Why the world is rooted.

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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:16 pm

https://www.foxsports.com.au/nrl/real-r ... cae05c9ad8
We all know the fiasco surrounding the NRL competition....even those of us who aren't interested in boneheadball
get a bit of a laugh at the expense of these boofheads who have never had a real job in their entire life and make a living
out of kicking a piece of leather around...that's not an occupation...its a pastime...….
Maybe the NRL has a crystal ball regarding the covid 19 virus...
Maybe they know something we don't know....
Maybe the NRL is chock full of epidemiologists….
Personally I don't think the boneheads could organize a game of fkn marbles.....
Here we are all wondering about who is going to die next, stockpiling toiletpaper like its as scarce
as hens teeth, and the boneheads blatantly announce that the NRL WILL COMMENCE on the 28th May, 2020...
I see....not could commence...not we are looking at a possible date.....WILL COMMENCE....
It beggars belief as to how much pressure this will put on state governments to commence lifting
restrictions which are crippling the Australian economy...
State governments should not permit the boneheads that run this game which was invented for children
to influence their decisions to lift social distancing etc...
Where are they going to house players from each club...where are they going to train...
Maybe they could put a team in the Hordern pavilion...maybe house a team at the Hornsby Memorial baths...
How will they maintain social distancing...its a body contact sport...how will they train together...
Oh, sorry I forgot...the plan is to take their temperatures three times a day...
Where will they play the games...maybe stage a game at Mudgee...maybe another at Junee…
Maybe have another at the Gosford Showground...
I may have forecast a loosening of restrictions by the end of May...but that was the wishful
thinking of an optimist...the NRL are actually planning a commencement of the season on
a specific date....its a joke....
Kerry Packer once said if you don't know who the sucker is when you sit at the table in a
game of poker.....its you....
In this case its the NRL.... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Redneck » Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:38 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:16 pm
https://www.foxsports.com.au/nrl/real-r ... cae05c9ad8
We all know the fiasco surrounding the NRL competition....even those of us who aren't interested in boneheadball
get a bit of a laugh at the expense of these boofheads who have never had a real job in their entire life and make a living
out of kicking a piece of leather around...that's not an occupation...its a pastime...….
Maybe the NRL has a crystal ball regarding the covid 19 virus...
Maybe they know something we don't know....
Maybe the NRL is chock full of epidemiologists….
Personally I don't think the boneheads could organize a game of fkn marbles.....
Here we are all wondering about who is going to die next, stockpiling toiletpaper like its as scarce
as hens teeth, and the boneheads blatantly announce that the NRL WILL COMMENCE on the 28th May, 2020...
I see....not could commence...not we are looking at a possible date.....WILL COMMENCE....
It beggars belief as to how much pressure this will put on state governments to commence lifting
restrictions which are crippling the Australian economy...
State governments should not permit the boneheads that run this game which was invented for children
to influence their decisions to lift social distancing etc...
Where are they going to house players from each club...where are they going to train...
Maybe they could put a team in the Hordern pavilion...maybe house a team at the Hornsby Memorial baths...
How will they maintain social distancing...its a body contact sport...how will they train together...
Oh, sorry I forgot...the plan is to take their temperatures three times a day...
Where will they play the games...maybe stage a game at Mudgee...maybe another at Junee…
Maybe have another at the Gosford Showground...
I may have forecast a loosening of restrictions by the end of May...but that was the wishful
thinking of an optimist...the NRL are actually planning a commencement of the season on
a specific date....its a joke....
Kerry Packer once said if you don't know who the sucker is when you sit at the table in a
game of poker.....its you....
In this case its the NRL.... :rofl

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :thumb

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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:15 pm

Redneck wrote:
Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:38 pm
billy the kid wrote:
Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:16 pm
https://www.foxsports.com.au/nrl/real-r ... cae05c9ad8
We all know the fiasco surrounding the NRL competition....even those of us who aren't interested in boneheadball
get a bit of a laugh at the expense of these boofheads who have never had a real job in their entire life and make a living
out of kicking a piece of leather around...that's not an occupation...its a pastime...….
Maybe the NRL has a crystal ball regarding the covid 19 virus...
Maybe they know something we don't know....
Maybe the NRL is chock full of epidemiologists….
Personally I don't think the boneheads could organize a game of fkn marbles.....
Here we are all wondering about who is going to die next, stockpiling toiletpaper like its as scarce
as hens teeth, and the boneheads blatantly announce that the NRL WILL COMMENCE on the 28th May, 2020...
I see....not could commence...not we are looking at a possible date.....WILL COMMENCE....
It beggars belief as to how much pressure this will put on state governments to commence lifting
restrictions which are crippling the Australian economy...
State governments should not permit the boneheads that run this game which was invented for children
to influence their decisions to lift social distancing etc...
Where are they going to house players from each club...where are they going to train...
Maybe they could put a team in the Hordern pavilion...maybe house a team at the Hornsby Memorial baths...
How will they maintain social distancing...its a body contact sport...how will they train together...
Oh, sorry I forgot...the plan is to take their temperatures three times a day...
Where will they play the games...maybe stage a game at Mudgee...maybe another at Junee…
Maybe have another at the Gosford Showground...
I may have forecast a loosening of restrictions by the end of May...but that was the wishful
thinking of an optimist...the NRL are actually planning a commencement of the season on
a specific date....its a joke....
Kerry Packer once said if you don't know who the sucker is when you sit at the table in a
game of poker.....its you....
In this case its the NRL.... :rofl

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :thumb

Im just absolutely gobsmacked that they didnt give the gig to get it started again to Myles...
the boofhead who took a dump in foyer one nite cos he couldnt find a toilet....
OR maybe Carney..the hero who loves to drink his own urine......
NOW that would have been a pisser of an idea.......
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:10 pm

https://www.businessinsider.com.au/aust ... rba-2020-4

A run on banks in Australia....goodness me..that wouldn't happen would it...
AND the RBA is quick to point out that it was short lived and everything is now back to normal....
Well, not exactly wankers....don't forget the 600,000+ Australians that have applied to withdraw money
out of their super funds....and of course that's only up to Thursday....
Needless to say, those funds will eventually be deposited into everyones account....and guess what....
The funds will be withdrawn by those who need the money as they are on the bones of their arse….
Therefore there will be another run on banks when such withdrawals of super are approved....
Of course...IF THEY ARE APPROVED....I wonder how many super funds wont have the money and will
make some lame brained excuse to the punters....
That wouldn't happen would it.....
THEN the shit will really hit the fan...…
LAUGHABLE that the link states that a Government guarantee of deposits up to $250K exists... :rofl
AND in breaking news the NSW Premier tells us that the worst is yet to come....
So much for the boneheadball starting up again...…. :roll:
Yeah right...…. :rofl :rofl :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:00 am

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-08/ ... h/12130644

It appears as though overseas, the gambling has already started, with various countries beginning to lift restrictions
on the sheeple caused by the corona virus...our friend Mr Google will show everyone those countries...
Here in Australia, the TV whores are already beginning to bleat their message to our state and federal governments...
The boneheads want to play footy again....reports are filtering out that some boneheads are in danger of
putting on weight, and are becoming depressed....
My heart bleeds for them...as soon as they are taken out of a controlled environment, they go to pieces....
It appears as though none of them can cope with being unable to play footy....Im heartbroken...
Go and get a real fkn job boneheads.....
Most of them would hardly hesitate if their coach told them to run through that brickwall over there....
However, it seems that the mixed messages from the NSW government are alive and well...
Kerry Chant tells us that they may adopt a "zig zag" approach to lifting restrictions....
Well that makes a lot of fkn sense...
Maybe that's what they did with the Ruby Princess..only they zigged when they should have zagged...
Then grandma Gladys the househaunter comes out and tells us tough social distancing rules could be
relaxed as early as next month....not sure if that's zigging or zagging, considering that yesterday she
said that social distancing rules would stay in place until there was a vaccine available...
Now she says that the rules would be reviewed on a month by month basis.....I see....go and bake some fkn cakes Gladys....
No doubt the TV whores will attempt to influence grandma.....
Meanwhile, our illustrious Treasurer tells us that the GST wont go up, yet Deputy Dawg McCormack
refuses to rule out GST changes....
Looks like the blind leading the blind...tweedledee and tweedledumb
I think we should all go out into the park and practise our zig zagging.... :rofl
I had to laugh at Freakenberg saying that growth alone may be sufficient to pay down debt incurred for $214bn of
economic support packages...
What fkn growth....the joint will be fucked for years..... :roll:

To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:48 pm

Agree the zigging and zagging is enough to confuse anyone.

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:40 pm

https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/ ... -might-not

Well written article....
I have often wondered about adult sport...
I played many sports as a teenager...golf, cricket, soccer, tennis, rugby league, basketball..
Dabbled in ten pin bowling for a few years...taught my three sons how to play golf, soccer and cricket....
Coached junior soccer and cricket teams...
I wonder some times what humanity would be like without adult participation in sport.....
I have thought..what did we do before TV came to Australia....compare TV to sport.....
I sometimes wonder what importance the result of a match carries...
The result really is inconsequential...
Does it matter which team won...which team lost....
Of course it matters to the administrators, the leeches of sport..and the parents
who encourage their kids to be the champions that they themselves never were..
Remembering of course that every child could have "potential".... :roll:
Watch some parents on the sidelines at a football match....they are pathetic the way they yell
at the little children participating....and compare that to some adults who paint their faces and wave their
flags in support of their team...maybe they've got nothing else in their miserable lives except "their team"
Adult participation in sport is overrated...its just another way the player/spectator is separated from his money....
...although it teaches kids to compete and cope with winning and losing in life....
My suggestion would be to take up gardening....play monopoly with your kids....read Maslows Pyramid
of Needs....maybe paint the wall...
In other words.....grow up...…who was it that said "when I became a man I put away childish things...."
Boneheadball...very appropriate I feel......
Have a fantastic day everyone...…. :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:45 pm

Some time ago I posted that Virgin was going belly up.
Today Virgin is in a trading halt and their shares are pretty much worthless...not much more
than a zac apiece....8c to be exact.
Which makes me wonder why on earth the Australian government would even consider
bailing them out....
We have to bear in mind that there will be no flights out of Australia until the end of the year...
That's 8 months the planes will sit idle...
I know that this hasn't been announced by our government...for obvious reasons...but that's
the status quo at the moment....
Weird to think that Australia would bail out Virgin when we look at who owns Virgin...
Branson owns 10.4%
Etihad Airways owns 20.94%
Singapore Airlines owns 20.09%
Nanshan Group owns 19.98%
HNA Group owns 19.82%
The last two owners are Chinese conglomerates.....
WHY the fuck would the Australian government consider for more than 2 fkn seconds to bail out
an airline company which is 40% owned by the fkn CHINESE....
AND yet that imbecile Albanese, babbling like a sick child, implores the government to bail them out
and save the jobs of their 10,000 workers....
Its not even an Australian company...the workers are not the responsibility of the Australian
It would be the heights of incompetence and a slap in the face to every Australian if this
government bails out an overseas company owned 20% by Etihad....20% by Singapore and 40%
by China....
After what China has hoisted upon the entire world...…
Fuck me...... :roll: :roll: :roll:
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:00 pm

I actually had no idea who owned Virgin other than Branson. Bugger them!

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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:27 pm

https://www.theguardian.com/business/20 ... -of-virgin
Apparently Branson wants 500 million pounds from the UK as well.....
Not sure about Branson owning 51% of the airline alongside Delta (USA) which Guardian says owns 49%....
Don't think that's right...not going to waste my time googling for further detail....
Looks like a pig in a poke to me...or maybe a bat in a pot..... :rofl
My guess is Etihad will take over....don't really care....maybe the Chinese mob will bail them out...
...new name for airline.....Corona Airlines..... :rofl
A mate of mine cashed in 240,000 frequent flyer points ages ago when he told me they were fucked......
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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