Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Bogan » Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:04 am

Yogi wrote

Yes, but there's more to it. it's about creating a need/mandate for a police/surveillance state.
Same thing.
Yogi wrote

Seems we're on the same wave length Bogan.
You are obviously a very intelligent person if you think like me.
Yogi wrote

Yeah, sad hey?
I was never a Thatcher fan, but one thing she said was spot on .."The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money".
I was always a Thatcher fan, and it was her views on socialism which made me realise how smart she was. A greengrocers daughter, who got two diplomas and who became Britain's first female Prime Minister, despite every barrier put in her way as a woman and a low born pleb in a class conscious society. She should be every feminists hero, but they hate her because she was not a stupid lefty.

I still remember when the USA liberated Granada from Communist murderers without seeking Britain's approval (Granada was a Commonwealth country) and Maggie got on the phone to President Reagan and ticked him off, well and truly. Ronnie held the phone away from his ear so that his aides could hear Maggie screaming at him, and he smiled and said, "Isn't she great?"
Yogi wrote

In my darker moments I say "Well if the commies/social wankers/Marxists want to destroy capitalism and the Westernised world with it? .. Fine, because they won't get their socialist Utopia, they'll get Mad Max barbarism, and then I can hunt them with pig dogs for trashing my nation".
It's strange isn't it? White western democracies, who invented everything, who's technology created the modern world, who everybody on planet earth is trying to come and live with , using any means necessary, and Brian Ross sees nothing but evil in it? And he wants to change it to something which has failed miserably in every one of the 46 countries that ever tried it?

Cuckoo cuckoo.

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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by brian ross » Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:51 pm

Bogan wrote:
Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:04 am
I was always a Thatcher fan, and it was her views on socialism which made me realise how smart she was. A greengrocers daughter, who got two diplomas and who became Britain's first female Prime Minister, despite every barrier put in her way as a woman and a low born pleb in a class conscious society. She should be every feminists hero, but they hate her because she was not a stupid lefty.
Perhaps they hate her because of what her policies were? Nah, that can't be an explanation, now can it, hey, Bogan? Has to be just 'cause she was a Conservative, right? :roll: Millions unemployed, the steel industry destroyed, the coal industry destroyed, milk stolen from school children, you name it, she did it. :roll:
I still remember when the USA liberated Granada from Communist murderers without seeking Britain's approval (Granada was a Commonwealth country) and Maggie got on the phone to President Reagan and ticked him off, well and truly. Ronnie held the phone away from his ear so that his aides could hear Maggie screaming at him, and he smiled and said, "Isn't she great?"
Ah, so you were in the White House when this call supposedly took place, were you, Bogan? You witnessed Reagan taking the call did you? Funny how they let unemployed (at the time) Australian electricians into the Oval Office, now isn't it?

What I always found interesting is that Maggie was the only British PM who was refused a chair during her weekly afternoon tea with the Queen after the US invasion of Grenada. Seems the Yanks didn't know or understand that having a "special relationship" with another country means you tell them when you're going to invade a country which they hold title to. Seems Grenada was actually a member of the British Commonwealth and had a British Governor - something the Yanks never knew. Lizzie wasn't happy. Funny that, hey?

Of course, Grenada occurred as a consequence of the bombing in Beirut of the US Marines barracks by Islamist Terrorists a few days earlier. Strange how the US decided to demonstrate it's resolve by picking on a tiny Caribbean country which had awarded the contract to rebuild it's airport to a British company which had in turn awarded the construction to a Cuban company that used ex-members of the Cuban Army to actually do the work and the Yanks decided to portray their invasion as liberating US students at the local medical school as being it's primary purpose, despite not doing it until three days after the invasion had started and discovering they were in no danger... :roll:
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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Bogan » Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:34 pm

Briney wrote

Perhaps they hate her because of what her policies were? Nah, that can't be an explanation, now can it, hey, Bogan? Has to be just 'cause she was a Conservative, right? Millions unemployed, the steel industry destroyed, the coal industry destroyed, milk stolen from school children, you name it, she did it.
Margaret Thatcher took over the Prime Ministership of the UK when Labour and your Socialist friends had run the country into the ground with endless strikes. The UK had become so ungovernable that the Labour Prime Minister, Callaghan, simply resigned and walked away. It was no use negotiating or trying to reason with Socialists like you who think that money grows on trees, and all you have to do to is "tax the rich" like they are lemons until the pips squeak. She began the process of Privatisation in the UK because Britain under Labour had been callled "the sick man of Europe." You remember that just fine, but today you pretend thatr she was some sort of ogre because she took the British economy by the scruff of the neck and made it work. Her most famous quote from that time was for all of the professional dole bludgers in Britain to "get on your bike" and go and find a job instead of bludging on the ever shrinking numbers of British taxpayers.
Briney wrote

Ah, so you were in the White House when this call supposedly took place, were you, Bogan? You witnessed Reagan taking the call did you? Funny how they let unemployed (at the time) Australian electricians into the Oval Office, now isn't it?
That's puerile, even for you. I read that either in a newspaper of in one of the books I have dealing with the liberation of Granada from those murdering commie bastards that you admire, and who's ever failing economic and social policies you dream of adopting. The question begs, if you love Africans, Muslims and Communists so much, why the hell don't you go to a country run by them and live in their utopian splendour?
Briney wrote

What I always found interesting is that Maggie was the only British PM who was refused a chair during her weekly afternoon tea with the Queen after the US invasion of Grenada. Seems the Yanks didn't know or understand that having a "special relationship" with another country means you tell them when you're going to invade a country which they hold title to. Seems Grenada was actually a member of the British Commonwealth and had a British Governor - something the Yanks never knew. Lizzie wasn't happy. Funny that, hey?
They didn't tell the British because they figured that there were too many George Blake's. Anthony Blake's, Guy Burgess's, Vidkun Quisling's, Richard de Natale's, and Brian Ross's in the British government, who hate their own country, race, culture, and society, and who would sell them out to their enemies at any opportunity.
Briney wrote

Of course, Grenada occurred as a consequence of the bombing in Beirut of the US Marines barracks by Islamist Terrorists a few days earlier. Strange how the US decided to demonstrate it's resolve by picking on a tiny Caribbean country which had awarded the contract to rebuild it's airport to a British company which had in turn awarded the construction to a Cuban company that used ex-members of the Cuban Army to actually do the work and the Yanks decided to portray their invasion as liberating US students at the local medical school as being it's primary purpose, despite not doing it until three days after the invasion had started and discovering they were in no danger...
Oh, Bullshit. The yanks quite correctly liberated Granada when the communist criminals shot dead their own leader proving that they had no legitimacy at all. They were just a gang of criminal thugs. Something like Noriega and his narcotrafficante mates, or Maduro and his thugs. It must have made you cringe when the yanks went in and all of those Granadians were shown in the media as cheering them on? You must not have felt so bad since when the East Europeans started tearing down statues of of Lenin and Stalin and chucking them on the garbage piles of history, where they belonged. Just wait until a Venezuelan Pinochet turns up and chucks Maduro and his thugs out and watch the Venezuelans cheer that. Then you and your commie mates can spend the next 40 years bemoaning how the successful utopian socialist state of Venezuela was destroyed by an evil man.

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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Nov 09, 2019 9:10 pm

brian ross wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:22 pm
Indeed, I can well remember Australia hosting a conference of Socialist nations in Adelaide in the mid-1970s - ...
Gotcha bovine excretion artist.
On more that one occasion at this forum you have claimed to have "served in the Australian Army".
Now if the above (quoted) comment is true, then you being a conference attending "socialist" would have failed the ASIO assessment upon applying to ADF.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by brian ross » Sat Nov 09, 2019 9:42 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Sat Nov 09, 2019 9:10 pm
brian ross wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:22 pm
Indeed, I can well remember Australia hosting a conference of Socialist nations in Adelaide in the mid-1970s - ...
Gotcha bovine excretion artist.
On more that one occasion at this forum you have claimed to have "served in the Australian Army".
Now if the above (quoted) comment is true, then you being a conference attending "socialist" would have failed the ASIO assessment upon applying to ADF.
Errr, where did I claimed I had attended the conference? I read about it in of all places, The Australian newspaper...

Stop erecting a strawman argument. :roll
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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Bogan » Sun Nov 10, 2019 6:36 am

Briney wrote

I served under a Major Hassan. He was a descended of an Afghan Cameleer. He was as Australian as they come. Perhaps this Professor is related? You of course would be calling for Major Hassan to be questioned because of his name and your racist bigotry about his "ethnic and religious background", AM. You're a low-life. You really are.
"Major Hassan?" Isn't he the one who shot dead a dozen US servicemen in the mess in Fort Worth? If I was a soldier today, I would prefer to keep Muslims in front of my gun than behind me. I still remember the Muslim US paratrooper who fragged his headquarters bunker in Kuwait. And the three Australian soldiers who got shot in the back by one of their Muslim "allies" while in base.

Then there was the Afghan mujahedeen. The USA gives them the weapons they need to throw the Russians out of their country, and they say "thank you" by helping Al Qaida kill 3000 Americans and 6 Australians.

With allies like Muslims, who needs enemies?

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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Bogan » Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:01 pm

Brian, the "Aboriginal Australians", who are a race of people you say do not exist, because there is only one race, the human race, have the power in Australia to declare who is "aboriginal" and who is not. If this non existent race of 'aboriginals, can do that, why can't Australians decide who is an Australian, and who is not? After all, it would be racist to give a non existent race like "aborigines" the power to say who they consider "one of them", and not give the same privilege to Australians, right?

Especially since race and nationality are both social constructs, right? So whatever applies to one, must apply to the other, correct?

And if Muslims can decide who is a Muslim and who is not, according to their own standards, why can't Australian do the same thing as to who an Australian, is and who is not an Australian, according to our own standards?

Looking forward to your reply.

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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Nicole » Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:06 pm

Brian has a BA Bogan. You are no match for his logic and reason, dontcha know.

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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Bogan » Mon Nov 11, 2019 7:07 pm

Fortunately, my brain has not been scrambled by the debilitating effects of studying for an Artz degree. Let me guess, Briney got a doctorate in gender studies, or black studies?

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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Nicole » Mon Nov 11, 2019 7:10 pm

Read here: viewtopic.php?f=79&t=16861

You get a mention!

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