The impeachment inquiry

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Re: The impeachment inquiry

Post by sprintcyclist » Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:37 pm

Joe and Hunter Biden
Former Vice President Joe Biden snapped at a reporter on Friday during the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Unions for All Summit in Los Angeles. The reporter asked Biden about his son, Hunter, sitting on the board of a Ukrainian gas company and being paid $50,000 a month despite having zero experience in natural energy. At the time, Joe Biden was handling affairs with the Ukrainian government. The reporter wanted to know how those facts didn't create a conflict of interest.

"How was your role as vice president in charge of policy in Ukraine and your son's job in Ukraine, how is that not a conflict of interest?" the reporter asked.

Apparently Biden sees nothing wrong with the scenario. And he refuses to answer any questions about the Ukraine scandal.

"It's not a conflict of interest. There's been no indication of any conflict of interest from Ukraine or anywhere else. Period. I'm not going to respond to that!" Biden replied.

And, naturally, Biden somehow wants the focus to be on President Donald Trump.

"Let's focus on the problem. Focus on this man, that no president has ever done. No president," Biden said.

This conflict of interest is the very definition of swampy behavior that Americans are tired of seeing. Biden has done absolutely nothing to shed light or even try to defend his actions – probably because he knew they were wrong. Instead, he's deflected onto Trump. Apparently we should be angry at Trump for bringing up the Bidens' corrupt behavior, not at the actually corrupt behavior itself.

Impeachment Isn’t About Democrats Hating Trump; It’s About Democrats Hating You
Jake Hoffman
And this, folks, is why people hate politics and politicians. ... e-n2554223
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Re: The impeachment inquiry

Post by sprintcyclist » Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:58 pm

they have been after trump since before the elction.
We are sick of them. it shows how 'political' they are

they are unethical.

....... If Donald Trump were elected, I believe he'd be impeached pretty quickly or somebody else would have to take over government, and I'm not even joking.
– Evelyn Farkas

Found on FOX News 2 years ago ..........
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Re: The impeachment inquiry

Post by Mortdooley » Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:14 pm

The Peasants Revolt of 2016 elected Donald Trump President against the Deep States ordained candidate! Since before that election Trump has been under one false charge after another. Now the first whistle blower charge is falling apart so they claim to have a second one. I understand the threat he poses to the puppet masters pulling the strings of the Democrats, RINOs and Media but I don't understand the followers who have nothing to gain and much to lose if our Representative Republic falls. The term "useful idiot" fits the majority of Trump haters perfectly. The problem with the conservatives is that they only play defense, it is time they took the attempted coup for what it is and start charging Democrats as well as RINOs with the crimes they have committed.
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Re: The impeachment inquiry

Post by The4thEstate » Sun Oct 06, 2019 12:34 am

Bogan wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:47 pm
Billy the Kid wrote

that may clear the way for the Democrats to push Elizabeth Warren as their main candidate...
You mean "Pocahontas"? Trump must get down on his knees every night and beg God to allow the Dems to vote in Pocahontas as his Democratic rival in the next election.
Have you seen Lizzie on stage and heard her talk?

She looks and sounds like the old librarian who shushed you for talking too loud in the children's book section when you were 10 years old.

And how exactly does she bill herself as a pro-minority candidate when she advanced her career by posing as a Cherokee for years -- even drawing praise as a "woman of color" at Harvard -- when in fact, she's whiter than Casper the Friendly Ghost.

More seriously, every one of the Democratic candidates will live to regret the moment they all raised their hands to indicate their support for giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants. Yeah, that'll play real well in the American Heartland, where there are people working two jobs just to pay for their Obamacare health insurance premiums.

As for the "impeachment inquiry," it's just the latest Democrat dog-and-pony show meant to distract from the fact that:

(1) They don't have a candidate who can beat Trump, and
(2) Attorney General Barr's investigation of the Russia collusion hoax is going to blow the lid off the Hillary campaign/Obama administration/Deep State intelligence community's attempted coup against Trump. Not to mention the Inspector General's investigation of the FBI/DOJ, whose results could come at any time.

Ukraine (a/k/a Russia Collusion Hoax 2.0) is about the Dems wetting their pants over the thought of the American public finally learning the truth about their little anti-Trump conspiracy, which reads like the plot of a third-rate Cold War novel.

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Re: The impeachment inquiry

Post by The4thEstate » Sun Oct 06, 2019 1:23 am

Redneck wrote:
Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:28 pm
Check out the interesting bit here ... hite-house
What's the problem? That was a great press conference! I enjoyed it so much that I laughed out loud while I was watching it.

That's because most of the American media -- who are so far in the Democrats' pocket, they bump their heads on the Dems' car keys -- spend every waking hour trying to bring down the Trump administration, one leading question at a time.

Trump, who sees right through their games, takes no crap from the media and calls them out on it. He's also been putting the corrupt antics of Joe Biden right in front of their collective face and daring them to actually be journalists and report on it.

But don't take my word on the press' obvious bias -- look up a video of a typical Obama press conference and watch the reporters behave as if they're kneeling in the presence of God. New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny famously asked Obama the cringe-worthy question: “What has … enchanted you the most from serving in this office?”

Besides, when it comes to foul language, nobody's more vulgar than the Democrats: ... 480451002/

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Re: The impeachment inquiry

Post by The4thEstate » Sun Oct 06, 2019 1:37 am

Nicole wrote:
Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:26 pm
Bogan wrote:
Sun Sep 29, 2019 4:24 am
Good meme. I agree it’s message is accurate. The left is lost.
Right, the left is wrapping their hopes around convincing people the Earth will end in 12 years because global warming is making it heat up like a George Foreman Grill. ... tinum.aspx

But if we're living in such a climate emergency, why did the Paris agreement allow the Chinese -- the world's biggest spewer of CO2 -- 15 years before requiring them to do anything? They're now rapidly building coal-fired generating plants at home and abroad while Greta comes to the U.N. and wags her finger at President Trump and the United States.

I suggest she stop acting like a member of Star Trek's Borg, go back to Sweden, and start behaving like a typical 16-year-old. Like, chill out and play Candy Crush.

Speaking of Foreman grills and climate change, check out this song parody video (I contributed to the lyrics):

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Re: The impeachment inquiry

Post by sprintcyclist » Sun Oct 06, 2019 12:46 pm

The results of one previous impeachment fraud
Embattled lawyer Michael Avenatti is taking legal action against his ex-client Stormy Daniels for $2 million in legal fees from their infamous “hush agreement” lawsuit against President Donald Trump.

Avenatti, who currently faces federal criminal charges set for trial next month, filed an attorney’s lien on Thursday. It alleges that despite “repeated demands that Ms. Daniels fulfill her contractual obligations and pay for the millions in legal fees and costs she has enjoyed for her benefit over the last approximate 19 months, including in this case, she has refused.”

Avenatti, 48, claims the porn star refuses to pay up because she is a “celebrity,” and is therefore “entitled to free legal services and costs” and to “manufacture and fabricate facts designed to impugn the reputation of her counsel and falsely accuse him of a multitude of acts.”

“But the law does not work that way Ms. Daniels wishes,” reads the court filing, filed in the United States District Court in the Southern District of Ohio.

“I look forward to the facts and the truth about what really happened coming to light," Avenatti told The Daily Beast when reached for comment. His lawyer, Tom Warren, added: “Mr. Avenatti did an enormous amount of high quality legal work for Ms. Daniels under intense pressure and scrutiny. He made significant personal sacrifices for her benefit. He deserves to be paid by her, not criticized.”

Daniels and her lawyer did not respond to The Daily Beast’s request for comment.

The porn actress and Avenatti became household names in January 2018 after filing a lawsuit to nullify a “hush agreement” Daniels made with then-candidate Trump and his former fixer Michael Cohen just before the election.

Since then, the two had a very public falling out back in May, and Avenatti has been hounded by legal troubles and currently faces federal charges in two states. In California, prosecutors alleged he stole $300,000 from Daniels and spent it on flights, hotels, restaurant deliveries, and to bankroll his law firm. And a New York grand jury indicted him in March for allegedly trying to extort Nike for $25 million.

Avenatti’s court filing this week alleges the initial February 2018 retainer agreement he made with Daniels was for “$100 up-front payment,” prompting his firm to spend “thousands of attorney and staff hours, and a significant out-of-pocket-expenses.” During his retention, Avenatti said he bailed Daniels out of jail “following her arrest in Columbus Ohio in July 2018” after a strip-club brawl and led the “successful efforts” to have the charges dropped.

“Despite the significance of his work, Ms. Daniels has yet to directly pay a single dollar to Mr. Avenatti or Avenatti & Associates, APC for their legal services beyond the $100.00 she initially paid back in 2018,” the lien states. “Ms. Daniels is required to pay her lawyers.”

Avenatti has previously told The Daily Beast that “any and all other monies raised via a legal fund would go toward my legal fees and costs.”

Daniels and Avenatti alleged in her lawsuit, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, that Cohen paid her $130,000 during the 2016 campaign to stay quiet about an affair she had with then-reality TV star Trump a decade before he ran for office (the president admits to the payoff but denies the sexual tryst).

The payoff allegations ultimately led to a federal investigation charging Cohen with eight campaign-finance violations. He pleaded guilty in August, admitting he made illegal payments at Trump’s direction, and was sentenced to three years behind bars.

But, in May, a little over a year after that lawsuit was filed, Daniels and Avenatti announced their split in a pair of tweets.

“I have retained Clark Brewster as my personal lawyer and have asked him and his firm to review all legal matters involving me,” Daniels wrote. “Upon completion of Mr. Brewster's review and further consultation with me, I anticipate Mr. Brewster will serve as my primary counsel on all legal issues.” Less than 15 minutes later, Avenatti responded with his own statement claiming he terminated his relationship with Daniels in February but would not disclose the reasons due to “attorney-client privilege.”

In his new legal action, Avenatti says he decided to cut ties after “Daniels became increasingly difficult, uncooperative, erratic, and unpredictable, and began falsely accusing people closely aligned with her (but not Mr. Avenatti) of theft without any legitimate basis.”

“Ms. Daniels’ false accusations in some instances were targeted at friends of 20 years and her private security detail,” the filing alleges.

The letter states the firm also decided to sever ties after “prior false accusations (which you chose to make public before communicating them to me—I found out from a reporter)” and Daniels’ “general lack of appreciation for our work and the thousands of hours we have devoted to you, which we have largely done for free at great expense to me and my firm.”

Avenatti concluded in the letter that the firm did not intend to make “any public announcement relation to our decision to no longer represent” Daniels and thanked her for the opportunity to serve as her counsel. ... al-backpay
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Re: The impeachment inquiry

Post by The4thEstate » Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:00 am

sprintcyclist wrote:
Sun Oct 06, 2019 12:46 pm
The results of one previous impeachment fraud
Embattled lawyer Michael Avenatti is taking legal action against his ex-client Stormy Daniels for $2 million in legal fees from their infamous “hush agreement” lawsuit against President Donald Trump. uary 2018 after filing a lawsuit to nullify a “hush agreement” Daniels made with then-candidate Trump and his former fixer Michael Cohen just before the election. ... al-backpay
He was the darling of the anti-Trump media (such as CNN and MSNBC) for about 10 minutes.

Conversely, Fox News talk show host Tucker Carlson has always referred to him as "Creepy Porn Lawyer." ... mrc&uact=8

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Re: The impeachment inquiry

Post by sprintcyclist » Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:43 pm

What happened to the Russian involvement impeachment ?
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Re: The impeachment inquiry

Post by sprintcyclist » Tue Oct 08, 2019 6:43 pm

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