What causes domestic violence in 2020

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billy the kid
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What causes domestic violence in 2020

Post by billy the kid » Sun Feb 23, 2020 1:22 pm

I have thought about this topic for quite a while, and decided to throw it out there for any comments.
Why is 2020 so different to say 1970.
That's 50 years...let go back 50 years.
Maybe domestic violence wasn't prevalent in 1970...maybe it wasn't reported...maybe
domestic violence occurred under other definitions such as mental cruelty...a cause for divorce
under the old Matrimonial Causes Act.
I can recollect before 1970, as a teenager riding my bicycle past houses in my home town, hearing
parents of my mates yelling at each other. My own parents were at times unhappily married.
But there was no physical violence...seemingly....
Fast forward to the 70s and 80s where wives would issue a summons against their husband for assault,
and then under the threat of more assaults, withdraw it a few days later.
Then, in the 90s we would regularly read about a "domestic violence day" at various Courts where
all cases that day were applicants seeking dvo's…
The Family Law Act 1975 was passed with the aim of ending/curtailing abusive marriages with a no fault clause.
All applicants had to do was separate for 12 months and attend mandatory counselling before a divorce
was granted...nowadays some couples just live together anyway....
Domestic violence hasn't stopped because of the FL Act.
In fact it just gets worse and worse.
It seems as though in many cases, without apportioning blame, men and women just cant live together...
Well...some men and women....
It seems to me that the causes of domestic violence in the 70s are pretty much the same as in 2020.
Lack of money, lack of love, lack of respect, inability to cope with the stress of life/employment,
difficulty in acquiring efficient parenting skills/collapse of the family unit/ both parents working/children falling in with
unsuitable crowds/alcohol abuse/problem gambling/pornography and so on...
BUT didn't this all exist 50 years ago...
ALL perhaps excepting one or two factors....
BOTH parents working/collapse of the family unit.....and porn...…
Until men start treating their wives like wives and not porn queens...
Until the family unit reassembles...
Nothing will change....
Thoughts anyone.....??
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The Reboot
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Re: What causes domestic violence in 2020

Post by The Reboot » Sun Feb 23, 2020 1:39 pm

In short? It's a symptom of a society where people don't have to take responsibility for their actions. They can get away with it more, because they can simply blame the alcohol, the crack-pipe or mental illness... that, and victims need to be pretty much dead before the law can intervene. By then, it is often too late.

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brian ross
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Re: What causes domestic violence in 2020

Post by brian ross » Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:16 pm

Domestic violence hasn't actually increased all that much. What has changed is that people are now more willing to report it. People believe they have rights and that they have recourse to the law to protect those rights. In the 1960s and 1970s, domestic violence occurred but then, the Police could be fobbed off with the words "Its a domestic mate" and when leave the culprits and their victims to sort it out themselves. Women were still killed and kids still abused. Today, the police have a duty of care and must intervene.

Is the situation better for the domestic violence to be above the counter, in the public eye? I believe so. Society should have the power and the ability to intervene if necessary. Will they though? It appears not, if the situation on the Gold Coast is anything to believe.

The problem is that many men still believe they own their woman, their kids. The courts don't. Some men don't cope well with that. Unfortunately. Many men don't believe that women live their own lives and are their own people. What is needed is for possessive personalities to be taught how to behave towards their loved ones.
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Re: What causes domestic violence in 2020

Post by Bobby » Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:37 pm

What causes domestic violence in 2020?

Idiots getting married.
You should need a marriage license even to live together if you plan on having kids.

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Black Orchid
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Re: What causes domestic violence in 2020

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:42 pm

DV has always been around but I think it is more prevalent today due to the bad parenting the current crop had.

Alcohol and drug abuse, both parents working and being stressed and irritated and lack of taking responsibility. I doubt porn plays too much of a part.

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Re: What causes domestic violence in 2020

Post by Valkie » Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:25 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:42 pm
DV has always been around but I think it is more prevalent today due to the bad parenting the current crop had.

Alcohol and drug abuse, both parents working and being stressed and irritated and lack of taking responsibility. I doubt porn plays too much of a part.
It's a complex issue.
And one that will never Truely be solved while various groups are sniping at each other.

Responsibility needs to be taken from the many contributors, not simply ostracize one group
This stupid mantra of "toxic masculinity" is not helping the fact that there are many facets to the problem.

Society bears a huge proportion of the blame
Once we grouped together and looked out for each other.
Now, many people do not even know their neighbours, let alone the culture in their home.

The grubberment, in its greed for money and control.
Have overseen the gradual and orchestrated destruction of the family unit by fostering both partners working and leaving children in day care for the greater part of their early lives.
Love is not shown to these children, they get food, water and a video game.
They lose their humanity and become aggressive when they don't get their way.
They don't know love, as therefore don't know how to love.
The next step is abuse.

Then we have the demands of the individual.
People no longer see marriage as a pact of love.
It's more commercial, they want this and that, where is the love and devotion?
Love turns to hate when things go wrong.
Then it gets nasty
He beats her because she is weaker.
She harps and attacks with insults and threats.
It spirals out of control.

When you marry someone
It should be because you love them
For better or worse
For richer or poorer
In good times and bad
No one really understands these vows any more.
No one takes them seriously anymore.

Live by these vows
Love your partner
And it all just seems to work.
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The Reboot
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Re: What causes domestic violence in 2020

Post by The Reboot » Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:59 am

brian ross wrote:
Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:16 pm
What is needed is for possessive personalities to be taught how to behave towards their loved ones.
Oh yes, that will solve everything! Next time a woman is severely beaten, just give her partner an informative leaflet. Maybe a hug too. :roll:

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brian ross
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Re: What causes domestic violence in 2020

Post by brian ross » Tue Feb 25, 2020 1:59 pm

The Reboot wrote:
Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:59 am
brian ross wrote:
Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:16 pm
What is needed is for possessive personalities to be taught how to behave towards their loved ones.
Oh yes, that will solve everything! Next time a woman is severely beaten, just give her partner an informative leaflet. Maybe a hug too. :roll:
No, the aim is to stop it before it gets to that point. Start when they are in kindy and teach them how to treat other people.

I suppose your method it to isolate the genders? A real separatist solution, right? :roll :roll
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Re: What causes domestic violence in 2020

Post by Texan » Tue Feb 25, 2020 3:21 pm

I don't think this is a problem that will easily be solved. I think people are becoming more selfish. Is it because God has been removed from the schools, or the traditional family isn't as popular as it once was, or both parents are working and leaving "professionals" with no vested interest in the development of the kids to raise the kids? I can't tell you any more than my opinion. People are abandoning honesty, integrity, and commitment. Marriage is not taken seriously. Even the definition of marriage has been changed for most.

The government through public schools have demanded more control over the social and moral values of children and have taken it from the parents. Sometimes the parents are just lazy and sometimes the state goes over the parent's heads. Maybe every generation says this, but I miss the good ole days.

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Nom De Plume
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Re: What causes domestic violence in 2020

Post by Nom De Plume » Tue Feb 25, 2020 3:45 pm

We are a violent species. It has always been so...
Therefore, if you want for less violence, then you need to modify our DNA, mass medicate or ensure compulsory self defence classes for all.
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