Why the world is rooted.

America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world
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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Apr 02, 2020 9:39 am

The graphs depicting the "curve" of the virus are somewhat misleading.....
Graphs I have looked at all seem to start on the same date for various countries.....
I suppose the bureaucrats and scholars will tell us peasants that we need to have a consistent
starting point....
The graphs..charts..whatever you want to call them are bullshit.....
Look at it this way....
Each country throughout the world has the virus at a particular stage....
Those stages are different....
Think of this...
Compare the time that a horse takes to run his last 200m at the end of a race....
Horse 1 runs his race over 1200m...horse 2 over 1600m...horse 3 over 2400m....
How can a comparison be made....it cant be....each horse has run a different distance.....
Its the same with the virus....
Our curve cannot be compared to other countries.....
Its bullshit....
In any case, each country has different lock down rules and social distancing rules...
Different testing rates...etc...
Some countries are heavily populated.....others aren't....
Its like comparing a 10 year horse with a 2 year old.....
Our curve is our curve....end of story.....
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:18 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/health/its-on ... lent-crime

Ill give Australia to about the end of the month before the crime wave and general anarchy starts...
Victoria has already banned the sale of guns and ammunition.....
When you outlaw guns...the only people with guns will be....outlaws....
With all our Police working on patrolling social distancing, compulsory quarantines etc its only a matter
of time before the joint resembles Cincinnati with Police Officers instructed not to respond to various crimes....
(see the link.....)
Victoria already has a special force of 500 Police, taken from their ranks to perform "virus duties"...
Theyre 500 short already.....
And how many of them are 5 foot nothing and weigh 60k wringing wet...in other words fkn useless...… :yahoo
But I digress.....
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Apr 02, 2020 3:33 pm

https://www.sharecafe.com.au/2020/04/02 ... llow-suit/

UK, EU and NZ banks are suspending dividends....and planned buybacks...
But but but...I thought the banks were going gangbusters.....
Buybacks have propped up the individual companies and the stockmarkets for years....
No more buybacks in the immediate future...
I wonder if APRA decide to instruct the Australian banks to do the same....
Australian needs Glass Steagall legislation now more than ever before...
Ooops...sorry...wont happen....two reasons....
The Government panders to the banks....and by the way....parliament has adjourned until August.....
Just enough time for the banks to start placing limits on withdrawals.....
That wouldn't happen now would it...…
Would it.....
Move over Greece.... :yahoo
(I see Westpac shares have dropped from almost forty bucks five years ago to.....wait for it....
$15.92 to-day....interesting.....down 35% in three months...but then again ANZ and NAB are down
33% and 36% respectively...….hhhmmm….. :roll: ..ANZ NAB and Westpac will consider dividend policy
during the next two weeks...…)
https://www.raskmedia.com.au/2020/03/23 ... pect-next/
From the link......
"Australia would throw everything at the banks before they let one of them fail. However, please note that even if the Government did bail them out they would want their pound of flesh in the form of equity or debt.
A Bank fail...goodness me...wah your mouth out with soap....and then go and say ten hail marys.... :rofl
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:52 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/10-si ... depression

What happens if you mark time in quicksand.....
Answer....you sink...….
The above link refers to 10 signs that the US is heading towards a depression...
I am looking at sign number 5 which refers to the "gig economy"
The gig economy in the US stands at about 36% of all US workers...
Id bet my left testicle that the figure is about the same in Australia....
The sad thing about it is this....
The phrase "gig economy" is simply a buzz word/phrase which hides the fact that a third
of the country cant find permanent jobs....
The con is in....
The jig...should I say "gig" ...is up...
Governments everywhere fail the peasants by not encouraging/enabling/creating..whatever
word you want to use......sufficient full time jobs....
Hence they do what is next best...
They create part time jobs.....
AND the flow on from this is the gig economy....or what I call the "false economy"
We have been marking time in quicksand for years.....decades...
AND the covid 19 virus is going to suck us all under....
Hence the title of the thread...…
Have a great day everyone..... :shock:
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-03/ ... er/8667674
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:27 pm

https://www.news.com.au/national/breaki ... 31cb6f16a3

Well how gutless, spineless and divisive is this...
Morrison has refused to consider calls for public servants and politicians to take a pay cut.
The Qld Premier has decided to place on hold the pay rises which over 200,000 public servants
were going to receive....but only due to a backlash from the public.....

In June 2019 there were 2,046,700 public sector employees. There were 242,100 employees in Commonwealth government, 1,610,600 in state government and 194,000 in local government.
In 2018-19, the total cash wages and salaries for the public sector was $166,893.8 million.
This collection covers public sector organisations, including Commonwealth and state/territory government organisations, local government authorities, public corporations, universities, non-profit institutions controlled by the government, government marketing boards, legislative courts, municipal authorities and other statutory authorities. Organisations are classified to Level of Government by determining the institutional unit (i.e. Commonwealth, state or local government) deemed to exercise control. The estimates in this release may differ from other available information due to differences in coverage and/or the classification of organisations. For further details, refer to paragraphs 33-38 of the Explanatory Notes.

Whilst I agree that emergency services should not be touched other public servants and politicians should all
be placed in the same category as the rest of us....
After all, didn't our spineless leader say we are all in this together....
I see....we are all in this together....you guys can shut your business down, you can all receive $1500 a fortnight
payable when we get around to it...…
BUT because we are the elite....we keep our wages in full....
Arrogant, gutless bastards...….. :WTF
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:48 pm

Hands up if you have shares in one of the big banks.....
Of course everyone does......well not me...….
Morrison has implied that APRA is suggesting that dividends from the big four banks
will not be suspended due to the covid 19 virus.....
Funny that....The EU, the UK and NZ have all suspended dividends from banks together
with share buybacks...…
Of course if dividends are not paid, the shit will really hit the fan as retirees etc all over
Australia will ditch their shares as they will not be getting the benefit of the dividends.....
Banks share prices will go down even further...having dropped 30 odd percent in recent times.....
Dropping share prices will negatively effect superannuation funds who traditionally hold
"blue chip" bank shares.....
I wonder how much insider trading would occur if APRA decided to ditch dividends....
That wouldn't happen in good old Australia....would it...…. :rofl
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 04, 2020 3:55 pm

We all know about the Ruby Princess fiasco....
Ill turn this post into a "did you know.."...post.....
DID you know....
That the senior Medical Officer aboard the Ruby Princess is Grant Tarling.....
Did you know that he is also the senior vice president of Carnival Corporation...the
mob that own the Ruby Princess....
The question has to be asked if Tarling was truthful when he answered government questions
about the health of passengers and crew aboard the Ruby Princess....
The phrase "conflict of interest" jumps into mind...
The Diamond Princess (a Cruise Corporation ship) had 2000 passengers on board when it was refused
admission to Japan....
In the US two crew members of the Regal Princess had to be tested for the virus which delayed docking...
The Royal Princess was subject to a no sail order after a crew member was transferred from
the Grand Princess to the Royal Princess....
Off the coast of California, the Grand Princess had been sitting in quarantine after a passenger died due to COVID-19 infection. That drama began on March 4 and continued through to March 16 when all passengers and more than half of the ship’s crew members were taken off the ship.
The cruise industry, led by Carnival, is a major profit spinner for the Port Authority of NSW, a corporatised government body which reports its financial results to the NSW Treasury.
The cruise industry is worth $4.8 billion nationally to Australia...58% to NSW...
NSW invests in the cruise industry...
Carnival Corporation is the biggest cruise industry player internationally and in Australasia.
Last year it reported record total revenues of US$20.8 billion — an increase of US$2 billion over the previous year.
NSW Health said that cruise ship voyages into Sydney linked to confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW were:
Ovation of the Seas, docked March 18 — 74 cases
Voyager of the Seas, docked March 18 — 34 cases plus five crew members
Ruby Princess, docked March 19 — 337 cases plus three crew members
Celebrity Solstice, docked March 19 — 11 cases
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Australia is over 5500, with NSW accounting for 2389 of those.
I left a few "did you knows" out....but you get the drift.....
Connect the dots...... :WTF
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:26 pm

Addendum to above...
The question has to be asked.....
If the medical staff on board the Ruby Princess couldn't test for covid 19...why didn't NSW Health
board the ship and do the testing....and quarantine the entire crew and passengers until the test
results were known...
The assumption of course is that the Captain of the Ruby Princess told NSW Health that everything was "apples"
and only a couple of the crew had the flu......perhaps bullshit.....
Of course we all knew about the Diamond Princess fiasco....different ship...same owners..full of covid 19....
Perhaps NSW could have used a little foresight...is that asking too much of our government...which we
are often told, is advised by the best health experts in the world...…
It remains to be seen if the Channel Seven investigation of the Ruby Princess fiasco tomorrow
night uncovers anything else....
A reported today asked Health Minister Hazzard if there was any reason why his resignation shouldn't
be on the Premiers desk the next morning...…
Hazzard got upset.....
Someone must be held accountable for this debacle...
There is a Police investigation under way.....
It remains to be seen if there will be a cover up....
That wouldn't happen….would it..... :rofl
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:50 pm

Hazzard was on tv just after it happened and he couldn't stop coughing. First into his hand and then, when he remembered, into his elbow. Cough cough cough! :roll:

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Redneck » Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:58 pm

Personally I think its just a sh1t happens accident!

Big Nose and co are no doubt embarrassed but lets move on is my opinion!

And that is coming from a hated lefty!


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