The bullshit thread

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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:41 pm

SO I see that the NAB have decided that they don't want hookers to be part of their clientele...
That's a bit rich isn't it....picking and choosing who you want as customers....
I suppose all the girls will just go to another bank...
I knew someone once that enjoyed hawking the fork....god she was a good...……………………………………..sort.... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Black Orchid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:46 pm

Haven't heard that and ummm :WTF :rofl

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The Reboot
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by The Reboot » Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:32 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 1:18 pm
The Reboot wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:35 pm
This is "news" apparently. :roll:

Woman dumped for putting on weight after Tinder Date
A woman who spent $160 travelling to a date before being dumped for ‘putting on weight’ is now fundraising to earn back the money spent.

UK woman Jade Savage, 28, who is an AU clothing size 16, spent the sum getting from Leicester to Peterborough to meet a man she had first met online.

The round trip took the mum-of-one a total of three and a half hours to complete – and was made worse by the fact she missed her initial form of transportation, a coach.

But when she was picked up at the station by her date, he allegedly called her fat – which lead to an argument.

Five minutes later, the man – whom Jade had already been on a date with four weeks earlier – dropped her back at the station.

“Date called me fat and got offended when I told him he was rude and acting like a pr***,” she explains on the page, which is entitled: “Want my £90 (AU$160) back because my date called me fat.”

“So took me back to the train station 5 minutes later.”

“He then offered to give me the £90 travel money back and blocked me when I said yeah,” she adds.
Claiming it back

Explaining the motivation behind her GoFundMe page, Jade says: “Just want to make my £90 travel money back so I can buy wine and sticks of lard.”

She has already raised AU$1,400, well over her desired amount, at time of writing.

Jade provided further context to The Sun, saying, “I was chatting to him on the phone when I got to the train station, waiting for him to pick me up.

“That’s when he said, ‘F*** me, you have put some weight on haven’t you?’ I was like, ‘No, you can’t say that.’

“It was clear he wanted to call the whole thing off but I still hoped we could have a nice time so we went to his car.”

With an hour to go until the next train home, Jade set up a GoFundMe page to cover her costs, which included:

Taxi to Leicester and back - $27

Missed coach - $21

Train to Peterborough - $41

Wine at station - $9

Train back to Leicester - $27

Taxi home - $27

The care support worker says she has since been able to see the funny side: “My mates were laughing with me, saying, ‘You’ve paid £90 to go to Peterborough, be called fat and then get sent home.’

“It was the worst and shortest date I’ve been on.”
What a waste of space. There's people out there dying of cancer and other diseases who can't afford the cost of treatments and what not.. yet this bitch gets people to crowdfund her cause her date called her fat :roll:
Shoosh....wash your mouth out with soap....we cant call women fat.....thats being misogynistic...
But seriously...I agree with you entirely....why would anyone have the hide to plead for the money back from total strangers...
...and they cough up 1400 bucks...theres a sucker born every minute....
Maybe she'll spend the money at Jenny Craigs.....maybe she wont....
My bet is on a few big macs......and fries.....
Or horses :lol:
Black Orchid wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:33 pm
She's a grub but you can't blame her for trying I guess. The people who give money to these grubs are just idiots and even bigger grubs.
I can't believe people actually give their money away for shit like this. Wait.. maybe I can.

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:35 pm

SO the NSW Premier has ordered a review of John Sidotis involvement in a Rous investment...
AND Jacki Trad did nothing wrong...and whilst her Premier is absent, she acts as Premier.....

These arsewipes are the scum of the earth.....
I wouldn't give them the smell of my arse…... :rofl

And we have to vote for them....ffs....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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The Reboot
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by The Reboot » Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:25 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:35 pm
SO the NSW Premier has ordered a review of John Sidotis involvement in a Rous investment...
AND Jacki Trad did nothing wrong...and whilst her Premier is absent, she acts as Premier.....

These arsewipes are the scum of the earth.....
I wouldn't give them the smell of my arse…... :rofl

And we have to vote for them....ffs....
It's more a case of, we don't have to vote but the outcome won't matter regardless. It will still be the same shit, different year.

I'm more amazed (well, maybe not so much now) at the fact that people still believe in their shit and barrack for their chosen parties with fierce loyalty and no discernment, like it's football. And it's these people that like to think they are the epitome of high intellectualism :roll: I said it in another thread, but I will say it again -- humanity is retarded.

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Black Orchid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:31 pm

Unwavering support for either party, left or right, is retarded in Australia today. Especially the left as they aren't even remotely recognisable as the party they started out as and are controlled by the lunatic Greens and the Union thugs.

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brian ross
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by brian ross » Thu Sep 12, 2019 7:39 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:31 pm
Unwavering support for either party, left or right, is retarded in Australia today. Especially the left as they aren't even remotely recognisable as the party they started out as and are controlled by the lunatic Greens and the Union thugs.
So, do you think that the so-called "Liberal" Party is recognisable as the same party that Menzies created, Black Orchid? I am unsure why you believe political parties should not change to suit the society that they are attempting to represent. The Tories have changed markedly since Menzies' day. Some elements are the same, many are different. Still the same "tuggin' the forelock" attitude towards Washington, the same cringing attitude towards London. All they have added is Beijing to their repertoire. They still hate the Unions for daring to stand up to the big end of town. They still think that digging everything up and shipping it overseas works as a business model. They throw a few crumbs to the workers and believe it will satisfy them. Tsk, tsk. :roll:
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Bogan » Sun Sep 15, 2019 11:23 am

Hey Brian, could you get back on the "races are equal" thread so that I can continue to kick your arse?

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Mon Sep 16, 2019 12:50 pm

Great to see the new Telstra ad ramming homosexuality down our throats....
I don't think Folau would be a Telstra customer.... :rofl

Two gays sitting on a gets on the phone to his parents and announces...
"Great news dad...Tom and I are getting engaged..."
Dad responds with...
"Its about time..."
All quite normal...…I guess.....
I wonder just how many new clients Telstra secure due to their "advertising"..
And how many would they lose....
Two edged sword...controversial advertising.......
Another ad which passes homosexuality off as "normal"..... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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The Reboot
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by The Reboot » Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:14 pm

First world problems... :roll:
Kate O'Halloran made a mistake on Twitter. But admitting it wasn't enough for trolls
ABC Life
/ By Kate O'Halloran
Updated 5 hours ago

I remember the lead up distinctly. My mouse was poised over the tweet button for almost a minute as I weighed up the inevitable backlash that would accompany my post with a sense of responsibility to say something.

My stomach churned and I fidgeted, left my desk and sat back down before finally deciding to put myself at the mercy of the often hostile world that is Twitter.

This scene could describe just about any time I have decided to call out gender inequity in sport online. This time, however, I made a mistake that would serve to exponentially exacerbate the abuse I regularly experience on social media.

To cut a long story short, I thought I heard AFL commentator Garry Lyon call central umpire Eleni Glouftsis "the lady" during a round 19 match.

I wasn't the only one who thought that was what he said, but his colleague Neroli Meadows tweeted me, explaining he had instead mispronounced Eleni's name as "E-lay-ni", which made it sound (to some of us, anyway) like "lady".

The damage by that point was unfortunately done, though. The tweet had gone viral, and as I'd made a public mistake, I was considered "fair game" for a takedown of epic proportions.

There was an abusive thread on Reddit entitled "Neroli 1-Kate 0". Back on my Twitter, I was subject to all kinds of sexist harassment, some which doesn't bear repeating.

Most took on a familiar theme: thanks to being openly LGBTIQ, and my non-conventional appearance, I received the usual (rehashed) classics:
Screenshot of a tweet that says "Guaranteed Kate O'Halloran has hairy armpits."

Continuing with the misogynistic flavour, others accused me of fabricating the situation to further my apparent feminist "agenda":
Screenshot of a tweet says "You are such a fraud. Misquoted the caller just so you could push your crazy agenda. Take a seat".

Others accused me of being a "fake" journalist while some were more to the point with "F**k up" and "Get. A. Life".

Among the predictable litany of responses, one stood out for its callousness:


The use of the dehumanising pronoun online is more commonly targeted at trans and gender diverse folks, but in this case I assume applies to me because of my sexuality and gendered presentation.

In Ginger Gorman's excellent book Troll Hunting, dehumanisation is singled out as a tool to, at its extreme, incite violence against the "other".

Women can't make mistakes

I certainly wouldn't be the only sports journalist to have made a very public "mistake".

Let's just say I presumed that mishearing and calling someone out for something they didn't say would be considered less of a crime than, for example, Eddie McGuire's litany of racist and sexist remarks or Wayne Carey's history of violence against women. Alas.

In my case, my brush with public vitriol left me an emotional wreck. Walking into a cafe on Sunday morning to meet my partner for breakfast, I promptly burst into tears.

Later that afternoon, I spent the day at the football with my family before my brother alerted me to the Reddit thread, warning me that under no circumstances should I read it, adding that the abuse was far worse than anything on Twitter.

I remember almost nothing of the game thereafter, spending it instead in tears scrolling my feed in search and hope that I had some defenders.

But while there were certainly messages of support, the abuse seemed to have taken on a life of its own — many of the trolls now having crept into my private inbox.

By that evening, I was worried about my wellbeing.

In what I saw as a necessary plea for my health and safety, I left an earnest note on Twitter in which I said I would be temporarily deactivating my account because I had realised that "being on social media [as an advocate for gender equity in sport] has been so harmful that it has actually impaired my capacity to do this work elsewhere [such as in media] by so negatively impacting my mental health".

I was afraid to leave the house

I had hoped this would put an end to what had fast become my most damaging encounter with online trolling, but by the next day things got much worse.

Working from home on a Monday morning, I was sent a screenshot of a story on the Herald Sun featuring Lyon responding to my "100% Wrong Twitter Gaffe".

While thankfully Lyon was critical of the response to me on Twitter, he added that people like me "want to get on the gender bandwagon, they're looking to be outraged".

Sadly, that assessment was of a similar sentiment to many of the tweets I had received, and, in combination with the article which printed my name in full for all to see, served only to further inflame the situation.

Panicked, I did what I could to shut down and restrict the privacy of all of my social media accounts, but it wasn't enough, or fast enough anyway.

I couldn't change the privacy settings on past Facebook posts, and so was suddenly inundated with abuse from men who had trawled all the way back through my timeline to leave abusive comments on posts that were years old.

Meanwhile, my inbox of messages from those I wasn't friends with ticked over in real time.

At one point I clicked on some of them despite being certain it was a poor decision.

All were (again) from men, many simply laughing at me, others verbally abusive, while one at least made me laugh: "How ya doin M'Leni?" he wrote (preceded by "You're an idiot").

Fear turned to paranoia. Given I was working at home, I felt strangely and suddenly vulnerable.

I was horrified to discover that under default Facebook privacy settings, my mobile phone number was listed as accessible to "anyone". I figured that anyone who wanted to find me probably could.

I was even afraid to leave the house, but desperately needed some fresh air and space from the computer and a phone that had begun ringing off the hook.

When I eventually had the courage to walk outside, I chucked on a beanie in case anyone recognised me from my Twitter photo. I couldn't believe it had come to this.

The role of online bystanders

In the wake of this nightmare, many have asked me what they could have done to help me.

A common theme is other women who tell me they were too frightened to get involved, in case they became targets of the abuse too. This is understandable, so my response would be that there's no one way to help.

Private messages often help as much as public ones. Texts and phone calls, too.

o know that my work means something to someone else, and that the abuse motivated them to reach out and support me is incredibly powerful and comforting.

Those for whom it is safer to speak up online (mostly straight, white men) a public post is often more powerful as a show of visible support.

It meant a lot to me when some of my friends who are men posted on their accounts to say that the way I was treated online wasn't OK. It sent a clear message to other men that masculinity doesn't have to be toxic or abusive.

My Twitter exile lasted just over a month. I posted nothing after the lady "incident" in July until September and logged in just once in between.

I still haven't read the comments on the post I made before I logged off. In fact, when I re-read over the abuse I received for the sake of this article, my smartwatch warned me that an "abnormal heart rate" had been detected.

Unfortunately — and beyond my own expectations — the impact has been such that I'm certain it will continue to affect my social media presence.

As a proud feminist, I have always been of the belief that trolling is an intimidation tool designed to keep me (and my uncomfortable opinions) silent. As a result, I've consciously refused to go quietly.

Nonetheless, I tend to think I'll be more cautious now — and conscious of whether I have the resilience, support network or capacity at the time to deal with the likely pile-on.

So if I have any advice, it's that next time you see someone you respect getting hounded online, it's worth thinking about how much you value their contributions to the online world.

Your support could be just the thing that keeps them connected.

Dr Kate O'Halloran is a sports journalist and research fellow at Victoria University.

I'm actually laughing my arse off here. No sympathy...

1. She mistakenly thought a footy commentator called a female umpire "the lady". She got offended. Then it was later discovered that he was just calling her by her given name and she misheard it... I fail to see what's offensive about calling a woman a "lady". I'm really trying hard to get offended here... I just can't. :h

2. She posts this shit publicly, on social media, and then cries when there is backlash. Not only has she become outraged about something that isn't offensive, but she fucked up in the process. Now she's got egg all over her face, and she's wondering why she gets trolled?

3. I've highlighted many passages, often citing how bad and evil and misogynistic men are. This one was gold:
"Let's just say I presumed that mishearing and calling someone out for something they didn't say would be considered less of a crime than, for example, Eddie McGuire's litany of racist and sexist remarks or Wayne Carey's history of violence against women. Alas." And you wonder why you're getting abused, honey. :roll:

4. I love how she's bitching because she's obviously too dumb to tweak her privacy settings on her social media accounts. Like that's anybody's fault but her own, that her phone number is displayed on there? Perhaps that's a man's fault, too. :roll:

As an openly gay woman (yes Billy, it's okay. I know I'm not "normal ;) " I am sick to death of these bullshit feminists who obsess over "gender equality" and "sexual orientation" (though the latter is irrelevant here, aside from her mentioning it in her article, in some piss weak attempt to get more sympathy) and look for offence where there is none. I am also sick of people crying and bitching and not taking a good look in the mirror. If she can't handle the heat, don't go in the kitchen.

If she joined Political Animal she'd probably be on suicide watch. :rofl

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