What Part of LEAVE don’t you understand? EU

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Re: What Part of LEAVE don’t you understand? EU

Post by sprintcyclist » Mon May 27, 2019 11:35 am

The Mechanic wrote:
Mon May 27, 2019 11:03 am
The_Mechanic wrote:THE GREAT AWAKENING

- Farage wins in UK.
- Le Pen wins in France
- Salvini wins in Italy.
- Orban wins in Hungary.
- Right wing surging in Sweden.

Massive success for the right-wing and EU skeptics this election!

8:13 AM - May 27, 2019
Candace Owens

EU election results as of right now:

Nigel Farage leading in England
Marine Le Pen leading in France
Salvini leading in Italy

A global mass awakening is happening and there is nothing that the global elites or their media henchmen can do to stop it. #BREXIT #MAGA

9:24 AM - May 27, 2019
AUSTRALIANS elect Conservative Government over Leftwing lunacy ...

Great news
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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Re: What Part of LEAVE don’t you understand? EU

Post by The Mechanic » Mon May 27, 2019 12:45 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
Sun May 26, 2019 9:52 pm
Serial Brain 9 wrote:
Sat May 25, 2019 4:46 pm
My apologies if I have you mixed up with someone else claiming to be a 'Reporter" :roll:
To be fair, Bri Bri has claimed so many fanciful things over the years, it's hard to keep track of all his 'qualifications'
Mind you, If you just add ABC to journalist, it would be the most fitting and believable of any of his claims.

...unless, of course I missed the inauguration of El President de Centrelinka marxista?
Yes - when Bob Hawke died he claimed that they went to the toilet together and such. :shock:
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brian ross
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Re: What Part of LEAVE don’t you understand? EU

Post by brian ross » Mon May 27, 2019 4:39 pm

The Mechanic wrote:
Mon May 27, 2019 12:45 pm
Yes - when Bob Hawke died he claimed that they went to the toilet together and such. :shock:
Actually, I was in the loo in old Paliament house and in walked Hawkie. We did our business and then washed our hands, I shook his. It was the second time I had shaken his hand and reminded me of it happening in 1976 during the "Maintain Your Rage" tour by Gough (whose hand I also shook). He remembered it and he remembered my father, an old stalwart of the ALP. He was courteous and asked me my business and I explained I was there for a job interview. He suggested that if it did not work out, I should contact him. It didn't work out but I got another job. I sometimes wished I had actually contacted him. He was a great man and a wonder for remembering the little people. Only Gough is greater in my lexicon. Keating follows Hawkie - another great Labor leader! 8-)
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Re: What Part of LEAVE don’t you understand? EU

Post by cods » Mon May 27, 2019 5:42 pm

fancy that now.. I dont believe a word of it..

this rusted on would never have washed his hands again..... UGH!

I trust no one else uses your computer bri bri....

I sort of understand idolatry but thats ridiculous...

shaking hands in the toilet omg...but then I guess Bob would have been drunk...

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Re: What Part of LEAVE don’t you understand? EU

Post by brian ross » Mon May 27, 2019 7:45 pm


How typical of you, hey, Cods? Even when a man has died, you'll continue to put him down. No graciousness about you at all, is there? You live in the gutter and you'll stay in the gutter. :roll:
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Re: What Part of LEAVE don’t you understand? EU

Post by Black Orchid » Mon May 27, 2019 7:55 pm

My dad met Bob Hawke on many occasions at conferences and said he was a loud and extremely foul mouthed drunk and that he was a womaniser and sexist and made incredibly smutty and very inappropriate comments about women constantly.

Sure he might have slowed down on the alcohol but that doesn't make him a saint either. You condemn Trump for less so don't be such a blind and blatant hypocrite.

Shaking his hand once does not give you insight into his character.

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Re: What Part of LEAVE don’t you understand? EU

Post by brian ross » Mon May 27, 2019 8:59 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Mon May 27, 2019 7:55 pm
My dad met Bob Hawke on many occasions at conferences and said he was a loud and extremely foul mouthed drunk and that he was a womaniser and sexist and made incredibly smutty and very inappropriate comments about women constantly.

Sure he might have slowed down on the alcohol but that doesn't make him a saint either. You condemn Trump for less so don't be such a blind and blatant hypocrite.

Shaking his hand once does not give you insight into his character.
I actually met him three times, Black Orchid. I never claimed to know what his character was like, merely how he acted towards me and the rest of the Australian people. I am well aware of the stories about his bad behaviour. Indeed, I even mentioned them in the thread about his death. He was a human being and had human frailties, like all humans. I get annoyed that Cods deciders to heap dirt on him without cause. I am unsure where she gets that from. Perhaps it's her human frailty? :roll:
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Re: What Part of LEAVE don’t you understand? EU

Post by FLEKTARN » Tue May 28, 2019 8:30 am

When I hear "right-wing rising in Sweden" I'm just laughing. Swedish is currently the most studied language in Duolingo, officially. Duolingo, the language app, the most famous platform, if you don't know. The Trojan Horse has been successfully installed.

Arabs have already completely taken over Sweden. Now, Swedish girls are fucking Muslims left and right. There's no endgame to that.

And about the clown Farage - wasn't that the same fool who spoke shit about Romanians and Bulgarians are few years ago, said that they were gonna storm the Island and destroy it? When he tactfully never mentioned the millions of Caribbean nogs and other Paki Muslims, who are there doing violent and sexual crimes for the last 30 years or so, parasitising and living on state welfare.

Moron. :thumb

Hungary at least have brains.

Can't say yet about Italy, as the mafia is ruining the country and the Nigerians are so many already that you can see more black faces than white ones. Italy could very well become France #2.
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