Why the world is rooted.

America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world
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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:26 pm

As if they are all going to stand a metre or more apart? What about when getting a drink?

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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:28 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:26 pm
As if they are all going to stand a metre or more apart? What about when getting a drink?
Laughable...absolutely laughable...and this mob takes their advice from the experts..... :rofl
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:54 am

The talking heads got that wrong last night.
It was common knowledge that Scumo was going to announce today that indoor
gatherings were going to be restricted to 1 person per 4 square metres…
Maybe he thought about that and leaked the details as a "thought bubble" just to gauge
the publics response....they wouldn't do that would they.....no ….never...
Today he announces indoor gatherings will now be restricted to 100 at pubs and clubs....
That has virtually shut down the liquor industry...
Liquor purchases wil go down...GST will go down...watch the GST go up at some stage
in the future to pay for all this....people will just stay at home..just what Scumo wants....
Its an indirect shutdown causing periods of self isolation for all the boozers......
AND the NRL/AFL players/community are all bleating.....no sympathy from me...
Football was created as a game for young boys.....played by men.....
Obviously if youre a good player when youre about 16, you automatically think of a
career in football...why work when you can play footy (boneheadball) for 80 minutes a week....sorry..
make that maybe 40/50...don't forget the interchange allows you to come off for a drink and
a piss and a rest..maybe go back on...make two tackles..make maybe one or two runs...kick
maybe twice....then go off for another rest....
Do that once a week for six months of the year, keep fit....behave as you please in public
because youre a footballer....the rewards are endless....
And then when you retire, you can get a job somewhere in football and continue to leech
on the game you once played well as a kid for as long as you want....why work for a living.....
AND they bleat because the game may have to close down...…
Get a real job you sponges.....football is not a job...its a recreation...
FOR those who think..oh the poor footballers...they might not be able to pay their
mortgage...so its about the money is it...I thought football was played for the love
of the game....
If you love the game so much......play for nothing......
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:41 am

They're trying to flatten the curve so that the hospital system won't break down. I think they are doing a decent job of that and obviously some business will suffer no matter what they do.

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:22 pm

Flattening the curve would be more effective if the flattening occurred quicker...
See the following...a petition signed by thousands organized by Dr Greg Kelly....
“On current growth rates the 370 cases in Australia today will be 750 on Friday, 1500 on Tuesday next week, 3000 next Saturday, 6000 on the 1st of April and 12,000 by the 4th of April,” the open letter read before total numbers climbed to 452 on Tuesday.
“This is less than three weeks from now and puts us in a worse position than Italy is currently in.”
The letter explained that even if strict social distancing was implemented immediately, it would take two weeks before it had an effect on the number of cases of coronavirus, as seen in China and Italy.
The petition, which has gained thousands of signatures since being established on Monday, called on Mr Morrison to enforce two major measures to keep coronavirus case numbers from skyrocketing.
Scumos reaction to this virus has been reactive, rather than proactive, disjointed, haphazard and ragged...
These are not my words...they are words of the talking heads...their names, placenames and dates shall remain
anonymous as will their political leanings...…
It should not be necessary for a petition, signed by thousands to be created to secure urgent action by our
Prime Minister....
The petition is from a Doctor...not some muppet in the street with an axe to grind......
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed Mar 18, 2020 6:44 pm

Doctors pen letter urging 'immediate action'
"A team of six top medical professionals in the Northern Territory have written a letter requesting "immediate action" on the coronavirus before it’s too late.
The letter has been signed by the Royal Darwin Hospital acting director of anaesthesia Andrew Fenton, director of emergency medicine Didier Palmer, women, children and youth medical co-director Kathryn Roberts, surgery and critical care medical co-director Mahiban Thomas, ICU director Paul Goldrick and medicine medical co-director Nadarajah Kangaran.
"Critical care teams across the globe are reeling from the overwhelming number of patients now requiring ICU and ventilation," it says.
"There is a strong sense of regret that these health systems (Italy/Washington State/Holland among others) did not make fast and better decisions. Australia is only a few weeks behind this development. The NT population is doubly vulnerable, and it's critical care resources more finite, than any other Australian jurisdiction."
It goes on to recommend 13 items that need "immediate action" and another three that need action in two weeks."
It seems that more medical professionals are seeking urgent action.....
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:12 am

https://abcnews.go.com/Health/taiwan-se ... d=69552462

"As of 13th March, 2020, Taiwan has 49 cases of covid19 with one death.Taiwan, an island of 23 million people just off the coast of China, was predicted to have the second-highest "importation risk" of any country. With over 850,000 of its citizens residing and working in mainland China, experts expected Taiwan to be heavily impacted by COVID-19, especially given the timing of the outbreak coinciding with Chinese New Year, one of the busiest travel times of the year.As soon as news about an unknown virus came out of Wuhan, China, on Dec. 31, officials in Taiwan began restricting flights to and from the region and began to screen passengers.
It expanded its assessment criteria a week after and began quarantining anyone showing symptoms."

I wont quote further from the article...very interesting read....considering how close Taiwan is to China...
However, the question could be asked.....
WTF are you doing Scumo…..
It is now the 19th March, 2020, and we are still fucking around, monitoring this, monitoring that..squabbling
about whether schools should be closed....fighting over toilet paper in the aisles of supermarkets...
Theres even a story about busloads of people from Melbourne driving up the road 100 kilometres and raiding
the local supermarket...the result now that shoppers have to produce ID showing that they are locals before
they can enter the shops....
This is a fkn mess...
It took us til the 12th March to ban flights from Italy....the 12th March ffs.....
AND Scumo says..."something happens,and we will react....."
Did anyone in our useless grubberment communicate with Taiwan.....at any stage....
This country has been going down the gurglar for decades due to incompetent politicians...
..being consistently and continually sold out from under our feet to overseas interests...…
The peasants are fed up with our "systems".....
AND along comes Covid 19...…
Good luck people...youre gunna fkn need it...…
Im going for a swim...…..
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:28 pm

Apparently Scumo is closing all our borders....only took three months....
I don't suppose that applies to 180,000 Chinese uni students...ooops sorry..theyre already here....

I think Ill re-name Scumo "Gomer Pyle"...…. :rofl :rofl :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:57 pm

Gomer is telling us that.... "80% of corona virus cases in Australia were the result of somebody who had contracted the virus overseas or someone who had direct contact with somebody who returned from overseas."
Well, Gomer...how long has that information been know to the Australian grubberment….
Wouldn't that information have been available from at least one of the 100 overseas countries
that have recorded cases of corona virus.....and for how long was it available....
Why are we only now closing our borders.... :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:23 pm

The debate rages in Australia about whether to shut schools or not...…

"The government is worried about disrupting society, and the educational progress of students, more than is necessary and believes children not at school will be out in the community potentially spreading the disease to more vulnerable people.
It also believes that as much as 30 per cent of the medical workforce could be required to stay home to look after their children if schools closed, having major flow on effects as the country’s health system works to handle the crisis.
The third major reason behind the thinking is that children don’t appear to develop severe cases of the disease, and thus it’s hoped they are somewhat less likely to spread bad cases of COVID-19. This, however, is not backed up by the available evidence.
When defending its insistence on schools staying open, the government points to Singapore as an example of a country that has successfully subdued the novel coronavirus while keeping education centres open.

“The health advice is that schools should remain open,” Prime Minister Scott Morrisons told reporters Wednesday morning.
“Interestingly, this is also what Singapore has done. Singapore has been one of the more successful countries. In Singapore, the schools are open.”
However, what the federal and state leaders have not been mentioning when holding up this example, is that Singapore has been doing extensive testing in schools, subjecting students and teachers to daily health checks including temperature screenings as they enter the school, and sending anyone with potential symptoms home.
In lieu of testing, Australian authorities say it is vital that sick people don’t go to school.
“We don't know whether children may be a vector of asymptomatic or transmission with low levels of symptoms. So we need to make sure that our schools are made as safe as possible,” Australia’s Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy said this morning.
“We need to make sure that no sick child goes to school. We need to make sure that no sick teacher goes to school.”

Singapore has a population of 6.1 million
Australia has 25 million..
Singapore it was reported yesterday had tested 200,000 people
Meanwhile, in a population 4 times greater, we have only tested 80,000.
The reason of course, is grubberment bungling...plus of course the fact that we
havent got enough test kits.....100,000 kits "arrived" yesterday...
Why hasnt Gomer ordered children/teachers to be temperature tested upon arrival at school....
They are temp testing trainers/jockeys/stewards/barrier attendants/vets/ambos/farriers at the races....
Same question as above....
wtf are you doing Gomer........
The article appears in Yahoo News....its lengthy.....also quotes UK study by Imperial College of London
suggesting that schools and universities should be closed down.....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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