Hear, hear.Now you have the details, so let’s do that blame thing, but properly this time.
No, I don’t blame police for chasing a lunatic driver in a stolen car.
I blame Justin Charles Williams for being a good-for-nothing.
I blame his parents for not sticking together and raising a boy to be a civilised man.
I blame those friends and relatives who praised in him what they should have condemned.
After them, I blame the schools and welfare officials for not grabbing Williams when he was young and already dangerous, and trying to make him straight, rather than turn him loose on our streets.
I blame the courts for giving him more chances than he ever planned to take, and leaving him free to steal yet another car for his last deadly drive.
I blame all of us for creating a culture that tells the feckless there’s no dishonour in leaving your children, or in betraying your most solemn duty to your spouse.
I blame all of us for killing shame, and for kicking to pieces the stern guides of tradition and faith that the brainless badly need in their trackless lives.
I blame the “reformers” who stripped our courts and police of their once intimidating authority.
I blame a government that throws money at the shiftless and that finances incivility.
And I blame those who, when a crook crashes and burns, blame first those few who at least tried to hold him to account.
A society unwilling to stand up for itself, and be proud of it's values, for fear of being branded cruel and tyrannical, breeding a counter-culture with no morals other than selfishness and disregard for all others.