Why do you think the Cubans let them go?
You do realise there are no more restrictions, other than money, on people travelling from Cuba to the US, Bogan? Haven't been since Obama normalised relations.

Why do you think the Cubans let them go?
Because it was a great way of getting rid of people who wanted nothing to do with socialism, and a great way to get rid of Cuba's criminals.Briney wrote
Why do you think the Cubans let them go?
There are restrictions on the US end, Brian. That being that white Europeans, wherever they go, create viable and prosperous societies, while other cultures and races do not. So despite South America being arguably richer than North America, a particularly large proportion of South Americans want to go north and live with the white guys.Briney wrote
You do realise there are no more restrictions, other than money, on people travelling from Cuba to the US, Bogan? Haven't been since Obama normalised relations.
Partially and initially yes. Serves the Yanks right, I think for creating Cuba the way it is...
There are restrictions on the US end, Brian.Briney wrote
You do realise there are no more restrictions, other than money, on people travelling from Cuba to the US, Bogan? Haven't been since Obama normalised relations.
And yet you're blaming the Fidelistas for what has occurred? Geez, talk about typical. Tsk, tsk.Another triumph of socialism and the unchecked immigration of third world people.
Serves the Cubans, Venezuelans, and Chileans right for thinking that international socialism would be an improvement over national socialism. China and Russia have gone the other way from international socialism to national socialism. But if you prefer international socialism, then you may still immigrate to Cuba. Australia may no longer have free speech because of socialists, but it is still free in many other ways. You are free to leave and wallow in your utopian dream. Better take a 12 meter container full of food and toilet paper with you, just in case. If you have a weight problem, Brian, socialist Cuba and Venezuela are great places to fix that.Briney wrote
Partially and initially yes. Serves the Yanks right, I think for creating Cuba the way it is...
Ah. No I am not. I am saying that no country on Earth has open borders, despite your lefty comrades insisting that all white, European countries must do so immediately.Briney wrote
Ah, so you're saying that the restrictions aren't imposed by the Fidelistas but by the Trumpites? Right
I am blaming socialism for what has occurred. it is just incredible that educated and supposedly intelligent western people like your good self can still be suckered in by a utopian ideology which has failed in every country stupid enough to try it. Equally incredible, that these same people seek to destroy the western civilisation that is the most equal, the most fair, the most inventive, and the most prosperous, in the entire 200,000 year history of the human race. You and your public service mates remind me of the Australian wharfless and coal miners during WW2, who did everything they could to enrich themselves during wartime, to the extent of sabotaging the war effort, even though losing the war to Japan would mean their own extermination.Briney wrote
And yet you're blaming the Fidelistas for what has occurred? Geez, talk about typical. Tsk, tsk
yesBogan wrote: ↑Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:23 pm
.................. I am blaming socialism for what has occurred.
it is just incredible that educated and supposedly intelligent western people like your good self can still be suckered in by a utopian ideology which has failed in every country stupid enough to try it.
Equally incredible, that these same people seek to destroy the western civilisation that is the most equal, the most fair, the most inventive, and the most prosperous, in the entire 200,000 year history of the human race.
You and your public service mates remind me of the Australian wharfless and coal miners during WW2, who did everything they could to enrich themselves during wartime, to the extent of sabotaging the war effort, even though losing the war to Japan would mean their own extermination.
Same mindset.
Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Poor, poor, Bogan. You really do have a warped idea of how the world has worked in the last 100 years, don't you? I have no intention of migrating anywhere. Why should I? I am happy here. The people around me are happy with me. It is just you and your fellow travellers who want me gone.Bogan wrote: ↑Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:23 pmServes the Cubans, Venezuelans, and Chileans right for thinking that international socialism would be an improvement over national socialism. China and Russia have gone the other way from international socialism to national socialism. But if you prefer international socialism, then you may still immigrate to Cuba. Australia may no longer have free speech because of socialists, but it is still free in many other ways. You are free to leave and wallow in your utopian dream. Better take a 12 meter container full of food and toilet paper with you, just in case. If you have a weight problem, Brian, socialist Cuba and Venezuela are great places to fix that.Briney wrote
Partially and initially yes. Serves the Yanks right, I think for creating Cuba the way it is...
None of my "lefty comrades" believes in open borders, Bogan. The only person I know who spouts off about them continually is you. Tsk, tsk.Ah. No I am not. I am saying that no country on Earth has open borders, despite your lefty comrades insisting that all white, European countries must do so immediately.Briney wrote
Ah, so you're saying that the restrictions aren't imposed by the Fidelistas but by the Trumpites? Right
I am blaming socialism for what has occurred.Briney wrote
And yet you're blaming the Fidelistas for what has occurred? Geez, talk about typical. Tsk, tsk
it is just incredible that educated and supposedly intelligent western people like your good self can still be suckered in by a utopian ideology which has failed in every country stupid enough to try it.
You really do need to get out more, Bogan. You really do. If you did, you'd realise that capitalism has created a pyramid with the majority of people at the bottom, with all their monies going into the pockets of the few at the top. You seem to believe that you're at the top. I wonder why? You got a Mansion on the North Shore yet? All your hard work has made your life easier has it? Really?Equally incredible, that these same people seek to destroy the western civilisation that is the most equal, the most fair, the most inventive, and the most prosperous, in the entire 200,000 year history of the human race.
My mates don't work for the public service, Bogan. As for the wharfies and coal miners? They worked much harder than most Australians before, during and after the war. Much harder. Something the MUA reminded Australian society about a few years ago. "MUA! Here to stay!" Was their chant.You and your public service mates remind me of the Australian wharfless and coal miners during WW2, who did everything they could to enrich themselves during wartime, to the extent of sabotaging the war effort, even though losing the war to Japan would mean their own extermination.
Same mindset.
No. I love reading history, so I have a pretty good idea of how the world has worked, and it does not conform to your perverted worldview.Briney wrote
Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Poor, poor, Bogan. You really do have a warped idea of how the world has worked in the last 100 years, don't you?
Why indeed? You are living in a democratic, free market country that has individual freedoms unprecedented in the entire 200,000 year history of the human race. And that suits you, just fine. But you are advocating for socialist totalitarianism while living in the sort of free county that socialists claim is oppressive. So, if you love socialism so much, why don't you go and live in a socialist country?Briney wrote
I have no intention of migrating anywhere. Why should I?
But we can't go. Us white people are running out of countries where our free market democracies can continue to give us freedom and prosperity. So now it comes down to fight since we can no longer flight. The onus is therefore upon you to go and live in the socialist paradises you advocate, and leave us alone. But you had better take a 12 meter container with you full of food and toilet paper when you do so.Briney wrote
I am happy here. The people around me are happy with me. It is just you and your fellow travellers who want me gone.
Oh bullshit. Destroying democracy by swamping the free world with third worlders who will vote for you lefties forever while they live on the dole, and subsidise their lifestyle with criminal activity, is your prime tactic for taking power. And it worked just fine in California. If California was a country, it would be the eighth largest economy in the world. But California is facing bankruptcy because for 30 years the leftist Democrats used the changing racial demographics to stay in power, while they milked the productive whites with the highest taxes in the USA to buy the Hispanic and African vote.Briney wrote
None of my "lefty comrades" believes in open borders, Bogan.
Yoo hoo, Brian. Cubans are fleeing to the USA for a chance to live in USA's "grinding poverty", not the other way around. During the late 60's and early 70's, idiot lefties in the USA showed how dumb they were by hijacking US aircraft and demanding to be flown to Cuba. I'll bet they now rue the day they were so stupid to let their psychological compulsion to virtue signal overcome their common sense. It reminds me of that stupid Victorian academic sheila who went to bloody Iran to expoerience Shiite culture. Well, she got that all right. Now she is bunged up in an Iranian dungeon where she can experience Shiite culture for the next ten years. What's the bet she is sitting in that dungeon right now, thinking to herself, "How could I have been so stupid?"Briney wrote
Why? Is it 'cause it offered to the Cuban people and yes, even perhaps the American people an alternative to the grinding poverty that capitalism has inflicted on them?
Because it was tried and failed in 46 countries, that's why. People flee from socialist countries, only the morons go the other way. Socialist countries put up walls to stop their populations from fleeing. Free market democracies put up walls to stop everybody on planet earth from coming to our successful societies where they will bankrupt our social security systems.Brian wrote
Why are you so afraid of a system that rewards it's members a just wage for a day's work, Bogan? Why are you afraid of a system that provides adequate and well funded education, medical care, aged care and so on? Why are you afraid of a system which ensures that everybody is happy? You really are a grumpy bum, you realise?
Western countries, through leftist governments, dabbled in government owned enterprises responsible for the means of production and distribution. But they all failed, and from Sweden to Australia, they sold off their government owned assets to private industry. You wish to return to a failed system because it ensures a society of the public service, by the public service, and for the public service.Briney wrote
It didn't fail in Australia. It didn't fail in New Zealand. It didn't fail in Canada. It didn't fail in most of Western Europe. I am unsure why you're assuming that all Socialist countries (note Socialism is different to Communism) end up like Venezuela.
What you wrote is pure bunkum. Feudal and totalitarian societies are still pyramid shaped, with fat bastards like Maduro, Mao, and Kim jong Un at the top, his appointees and senior public service fat cats the next layer down, and the rest of the people equally poor and sometimes, starving to death. I wonder if the Chinese Premier today still does a Mao and fucks a virgin every night?Briney wrote
You really do need to get out more, Bogan. You really do. If you did, you'd realise that capitalism has created a pyramid with the majority of people at the bottom, with all their monies going into the pockets of the few at the top. You seem to believe that you're at the top. I wonder why? You got a Mansion on the North Shore yet? All your hard work has made your life easier has it? Really?
Not according the books that I have read, and from my own direct observations, Brian. The book "Australia's Secret War" by author Cal Holbach recounted how Australia's unions, especially the wharfies and coal miners, went to war against their own country and the men and women of Australia's fighting forces, at the time of Australia's gravest peril.Briney wrote
My mates don't work for the public service, Bogan. As for the wharfies and coal miners? They worked much harder than most Australians before, during and after the war. Much harder.
"Australia's Secret war."
Between 1939 and 1945 virtually every major Australian warship, including at different times its entire force of cruisers, was targeted by strikes, go-slows and sabotage. Australian soldiers operating in New Guinea and the Pacific Islands went without food, radio equipment and munitions, and Australian warships sailed to and from combat zones without ammunition, because of strikes at home. Planned rescue missions for Australian prisoners-of-war in Borneo were abandoned because wharf strikes left rescuers without heavy weapons. Officers had to restrain Australian and American troops from killing striking trade unionists.
I don't know which planet you are on, Brian, but the one that I inhabit is called "earth" and it revolves around a type 2, main sequence, yellow dwarf star that we call the "sun."Briney wrote
Something the MUA reminded Australian society about a few years ago. "MUA! Here to stay!" Was their chant. Much to Howard's regret he was outfoxed, out manoeuvred and out fought on the docks. Even the Coppers joined with the wharfies and stopped the scabs from breaking their picket. In the old days, Australian workers worked together to make sure that they and we all benefited form their actions. What a shame some Australian workers nowadays think only for themselves, hey, Bogan
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