Whats the point?

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billy the kid
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Re: Whats the point?

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 24, 2019 10:21 am

https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/05/cana ... e-proposal

Canada is gone...islam rules...the dregs of humanity have taken over.....

"islamic law forbids criticism of islam, quran, muhammad. If they cannot be criticized, we are in effect accepting islamic law as overriding the freedom of speech. This would establish muslims as a protected class and prevent honest discussion of how islamic jihadists use the texts and teachings of islam to justify violence and supremacism."

Notice how islam cannot be criticized in Australia....

The Canadian province of Ontario is considering legislation that would officially criminalize Christianity.
Big League Politics, May 20, 2019:
Legislation proposed in the Canadian province of Ontario would criminalize public displays by Christians deemed hateful to Muslims, the LGBT community and other victim groups designated by the left.

The bill, “Prohibiting Hate-Promoting Demonstrations at Queen’s Park Act, 2019,” bans any demonstration, rally or other activity that is deemed hateful by the Speaker from being permissible on legislative grounds – effectively insulating the government from Christian speech.

Life Site News explains that the nebulous nature of Canada’s anti-hate laws essentially give leftist legislators carte blanche to ban all Christian protest:
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Black Orchid
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Re: Whats the point?

Post by Black Orchid » Fri May 24, 2019 2:34 pm

Legislation proposed in the Canadian province of Ontario would criminalize public displays by Christians deemed hateful to Muslims, the LGBT community and other victim groups designated by the left.
They deserve the recriminations that will follow if they succumb to this idiocy.

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Re: Whats the point?

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 24, 2019 2:55 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Fri May 24, 2019 2:34 pm
Legislation proposed in the Canadian province of Ontario would criminalize public displays by Christians deemed hateful to Muslims, the LGBT community and other victim groups designated by the left.
They deserve the recriminations that will follow if they succumb to this idiocy.
Its only a private members bill, so it might not get anywhere..but Canada is pretty much
pro-islamic under the imbecile Trudeau...heading towards being another islamic shithole...
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Re: Whats the point?

Post by billy the kid » Sat May 25, 2019 10:16 am

https://sputniknews.com/europe/20190523 ... tion-west/

Oh no...another islamophobic website.....
Here is a lovely story about how muslims want to ban dogs...
Try to get into a taxi with your dog when theres a muslim driver....youve got buckleys...
But but but...arent we supposed to embrace islam...isnt this the whole idea of multiculturalism...
for all of us to love one another....
This is just another example of how islam demands western civilization to kowtow to islam...
And if we dont...well muslims are the poor victims.....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Whats the point?

Post by billy the kid » Sun May 26, 2019 1:38 pm

https://gellerreport.com/2019/05/bomshe ... acks.html/

The British government staged the “Muslim” response to the 2017 Islamic London Bridge terrorist attack all the way down to the hashtags pushed on social media so that the public would focus on a “sense of unity with strangers” rather than “reacting with violence or anger,” according to a bombshell new report from the London-based Middle East Eye.

After the 2017 attack at the London Bridge, video went viral showing police guiding a group of Muslims before the media’s TV cameras as they presented slick signs saying “#TurnToLove,” “#LoveWillWin,” “#ISISWillLose,” and so on.

Most people thought it was evidence CNN staged the incident. In fact, it turns out it was staged by the UK government itself — and it wasn’t the first time.Watch Ian Cobain of the Middle East Eye explain how the scam is run:

From the Middle East Eye, Ian Cobain, 22 May 2019, “‘Mind control’: The secret UK government blueprints shaping post-terror planning”:

The British government has prepared for terrorist incidents by pre-planning social media campaigns that are designed to appear to be a spontaneous public response to attacks, Middle East Eye has learned.

Hashtags are carefully tested before attacks happen, Instagram images selected, and “impromptu” street posters are printed.

In operations that contingency planners term “controlled spontaneity”, politicians’ statements, vigils and inter-faith events are also negotiated and planned in readiness for any terrorist attack.

The campaigns have been deployed during every terrorist incident in recent years including the 2017 London Bridge attack and the Finsbury Park mosque attack.

Within hours of an attack, other campaigns are swiftly organised, with I “heart” posters being designed and distributed, according to the location of the attack, and plans drawn up for people to hand out flowers at the scene of the crime, in apparently unprompted gestures of love and support.

[This rally in the aftermath of the 2017 London Bridge attack was staged by the British government.]

The purpose of the operations, according to a number of people involved in their creation, is to shape public responses, encouraging individuals to focus on empathy for the victims and a sense of unity with strangers, rather than reacting with violence or anger.

Hasnt Theresa done a fantastic job....Theresa the appeaser...
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Whats the point?

Post by billy the kid » Mon May 27, 2019 10:05 am

https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/05/in-b ... -wont-work

When you consider that the publics reaction to the islamic terrorist attack in 2017 was staged by the UK Government, what credibility can anyone give to a definition of islamophobia created by that government.
A definition of a word is only someone elses opinion.
An islamic definition of islamophobia will always be a victims definition in comparison with a non islamic
definition. Perhaps, whilst theyre at it, they should create a definition of dhimmitude and taqiyaa.
After all, the islamic dregs of humanity need to be appeased, dont they......
In any case, the UK is totally fked, like Europe, and will be totally islamic in years to come.

https://gellerreport.com/2019/05/bo...s ... acks.html/

Oh BTW...
Ramadan bombathon update:
islamic attacks: 106
deaths: 519
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Whats the point?

Post by FLEKTARN » Tue May 28, 2019 9:57 am

billy the kid wrote:
Mon May 27, 2019 10:05 am
https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/05/in-b ... -wont-work

When you consider that the publics reaction to the islamic terrorist attack in 2017 was staged by the UK Government, what credibility can anyone give to a definition of islamophobia created by that government.
A definition of a word is only someone elses opinion.
An islamic definition of islamophobia will always be a victims definition in comparison with a non islamic
definition. Perhaps, whilst theyre at it, they should create a definition of dhimmitude and taqiyaa.
After all, the islamic dregs of humanity need to be appeased, dont they......
In any case, the UK is totally fked, like Europe, and will be totally islamic in years to come.

https://gellerreport.com/2019/05/bo...s ... acks.html/

Oh BTW...
Ramadan bombathon update:
islamic attacks: 106
deaths: 519
Let's not forget Turkey too - who want to restore the Ottoman Empire :bgrin
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billy the kid
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Re: Whats the point?

Post by billy the kid » Tue May 28, 2019 4:42 pm


ramadan bombathon:
day 22
islamic attacks 118
deaths 586
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Black Orchid
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Re: Whats the point?

Post by Black Orchid » Tue May 28, 2019 6:50 pm

I just heard on the news that some ISIS following nutjob who was making bombs in his backyard is going to be protected in prison :roll:

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Re: Whats the point?

Post by billy the kid » Tue May 28, 2019 6:51 pm

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05- ... ming-stage

Although the BBC report has an entire heading titled and devoted to the impact of "political correctness," ironically, it too succumbs to this contemporary Western malady. For while it did a fair job in highlighting the problem, it said nothing about its causes — not one word about who is persecuting Christians, or why.

The overwhelming majority of Christian persecution, however, evidently occurs in Muslim majority nations. According to Open Doors' World Watch List 2019[WWL], which surveys the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted, "Islamic oppression continues to impact millions of Christians." In seven of the absolute worst ten nations, "Islamic oppression" is the cause of persecution. "This means, for millions of Christians—particularly those who grew up Muslim or were born into Muslim families—openly following Jesus can have painful consequences," including death.

Among the worst persecutors are those that rule according to Islamic law, or Sharia -- which academics such as Georgetown University's John Esposito insist is equitable and just. In Afghanistan (ranked #2) , "Christianity is not permitted to exist," says the WWL 2019, because it "is an Islamic state by constitution, which means government officials, ethnic group leaders, religious officials and citizens are hostile toward" Christians. Similarly, in Somalia, (#3), "The Christian community is small and under constant threat of attack. Sharia law and Islam are enshrined in the country's constitution, and the persecution of Christians almost always involves violence." In Iran (#9), "society is governed by Islamic law, which means the rights and professional possibilities for Christians are heavily restricted."

Equally telling is that 38 of the 50 nations making the WWL 2019 are Muslim majority.

Perhaps the BBC succumbed to silence concerning the sources of Christian persecution — that is, succumbed to "the atmosphere of political correctness" which it ironically highlighted — because in its own report, it did not rely on the WWL. The problem with this interpretation is that the study the BBC did rely on, the Bishop of Truro's, is saturated with talk concerning the actual sources of Christian persecution. In this regard, the words "Islam" and "Islamist" appear 61 times; "Muslim" appears 56 times in this review on persecuted Christians.

And yet the UK government panders to the dregs of humanity....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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