Forced quarantine

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Forced quarantine

Post by Gordon » Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:47 pm

Great move, ScoMo, I'd have done this a week ago.

Self-isolation rules strengthened for people arriving in Australia

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said all arrivals to Australia will now be quarantined in hotels in the city they arrive in.

“We are going to take further measures to strengthen self-isolation,” he said.

“By no later than midnight on Saturday, states and territories will be quarantining all arrivals in hotel and other accommodation facilities for two weeks.”

The Australian Defence Force will be deployed to enforce the quarantine in hotels across the country.

“We will be turning out the Defence Force to support these arrangements,” Mr Morrison said. “The ADF will be there to put boots on the ground to support the enforcement effort.”

NSW Police will still be responsible for charging people for breaches of the Biosecurity Act.

The Prime Minister said the containment efforts of the population so far in limiting community transmission had allowed the government to focus more of its efforts on the largest threat, which is returned travellers.

“We believe these important actions are the most important we can take right now because of what you’ve done, Australia,” he said.

“By you getting on board with the changes you have needed to make, this means we can target our efforts even more into these areas, where we believe the most critical concern is right now ... 54ed7.html

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Black Orchid
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Re: Forced quarantine

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:51 pm

It's about time. I read earlier that one woman was fined $1,000 for refusing to self isolate. That's ridiculous and far too lenient. She could have potentially killed dozens of people through her selfish stupidity.

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Re: Forced quarantine

Post by Gordon » Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:59 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:51 pm
It's about time. I read earlier that one woman was fined $1,000 for refusing to self isolate. That's ridiculous and far too lenient. She could have potentially killed dozens of people through her selfish stupidity.
They should go back 2 weeks and round up all international arrivals.

Older/less well people get a hotel. Young fit people get a tent city with cots.

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Re: Forced quarantine

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:01 pm

I was naive enough to think that a total travel ban meant exactly that. A TOTAL BAN!

Until I saw that debacle at Sydney airport yesterday. :WTF

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Re: Forced quarantine

Post by billy the kid » Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:42 pm

They were slow in stopping flights from China....they were slow in stopping flights from Iran...…
They were slow in stopping flights from Italy.....
They've stuffed up the schools...they've stuffed up the Centrelink payments...
And now....surprise surprise...they've decided on forced quarantine...….
And Gomer stands there like a polished turd at a news conference as though he is The Messiah himself...…
Gomers platoon....never one to act have another wait...
lets have a preliminary meeting wait...fuck me..
How long does it take to realise that a person getting off a plane in Sydney who lives in Adelaide
is going to be in contact with numerous people on their way to the extent of taking
another flight to Adelaide.....this has been happening from day one....
Its now the 27th March 2020....the numbers are going through the roof....
AND Gomer stands there and says....."we're learning from the Ruby Princess....".....
Gomer....its going to be a pretty fkn expensive lesson...….
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Re: Forced quarantine

Post by Redneck » Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:50 pm

I see that from tomorrow

People coming in from OS will be quarantined for two weeks in hotels.

They will be monitored by the army and police for compliance.

Apparently this is to stop non compliance and often passing on the virus to others when quarantined at home.

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Re: Forced quarantine

Post by billy the kid » Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:15 pm

The quarantine should have been in place weeks ago...too slow Gomer…..
He is reacting to people not doing what they should be doing.....
He reacted to Bondi....he reacted to the Ruby Princess....everything is a reaction....
I would have thought someone with half a brain would have used some foresight....
It seems that no-one in the state or federal grubberments has any foresight...
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Re: Forced quarantine

Post by billy the kid » Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:43 pm

This will be a trainwreck…..
The talking heads have just stated that the actual hotels to be used haven't been determined...…
I see.....
They have stated that details are yet to be worked out as to whether full floors of rooms are
blocked off/cordoned off to house everyone.....or just a room here and a room there....
I see....
From my understanding lifts can only be occupied by two people at any given time due to social
distancing rules......two at a time.....
Which leads me to ponder the following....
Are the Police/Defence Force Personnel going to run a shuttle service from the airport every time a plane lands...
Will those vehicles be buses...maybe even an occasional rickshaw or three....
When travellers arrive at the Hotel, how will their accommodation be determined..
Oh yes....Mr and Mrs two kids..they can go into room 456.....
No wait....456 is a singe bedder….maybe wait....that's a two bedder…
Can your kids sleep in a double have a boy and a girl....
I presume sleeping arrangements will all be dealt with by hotel staff, whilst Police
wait patiently by....surely Police would not be given the responsibility of allocating people to rooms.....
Then the travellers will be ushered up to their at a time as remember...
Only two people in the lift at any one a family of say five will take five
trips up to the room (with or without their Police escort)....whilst how many other people sit/stand and wait to be
processed....all the while maintaining social distancing....
AND then when they are settled in their room...will there be a Police guard on each floor...
assuming to ensure no-one leaves their room...
Bear in mind that this will be occurring in every capital city in Australia....
For a month.....whilst people come and go at the end of their isolation period...
AND meanwhile, the Police have to maintain the usual law and order within each city....
They have 30 hours to organize this...and the hotels have yet to be determined.....
Its a logistical nightmare.....
Whilst I agree in principal to the whole would have been a lot easier to
initiate if the Police were give a little more time....
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Re: Forced quarantine

Post by sprintcyclist » Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:30 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:51 pm
It's about time. I read earlier that one woman was fined $1,000 for refusing to self isolate. That's ridiculous and far too lenient. She could have potentially killed dozens of people through her selfish stupidity.
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Re: Forced quarantine

Post by cods » Sat Mar 28, 2020 6:42 pm

Redneck wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:50 pm
I see that from tomorrow

People coming in from OS will be quarantined for two weeks in hotels.

They will be monitored by the army and police for compliance.

Apparently this is to stop non compliance and often passing on the virus to others when quarantined at home.
got told today those being put up in hotels were whingeing about the food...

what about these detention centres they might prefer them and get better service..

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