the virus came from china

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the virus came from china

Post by sprintcyclist » Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:14 pm

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billy the kid
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Re: the virus came from china

Post by billy the kid » Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:33 pm

I need someone to explain this to me please....
Remember..Im not an epidemiologist.....
We read about the virus originating from a Wuhan wet market...we read about it originating from bats...we read about it originating from the lab in Wuhan...etc etc...
Tell me this someone.....Im all ears....
If I was working in a lab somewhere on this and that...wouldn't I have protective clothing on...
gloves, gown, mask etc etc..
As I worked in the lab...lets say I peer through a microscope at something...maybe a virus molecule....whatever...
on a slide below the microscope.....
I then complete my work for the day, disrobe, etc and head out for a feast of stewed bat....or whatever.... :roll:
How does the virus get to the bat....have I wiped my gloved hand onto my masked mouth at some stage...
Bearing in mind Ive probably used tweezer like implements to "handle" anything on the slide....
Does the virus suddenly leapfrog up onto me as I toil and labour long hours for Chairman Xi illustrious
leader....for a bowl of rice per day.....
How the fuck does it get to the bat.....
The penny just dropped.....
My lab assistants name is Robin...…
AND Im fkn Batman...……. :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: the virus came from china

Post by sprintcyclist » Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:31 pm

Virus like this are often natural in one species, but if it migrates to another species it can mutate into a different virus that can then migrate to humans.
The hendra virus spread from bats to horses to humans

It is possible the virus is an intentional mutant from bat and Pangolin virus's.
The genome sequence is very similar to either of those.
I work in a medical research institute.
Accidents happen, people make mistakes. Scientists are not perfect robots.

Either way, the first deaths happened in Wuhan.
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Re: the virus came from china

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:34 pm

I read today that CV has mutated 30 times already. The study was conducted in China though so who knows.

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Re: the virus came from china

Post by sprintcyclist » Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:42 pm

SARS escaped Beijing lab twice
Laboratory safety at the Chinese Institute of Virology under close scrutiny
Robert Walgate(Walgate@Scienceanalysed.Com)
Apr 25, 2004

The latest outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in China, with eight confirmed or suspected cases so far and hundreds quarantined, involves two researchers who were working with the virus in a Beijing research lab, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday (April 26).

“We suspect two people, a 26-year-old female postgraduate student and a 31-year-old male postdoc, were both infected, apparently in two separate incidents,” Bob Dietz, WHO spokesman in Beijing, told The Scientist.

The woman was admitted to hospital on April 4, but the man apparently became infected independently 2 weeks later, being hospitalized on April 17. Both worked at the Chinese Institute of Virology in Beijing, part of China's Center for Disease Control.

At a news conference in Manila this morning, Associated Press reported, WHO Western Pacific Regional Director Shigeru Omi criticized the laboratory's safeguards and said the authorities did not know yet whether any foreigners had been carrying out medical research in the facility and had since left the country. Laboratory safety “is a serious issue that has to be addressed,” he said. “We have to remain very vigilant.”

China has level three research guidelines and rules in place for handling the SARS virus, which are “of acceptable quality” to WHO, Dietz told The Scientist. But “it's a question of procedures and equipment. Frankly we are going to go in now a take a very close look,” he said.

“We have a team of two or three international experts that's arriving in a day or two. They are going to go into the labs with Ministry of Health people and find out what happened here,” Dietz said.

“We've been told we'll have full access, be able to test all the surfaces, interview people who worked there, and look at documentation to find out what was being done,” Dietz said. “We're not releasing the names of the experts yet, but once you see the names you'll recognize them. They will be international experts from the relevant disciplines.”

In the meantime, the lab has been closed, and the 200 staff have been put in isolation in a hotel near another lab in Cham Ping, about 20 kilometers North of Beijing. China is rushing its own investigative teams to check lab security, according to state media.

Antoine Danchin, an epidemiologist with the Hong Kong University–Pasteur Research Center, who studied the SARS epidemic in Hong Kong, told The Scientist the latest incidents were probably the result of lab accidents.

“Normally, it's not possible to contaminate people even under level two confinement, if the security rules are obeyed, with the appropriate hoods, and so on,” Danchin said. SARS work requires level three. “So it suggests there has been some mishandling of something.”

“The lab might have all the right rules, but the people may not comply! For example, notebooks are not supposed to be taken out, a lot of things like that. A virus doesn't jump on people!” Danchin said.However WHO Beijing is relatively sanguine about the current threat, despite the fact that the 26-year-old infected had taken a long journey on the country's rail network. The index cases are known, and contacts had been traced, Dietz said. “We see no significant public health threat at this point.” ... -50137/amp
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Re: the virus came from china

Post by sprintcyclist » Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:45 pm

............. In 2015, Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, raised a warning in the international scientific journal《Nature》about the scientists in China who engineered a new virus, which is similar to SARS, over the horseshoe bats. He indicated that the engineered virus can grow in mice and "mimic human disease". He also indicated that the engineered virus "grows remarkably well in human cells" and "if the virus escaped, no one can predict the trajectory". He raised a question as to whether the research work should be continued, whether the social risk that it bears is worth it. (the relevant report can be seen in the following screenshot, titled "Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research" ).

In fact, the kind of research that was being carried out in China before 2015 can be traced back to the three following papers published in international journals:
1. Difference in Receptor Usage between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus and SARS-Like Coronavirus of Bat Origin, American Society for Microbiology, Journal of Virology, February Edition, 2008.
2. Bat severe acute respiratory syndrome-like coronavirus ORF3b homologues display different interferon antagonist activities, Journal of General Virology, United Kingdom, 2012.
3. Identification of Immunogenic Determinants of the Spike Protein of SARS-like Coronavirus, Virologica Sinica, April 2013.

Zheng-li Shi and Peng Zhou, researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Screen cap from internet video / Xinhua Net
The authors of the above literature mostly came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and two of them are researchers who appeared more frequent in the news, Peng Zhou and Zheng-li Shi. The 2008 literature confirmed that a new SARS-Like Coronavirus was generated in the Institute through the artificial manipulation of the gene that encodes the spike protein. It was successfully transmitted to other bats as well as lab rats. In addition, the 2013 paper mentioned that, in the previous tests, it was discovered that bat sera infected with SARS-Like Coronavirus can recognize the spike protein of HIV-pseudovirus.

Admittedly, the researchers indicated in their reports that "this finding will be of potential use in future monitoring of SARS-Like CoV infection in bats and spillover animals and in development of more effective vaccine to cover broad protection against this new group of coronaviruses", but at the same time, they expressed that there can be potential risk that the research may bring to the society.

They have written that: "It is not unreasonable to conclude that bats are a natural mixing vessel for the creation of novel Coronaviruses and that it is only a matter of time before some of them cross species into terrestrial mammal and human populations". (see below)

................... ... DwVEzTkB6c
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Re: the virus came from china

Post by billy the kid » Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:52 am ... ansmitters
Maybe we should ask Dr Lieber a few questions.....that is unless he "accidentally" dies in the not too distant
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Re: the virus came from china

Post by Bobby » Fri Apr 24, 2020 2:18 pm

People are turning into Darkies from Covid-19. ... -recovery/


Two Chinese doctors who were infected with the coronavirus while treating patients in the epicenter city of Wuhan survived the deadly illness –
but their skin turned very dark after they were placed on life support, according to a report.

Dr. Yi Fan and Dr. Hu Weifeng, both 42, were both diagnosed with COVID-19 on Jan. 18 while working at the Wuhan Central Hospital, the UK’s Metro reported.

The gravely ill physicians were taken to the Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital and then transferred twice, according to state broadcaster CCTV.

The two men’s changed skin color was attributed to a hormonal imbalance after their livers were damaged by the bug, Chinese state media reported.

More here: ... -covid-19/

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Re: the virus came from china

Post by brian ross » Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:04 pm

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Re: the virus came from china

Post by brian ross » Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:42 pm

Seems money does buy you privileges especially from your mates the Tories...
Billionaire Kerry Stokes exempted from mandatory hotel quarantine after returning from Colorado ski fields :roll: :roll:
Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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