The bullshit thread

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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
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Black Orchid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:09 pm

Yes well as much as I can, and do, criticise some of the things Morrison says or does he is by FAR a better option than having Shorten and his union thugs in power right now. It could always be worse. Image

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:39 pm

Palaszczuk has bitten the bullet…
From Saturday, May 2, you can:

- Go for a drive (within 50km of home)
- Ride a motorbike, jetski or boat for recreation
- Have a picnic
- Visit a national park
- Shop for non-essential items....

Ill make a prediction...….
Its all over...... :thumb
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:37 pm

Life is like being toilet paper.....
Either youre on a roll.....or youre taking shit from everyone...… ... M%3DVDMHRS
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:43 am ... stry-shuts
Very long link....
The ducks guts is that in three weeks, there will be no place on earth to store oil...
AND they are running out of tankers....
27 tankers anchored off California...hundreds off Singapore...
Our oil probably hasn't even been loaded yet.....
I hope our incompetent government has a plan B.... :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:24 pm

SO the talking heads want 20 new cases or less per day for four weeks before they think about lifting
restrictions....I see....bit of paranoia there I think.....
These are the best health experts in the world.....
I see....
Why then are state premiers beginning to lift restrictions in various states...
Why are countries all over the world beginning to lift restrictions...
The NRL stated weeks ago that football would start on the 28th May, 2020...
No buts.....the 28th May, 2020....
What do they know that we don't....
European soccer will be re-starting in May (Serie A and Bundesliga) albeit without crowds......
This is all over....
State premiers will begin lifting restrictions by the end of May...
There will still be some restrictions...
NT has already announced that pubs and clubs will all be open "to an extent"
by the end of June....
NSW and Victoria will be the last to start to lift restrictions, even though beaches in
Sydney have been re-opened Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm....
Citizens in Australia may not be going back to work just yet...but it will soon
be appropriate to crack open the champagne...…. :lol:
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Tue Apr 28, 2020 12:39 pm

I see Germany has sent China a bill for $162 billion to compensate for the covid 19 virus....
Good luck collecting that....
Probably get paid with a few tons of rice......or bat soup.....
AND meanwhile Chinas Ambassador to Australia threatens us with the equivalent
of economic sanctions... :roll: :roll: :roll:
Maybe we'll have to send all our exports somewhere else...
I bout Brazil.....
We could do a deal with Brazil for them to take our exports and in return,
we could wave all their tariffs for their imports into Australia....making Brazilian
products cheaper than the Australian comparative products.....
That wouldn't happen now would it...
Ooops….it already has....Keating fucked the Australian motor industry exactly
the same way....scrapping tariffs for imports....
Nothing will change....
Our incompetent governments will enter into trade deals with other countries
to replace those with China, and it will all start again....
And the Australian sheeple will continue to get screwed.....
Don't you just luv Australian politicians...... :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:50 pm

Part I
Like many sheeple, I was absolutely devastated by the news that China is wielding the big stick at Australia...
...moaning about Australia wanting an inquiry into the origin of covid 19 etc.....
Who in Australia really gives a fuck about China....
Maybe we did back in the day when we all visited a Chinese takeaway for our favourite
chicken chow mein dish or whatever.....
Personally, I couldn't give a stuff what China says or does...
We all know that the false Australian economy is propped up by Chinese tourists...
...our real estate prices are grossly inflated by rich Chinese spenders, and our universities
are full of Chinese students from millionaire families who pay an arm and a leg to each
university to get their sprogs a degree....
Boo fkn hoo….
If the chinese don't want to buy our wine or our beef or whatever, if they don't want to
come to our country anymore...who really gives a fuck.....
In any case, when the diplomatic shit fight is done and dusted, our politicians will go back
to what they do best....kissing Chinese arse…..
Part II
Id put more money on football players not having to pay one cent of their "fines" for breaching lockdown rules
than Id put on Australian politicians changing....
Football players call themselves "role models"...….that's a hoot....
That's a misnomer created by the media whores in an attempt to lift the game up out of the gutter....
...a game that barely survives in Australia..and feeds off every controversy, whether real or contrived...
...a game which is struggling to keep its head above water, like every other sport which
is conning women to play a women's form of all mens games to keep all such sports alive...….
They are overpaid boneheads who wouldn't work in an iron lung.....
Why would anyone want to look up to a bonehead that kicks a piece of leather
around a paddock for a living....
"Role models" your dreams, boneheads...…
BUT I digress...... :rofl
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Black Orchid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:17 pm

Part 1

This is a wakeup call and we need to be seeking out new trade partners. I don't care if we never deal with the Chinese again and Chinese assets should all be frozen as most of the residential property bought by Chinese nationals here was financed by the CCP.

New opportunities will open up when the COVID-19 panic dies down and more and more countries cut ties with China and move towards manufacturing essential goods at home.

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 01, 2020 11:31 am

A mate of mine has contacts in the Health Department.
The word is that governments are only lifting lockdown restrictions due to public/media pressure.
Well..hang on a second....
Arent our governments supposed to be acting upon the advice of our so called "world class experts"
They cant have it both ways..
Are they lifting restrictions based on advice given by experts...or are they taking a punt
due to public/media pressure...
Or are they simply lifting restrictions because they know that the economy is rooted....
Of course, we have to swallow whatever little crumbs they throw to us.....
AND they will of course, expect us to believe that we are all in this together and
as a nation, we can beat this...with their guidance of course.....
We will never be told the real reason restrictions are being lifted.....
We will be told that its because the curve has been flattened...
Is that the real reason...
OR is it because they have realised that they have made a grave mistake by shutting
down the economy....
Was the cure worse than the disease....
We will never know...will we....
Form your own conclusions.....
The sheeple just keep on saying.....
Baa... baa baa baa....
"Please sir.....I want some more...…" ... ORM=WRVORC
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Neferti » Fri May 01, 2020 11:40 am

I don't care what the government says, I am NOT going anywhere to mix with the crowds. :mrgreen:

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