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Post by boxy » Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:39 pm

Please vote within the next 6 days, yes or no, to the following changes to PA's constitution, that freediver has suggested after consultation.
freediver wrote: current version:
There will be fresh elections for the position of exalted leader at least every twelve months. An early election or a referendum can be called at any time on the whim of exalted leader, or via petition. A petition will be deemed successful if the number of signatories meets or exceeds the greater of the number of first preference votes obtained by exalted leader at the last election and the number of votes needed to get over 50% of the votes at said election (ie 50% plus 1 or 50% plus 0.5). All dethroned exalted leaders will be referred to by their new nickname (eg Aussie the adequate).

All voting and petition signatures must be made public - no secret ballots. One vote per person.

A referendum can be used to alter the constitution or overrule a decision of exalted leader, for example to reinstate a banned member. A referendum that obtains over 50% approval will be deemed a bloody good idea and will be passed. Anything less and the proposal will be deemed indecent.

All voting will be based on mixed runoff and instant runoff elections. Voters may rank candidates, in which case preference distribution will be instantaneous at the close of polls. If this proves insufficient to reach a decision, addition runoff rounds will be held. Only those members who voted for excluded candidates and did not allocate sufficient preferences need recast their vote in a runoff round. However the option to change votes will be extended to all, but only for the reduced candidate pool.

new version

This is the constitution of the Democratic Dictatorship of Political Animal. If there is any ambiguity or confusion in it's interpretation, or omissions, the follow two principles apply.

1) This constitution is designed and intended to limit the power of exalted leader. The rational interpretation that places the greatest restriction on exalted leader's authority, and the greatest power in the hands of members, shall prevail.

2) If there is a precedent, use it.

There will be fresh elections for the position of exalted leader at least every twelve months. An early election or a referendum can be called at any time on the whim of exalted leader, or via petition.


A petition can be used to trigger an election for the position of exalted leader or to trigger a referendum. A petition will be deemed successful if the number of signatories meets or exceeds the magic number. The magic number is calculated as follows: take the number of valid votes from the last election, divide by two, round up if necessary (by adding 0.5), then subtract the number of people who submitted a valid vote in that election who are currently unable to sign due to the actions of the admin (eg if they are banned or suspended). The signature of a banned member is not counted if the magic number has already been reduced on their account. All petitions remain active until they succeed or the current exalted leader is replaced with someone else. Once a referendum or election is triggered by a petition, it cannot be 'untriggered'.


A referendum can be used to alter the constitution or overrule a decision of exalted leader, for example to reinstate a banned member. A referendum that obtains over 50% approval will be deemed a bloody good idea and will be passed. Anything less and the proposal will be deemed indecent. A referendum can be triggered by petition or by exalted leader.


All voting and petition signatures must be made public - no secret ballots. One vote per person. All voting will be based on mixed runoff and instant runoff elections. Voters may rank candidates, in which case preference distribution will be instantaneous at the close of polls. If this proves insufficient to reach a decision without disenfranchising any voters, one additional runoff round will be held. Only those members who voted for excluded candidates and did not allocate sufficient preferences need recast their vote in a runoff round. The option to change votes will be extended to all who have already voted, but only for the reduced candidate pool. A referendum may have more than two options, providing they are clearly defined.


All candidate nominations must be made on the forum by an enfranchised member. However, if a candidate is unable to accept on the forum, they may accept externally, provided it can be verified.

Role of exalted leader

Exalted leader has authority over forum policy and the day to day administration of the forum. This includes:
* appointing moderators
* deleting, editing and banning
* forum settings and forum layout, within the limitations imposed by the forum software
Exalted leader is servant of members, not master. Exalted leader has special constitutional powers to call an election or referendum at any time, without requiring a petition. Where a provision of the constitution undermines the authority of exalted leader, exalted leader is obliged to support the provision. This obligation comes without authority over the constitution or it's interpretation. That is, exalted leader is to serve the people via the constitution, but does not have final say on any constitutional matter. Exalted leader must facilitate the expression of the will of the members through constitutional processes by:
* helping members to use the constitution
* counting votes and signatures
* suggesting the outcome of an election or referendum
* suggesting the magic number

Personal information about other forum users must not be posted without their consent, which can be withdrawn at any time. This includes anything related to their true identity, for example a first name or nickname, ISP, IP number, location etc
There are 4 main changes:

1) Reordering the statements so they make more sense and it is easier to find the information you are looking for and follow the logic.

2) If a member is banned, the target number of signatures for petitions may be reduced.

3) The default target number of signatures for a petition has been reduced to 50% of the votes, rounded up. Currently it is likely to be greater than this.

4) The entire last section has been added, largely for Aussie's benefit, to explain the authority of exalted leader than the limitations of this authority.
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Re: Constitution Update - Vote

Post by IQSRLOW » Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:26 pm


We don't need no fucking rules

Vote Anarchy

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Re: Constitution Update - Vote

Post by IQSRLOW » Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:31 pm

PS. Everyone vote because Aussie said not to.

Vote just to fuck with Aussie

I vote YES
Aussie wrote:So.......boxy has now opened a vote on the fd proposed 'new' Constitution. So far, no replies, no votes.

Keep it that way.

Do not reply. Do not vote. Do the 'Ghandi.'


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Re: Constitution Update - Vote

Post by sprintcyclist » Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:47 pm

wadda load of fucking horse shit.

if I have a good day tomorrow, I'll vote yes.
what was the question? don't worry.
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Re: Constitution Update - Vote

Post by freediver » Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:08 pm



Re: Constitution Update - Vote

Post by Machiavella » Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:55 pm



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Re: Constitution Update - Vote

Post by J.W. Frogen » Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:12 am

Freediver greased my......well, the official story is palms, (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) so that is a yes from me.

Jovial Monk

Re: Constitution Update - Vote

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:22 pm


Now please delete my account. This board is now FD's & boxy's private playground not Political animal and I do not wish to be associated with it.

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Re: Constitution Update - Vote

Post by sprintcyclist » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:29 pm

thought you had already left, camel polisher
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Re: Constitution Update - Vote

Post by Hebe » Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:08 pm


(though I prefer "exhalted leader")
The better I get to know people, the more I find myself loving dogs.

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