Why the world is rooted.

America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world
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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu May 16, 2019 3:38 pm

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti ... years.html

Sounds like a great idea....guys can stay at home, breast feed the kids, and mum can become empowered and go to work
every day....whether shes a politician, Police Officer, plumber, bricklayer...infantrywoman.....whatever...
No need for men any more.... (well almost no need).....unless someone is in need of a meal ticket.....oohh Im being awful, arent I.....
But hang on....arent more and more kids committing suicide these days....I wonder why....
Maybe their lives have been fucked up by...........fill in the gaps...........
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Fri May 17, 2019 11:39 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05- ... ive-labels

Well, theres no optimism in this article....

In a credit-bubble boom-bust economy, everyone must become a brilliant, savvy trader/gambler or they risk losing it all. This is true not just of investment decisions but of career decisions, decisions to buy or sell a home, decisions to move to another region, decisions to have a child and so on.

Sounds a bit like......Australia....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon May 20, 2019 10:02 am

To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Mon May 20, 2019 11:06 am

Don't agree that the US is heading down a highway to war with China. China are cocky but they would never win either a physical or trade war with the US and I am sure they know this.

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon May 20, 2019 12:32 pm

Trump tweeted five hours ago...If Iran want a fight...thatll be the end of Iran......never threaten the United
States again.....
Tell me a war is not looming.....

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... t-war-iran

Believe what you want to believe...in any case the US is finished as an "empire"......well...almost....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Mon May 20, 2019 12:54 pm

I agree with Trump and as for the last sentence ... BS! 8-)

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon May 20, 2019 1:45 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Mon May 20, 2019 12:54 pm
I agree with Trump and as for the last sentence ... BS! 8-)
There are numerous articles which you can google about the fall of the USA as an empire.
These are written by minds greater than mine....and yours....
These articles compare the roman empire with the US....
I suggest you read them.....you might change your blinkered view....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue May 21, 2019 11:47 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05- ... not-belong

100.s of black immigrants/refugees/asylum seekers/economic wanderers from african shit hole countries
actually get a sit down with officials after fighting Police....
It would appear that France is well and truly rooted...
Wont hear about this in cotton wooled, insulated Australia....but we'll keep taking economic wanderers....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Tue May 21, 2019 2:38 pm

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05- ... y-invasion

US getting ready for war...sounds familiar....

The US regime is also trying this strategy against Venezuela, of economically strangling the country with sanctions as a way to soften it up for an invasion. The excuse for an invasion there will probably be ‘humanitarian’, in order to stop the shortages of food, medicine and other necessities, which shortages are being caused by America’s economic sanctions against Venezuela and against any company that trades with Venezuela.

If Russia abandons any of its allies, such as Iran and/or Venezuela, then the US regime will have discredited Russia in the eyes of any remaining allied or even just friendly country, and this too could be part of Trump’s strategy.

These examples show how economic sanctions against a country are the first stage of war by the US regime, an unofficial declaration of war against that ‘enemy’ country, and the preparatory stage for a coup, or, if the coup fails to work, then for an invasion.

Who woulda thought.......who is Australia supporting, Mr Morrison....the USA...or China......will our military be sent to Iran....
Ya gotta laugh...we trust politicians like Morrison...coulda been Shorten...to make these decisions...
and in the wings waits.....guess who.....Albanese....Frydenberg......ffs....whats that tv show called.....
"Australias Got Talent....".....excuse my mirth.....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed May 22, 2019 10:56 am

http://thesaker.is/venezuela-in-misery- ... ork-times/

Classic exposure of the lies printed by the NY Times.....
Venezuala will become just another chapter in the book "New Confessions of An Economic Hitman"
Tell me that the US is not an empire in decline....pft....

"Aren’t you – the Editor in Chief – ashamed for putting up a totally false scenario? – One of lies and half-truths, all with the objective of further brainwashing the western public – into becoming warmongers, like your criminal government, and like your criminal paper. Yes, the NYT is a criminal paper, for doing what it does: Lying after lying to sway public opinion towards war, towards killing – mass-killing, mass-murder, that’s what your government has been doing for the last 70 years – all under false flags and lies, pretending fighting terrorists, yet, fomenting terrorism, while building up the base for world hegemony – and insane profits for the American war industrial complex – the oligarchs of death.

Did you know – you must! – that the US economy could not survive PEACE; that this sadistic and satanic economy depends on war, permanent war? That the war machine manufacturing complex and its associated industries and services account for more than 50% of the US GDP? And do you realize – you should! – that the US’s economic output is one of destruction – of killing, of annihilation – instead of building and developing human knowledge and wellbeing, the intrinsic thrive of human society – evolving in conscience, integrity and conscientiousness towards living well for all?"
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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