JobKeeper surplus

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JobKeeper surplus

Post by Juliar » Tue May 26, 2020 8:55 am

Ignored and forgotten nobody AnAl is desperately trying to get noticed.

The Labor Party are devoid of ANY fiscal ability. They are firmly of the opinion that we can all just go out and print more money, without ever having the funds to back it up.
Bearing in mind it is all borrowed money. This isn't a cunning kit full of cash.

It is good that it was over estimated . Why
1. ALP usually underestimate and we then get budget blowout.. better to over and claw back than be under and have a blow out 2. Obviously we are in a better shape economically than predicated at the onslaught and that means a faster recovery
3. Now with some extra cash, the government can chime in and help tourism or dairy farmers or or or who have needs during this time.
ALP are always useless managing money and now they are pointing fingers.. Penny needs to remember the waste on money spent on pink bats, laptops and buildings... that was a huge waste and blowout also... cost lives sadly.

It's ironic that if Albo had been PM it would have been just the same. Poor little "each way Albo" is starving of oxygen and trying to create a fire..

It is laughable the way Labor are going on, and actually destroys any fiscal knowledge they might be trying to project. It's not money we have in our wallet. It is a loan we haven't drawn down because we don't need to. Thank God they are not paying my mortgage.

Didn’t the ALP underestimate that “fine“ policy of Pink Bats, so much so that they had to cancel the program because they ran out of money saving Australia from the GFC. Then they underestimated the cost of those wonderful computers which were never big enough to handle the work, and were never supplied to everyone because the money ran out.

And don’t even start on the NBN!!

Also remember Labor built school halls and libraries in schools when they didn't need or want them. What about the four young men who lost their lives during the madness that was the 'pink batts'. How dare they even bring up this miscalculation that happens to be on the side of the taxpayers for once. These people are king sized hypocrites.

It's a bit of a joke that the Labor party (Australia's new Communist Party) are saying things like the JobKeeker budget mistake was so massive that it could have been seen from outer space !!! If so. Why is that they didn't see it sooner ?????

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Re: JobKeeper surplus

Post by Juliar » Tue May 26, 2020 8:57 am

AnAl and GetUp!, drowning in a sea of irrelevance, are getting nasty and losing even more votes as Voters see them as trying to sabotage the recovery of Australia.

Labor 'hypocrisy' evident in Albanese’s 'attack' on Frydenberg over Treasury error

“Labor need to back off a little bit” when it comes to firing shots at the Coalition for the reporting error which led Treasury to dramatically revise its projections for the JobKeeper program, according to Liberal Senator Gerard Rennick.

Liberal Senator Gerard Rennick

Treasury's revised estimate of the cost of the JobKeeper program is now just $70 billion which is $60 billion less than was originally forecasted.

Mr Rennick said unsurprisingly Opposition leader Anthony Albanese “had a go” at Josh Frydenberg over the Treasury mistake.

“But I didn’t hear him have a crack at the health bureaucrats when they overestimated the number of people who were going to be in ICU by early April”.

“We went and shut down the country on the basis of that advice,” which led to mass unemployment whereas the Treasury mistake can only have a positive outcome for the taxpayer, Mr Rennick told Sky News host Gary Hardgrave.

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Re: JobKeeper surplus

Post by Juliar » Tue May 26, 2020 9:01 am


ScoMo tells this nasty sarcastic rather ineffective boring Malasian import to go jump in her Simmering Socialist Soup. ... black-hole
Last edited by Juliar on Tue May 26, 2020 9:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: JobKeeper surplus

Post by Juliar » Tue May 26, 2020 9:04 am

More support for the functionless Malaysian import.

This morning on Insiders, Penny Wong said "'s up to the government where they spend 'the extra $60 billion dollars'..."
Labor and the Greens imagine there's a magic pot of money sloshing around, after the government discovered businesses has made Jobkeeper overclaims.

Wong also blames the government for filling out Jobkeeper forms incorrectly.
Firstly, the government did not fill the forms out. It discovered the errors and announced the mistake.
Secondly, there is no magic 'extra $60 billion' for the government or Labor or the Greens to spend like drunken sailors.

This is all borrowed money, which has to be repaid, with interest, by you, me, but more importantly by our children and future generations.
Thank god this reckless rabble haven't got their hands on the nation's chequebook.

Let’s not borrow the money unless we really need it. These left wing hookers have no idea when it comes to managing the economy. Just imagine the mess we would be in had the alternate party were in and trying manage the current situation. Thank god for our PM who has worked tirelessly to navigate the way through this dreadful pandemic.

An example of the creative accounting we expect from the Labor party. They think this money was just discovered in the bottom drawer. The more we are in debt to China, the better as far as they are concerned.
Imagine if Bill Shorten had been elected. Talk about dodging a bullet. The Government has the people’s trust to manage public health AND the economy.

Review the Job Keeper programme. Wages should be capped at $1500 not set at $1500. It should be paid until workers go back to their normal job. This blunder should just mean we are in a bit less debt. It is not like lottery money.
Don't just spend it for the sake of spending, as it is not money we have. I hope the government don't suckered into spending it just to shut up Labor and the Greens.

Labor are like kids in a lolly shop. Whenever they have the keys to the Treasury they just spend,spend,spend. No wonder we end up so deep in the mire after a term with Labor.

It is wrong to say the federal government got its sums wrong.It was acting on information supplied by employers,that is where the stuff came from....

Labor. Of course. Just borrow it. Pollies don't take it out of their Super entitlements when they retire. Tax payer money. The bottomless pit that will need a generation to repay.
She is definitely the Wong won can’t trust Labor with the keys to the safe.

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Re: JobKeeper surplus

Post by Redneck » Tue May 26, 2020 9:11 am

Havent you got anything better to do than post this Coalition garbage!

I suppose the $1 per post helps buy your supply of dope!

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Re: JobKeeper surplus

Post by Juliar » Tue May 26, 2020 9:57 am

Socialist Extremist Reddy spills some Socialist HATE PIT acid.

Hey Reddy why don't you try to post your own thread ? Or is that too hard for you ? You could just parrot some GetUp! propaganda like BlackDay used to on the OZ Socialist Hate Pit.

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Black Orchid
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Re: JobKeeper surplus

Post by Black Orchid » Tue May 26, 2020 2:53 pm

Redneck wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 9:11 am
Havent you got anything better to do than post this Coalition garbage!

I suppose the $1 per post helps buy your supply of dope!
You post enough leftist garbage! 8-)

Victor Sunny
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Re: JobKeeper surplus

Post by Victor Sunny » Tue May 26, 2020 5:23 pm

Liberal just uses tax payers' money to buy votes. Nowadays, we have computer systems. So big over estimate is just unacceptable.

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Re: JobKeeper surplus

Post by Juliar » Tue May 26, 2020 10:55 pm

It was businesses over stating their requirements that led to the excess.

Now it is revealed businesses were happily receiving JobKeeper payments for phantom employees.

The astute treasurer is already onto this and happily has reduced the cost of money that has NOT been borrowed as yet - a big positive.

Also this paves the way for extending the benefits to people who were previously excluded.

Dynamic reaction to the difficult process of restoring Australia to prosperity is critical to success.

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