"Refugee" Greed

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Re: "Refugee" Greed

Post by Valkie » Sun Jun 30, 2019 8:58 am

Imagine if he were to actually WORK for a living instead of just being a parasite.

That's the problem with these parasites, they expect everyone else to fund them and they have no intention or inclination to work.

I wish, when I was struggling to raise my family and pay off a home loan at 18% interest, that some benevolent grubberment had given me some cash.

It woukd have been wonderful if my wife, childrens and my operations, apparently not covered by my top tier medical, were paid for.

Too many parasites, too few bullets.

And these REFUGEES are by far the biggest bunch of dead beat, parasites on earth, particularly muzzos.
They aim for the most they can get for nothing, defrauding, lying, cheating and still being criminals as well.
If they can get something without doing one single honest days work, they are all for it.
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Re: "Refugee" Greed

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:13 pm

Lets not forget about the other side of the tax hoovering coin.
Like all illegal immigrants, these grubs make demands only because they are being advised by the even more grubby left.

This clown is likely being advised by one of the many taxpayer funded pro-illegal immigration support groups run by marxists, such as Ian Rintoul and/or associated grubs and lawyers/leeches like Julian Burnside who are dependent illegal immigration and the flow of taxpayers money the UN demands must be forthcoming, for his business.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: "Refugee" Greed

Post by billy the kid » Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:30 pm

The National Justice Project of Australia is staffed by the following...go to "who we are"


I can more than assume that they are all from the looney left....note how their areas of interest seem to centre on the indigenous and immigrants/refugees/economic wanders/asylum seekers...(aka professional sponges)
This is the mob which pressured the Australian Goverment to "comply with its undertakings to Zalghani"
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Re: "Refugee" Greed

Post by Juliar » Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:54 am

There would already be another 1000 or so of these here if Labor had got in and RESTARTED the BOATS.

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