This comes as an ongoing committee into the need for diversification in Australia’s trade relationships – chaired by Mr Christensen – is preparing to call on the ambassador to give testimony.

“China’s got form on this sort of coercion when it comes to trade and mixing trade with politics".

Mr Christensen told Sky News hosts Alan Jones and Graham Richardson Australia should consider using the clause in the Port of Darwin lease contract with China which renders the deal null and void in the case of a national security emergency.

“If we don’t get the beef and barley back pronto and stop talking about other industries, we can actually take some action of our own, then it is a trade war”.

“If we don’t get the beef and barley back pronto and stop talking about other industries, we can actually take some action of our own, then it is a trade war”.

There isnt going to be any war Julie, It'll be another Tiananmen square and Australia will be the little chink standing in front of the tank hahaha

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Juliar » Tue May 26, 2020 11:24 am

BigP predicts with such confidence.

But China wants to seize control of Australia by any means. And it needs our iron ore and clean food and baby food and ...

And our War Time PM is up there fresh from his victory over the Chinese Virus. And he is in fighting mood with Trump at his side and lots of other countries as well all wanting to know how China let the virus out and was it deliberate ?

And, even MORE important, was this weak virus just a rehearsal for a much deadlier version ?

Is this all part of the UN's plan to reduce the world population as required by AGENDA 2030 and the UN's One World Socialist "Govt" in a Sustainable World ?

Or more cynical, was this a plan to reduce the WELFARE cost of keeping sick and elderly unproductive people alive ?

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by BigP » Tue May 26, 2020 11:39 am

Juliar wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 11:24 am
BigP predicts with such confidence.

But China wants to seize control of Australia by any means. And it needs our iron ore and clean food and baby food and ...

And our War Time PM is up there fresh from his victory over the Chinese Virus. And he is in fighting mood with Trump at his side and lots of other countries as well all wanting to know how China let the virus out and was it deliberate ?

And, even MORE important, was this weak virus just a rehearsal for a much deadlier version ?

Is this all part of the UN's plan to reduce the world population as required by AGENDA 2030 and the UN's One World Socialist "Govt" in a Sustainable World ?

Or more cynical, was this a plan to reduce the WELFARE cost of keeping sick and elderly unproductive people alive ?
""BigP predicts with such confidence.""

Lets call it an educated guess mate, To have a war you need to be able to return fire, I would doubt you have anything big enough to scare them,

Or you may find this is just Beijing doing a little saber rattling to get a few minds focused in Canberra , An open letter of apology may be all that is needed, You guys swallow a bit of pride and a disaster is averted :clap

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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by billy the kid » Tue May 26, 2020 12:42 pm

Scumo is going to save us all...…
He couldn't fkn manage a wet dream...….
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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Juliar » Tue May 26, 2020 11:03 pm

And it was only the other day NSW Labor was receiving bribes from China and Mr Been was negotiating with them.

How ScoMo handles this tariff war will be very interesting.

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Nom De Plume
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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by Nom De Plume » Wed May 27, 2020 2:51 pm

Juliar wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 11:03 pm
And it was only the other day NSW Labor was receiving bribes from China and Mr Been was negotiating with them.

How ScoMo handles this tariff war will be very interesting.
Agreed. He's played a cautious, pragmatic game so far. I hope he continues in that way.

He should team up with corporates that actually make things, to build a new, more self-sufficient and advanced Australia.
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Re: China Places Tariffs on Barley and Meat

Post by BigP » Wed May 27, 2020 3:15 pm

Nom De Plume wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 2:51 pm
Juliar wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 11:03 pm
And it was only the other day NSW Labor was receiving bribes from China and Mr Been was negotiating with them.

How ScoMo handles this tariff war will be very interesting.
Agreed. He's played a cautious, pragmatic game so far. I hope he continues in that way.

He should team up with corporates that actually make things, to build a new, more self-sufficient and advanced Australia.
If Australia hadn't handed out so much welfare and free money over the years you would now be in a great position to be more advanced and self sufficient ,,

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