18% man tax cafe charge

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Re: 18% man tax cafe charge

Post by The4thEstate » Sat May 04, 2019 9:41 pm

The Reboot wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 8:37 pm
Interesting that it isn't considered offensive for men to be sexualised by women. Any "progressive" lefties wanna enlighten us as to why?
Good point. And Trump's remarks, taken in context, are undoubtedly crude -- but he wasn't talking about sexually assaulting women against their will. He was talking about the behavior of female groupies: "And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

If anybody thinks he wasn't speaking the truth, ask a veteran rocker like Ozzie Osbourne or Mick Jagger whether starstruck female fans make themselves, shall we say, "available" to their idols. You'll hear uproariously laughter in your face.

Besides, any adult male who claims he's never heard (and likely engaged) in such locker room talk either grew up in a monastery or is simply lying.

It was pathetically funny to watch the American news media, 95 percent of whom were cheering for Hillary anyway, suddenly behaving like pearl-clutching schoolmarms getting mooned for the first time. ("Ooh!" Why, I NEVER!")

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Re: 18% man tax cafe charge

Post by The Reboot » Sat May 04, 2019 11:49 pm

[quote=The4thEstate post_id=255721 time=1556970080 user_id=9066]
[quote="The Reboot" post_id=255705 time=1556966248 user_id=9056]
Interesting that it isn't considered offensive for men to be sexualised by women. Any "progressive" lefties wanna enlighten us as to why?
Good point. And Trump's remarks, taken in context, are undoubtedly crude -- but he wasn't talking about sexually assaulting women against their will. He was talking about the behavior of female groupies: "And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

If anybody thinks he wasn't speaking the truth, ask a veteran rocker like Ozzie Osbourne or Mick Jagger whether starstruck female fans make themselves, shall we say, "available" to their idols. You'll hear uproariously laughter in your face.

Besides, any adult male who claims he's never heard (and likely engaged) in such locker room talk either grew up in a monastery or is simply lying.

It was pathetically funny to watch the American news media, 95 percent of whom were cheering for Hillary anyway, suddenly behaving like pearl-clutching schoolmarms getting mooned for the first time. ("Ooh!" Why, I NEVER!")

The 2018 grammys comes to mind. We had the likes of 'Ke$ha' and Miley Cyrus speaking up for the '#MeToo' movement.

Both of these 'singers' capitalise off of being objectified (How else will they sell their music!?) By wearing skimpy outfits, shaking their arses like idiots and glorifying how great it is to be a modern day skank.

I couldn't take it seriously... though to be honest, I stopped taking pop music seriously around my early teens.

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Re: 18% man tax cafe charge

Post by brian ross » Sun May 05, 2019 12:18 am

Mistress Nicole wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 6:45 pm
Trump did nothing but a bit of locker room talk. Don’t try and tell me that all men don’t do that. I’m sure Tex and 4E can comment more on the lefts distortion.
How were Trump's words "distorted", "Nicole"?

Many men do engage in what the Americans refer to as "locker room talk". Not all. I've never have. Many men I know never have. Trump's words were extreme and reflect something, well, rather sad about him IMO. :roll:
Anyway, 4Es post awaits little man.
Not tonight, too late and tomorrow I need to take my daughter and her friend somewhere. So, I won't be online all tomorrow. Sorry, he'll just have to wait a while longer...
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Re: 18% man tax cafe charge

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun May 05, 2019 4:08 am

brian ross wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 12:18 am
Many men do engage in what the Americans refer to as "locker room talk". Not all. I've never have.
Someone call the PC police, Bri Bri has been misgendered as a man.
Many men I know never have.
Even the circles of soy inspired masculinity that you are limited to would surely engage in some ribald talk during your weekly game of soggy biscuit?
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Re: 18% man tax cafe charge

Post by Texan » Sun May 05, 2019 10:03 am

Mistress Nicole wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 6:45 pm
Trump did nothing but a bit of locker room talk. Don’t try and tell me that all men don’t do that. I’m sure Tex and 4E can comment more on the lefts distortion.

Anyway, 4Es post awaits little man.
When the "locker room" topic came out in the election, it was either Hillary or Trump. Even with Trump coming off as a pig, the choice was obvious to put the country first and vote.

I'm sure every guy who has used a locker room has participated in "locker room talk", but that is for teens and young sexually active single people(or wannabies). I've been married for 27 years and know better than to talk about women that way and especially the lovely Mrs. Texan.

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Re: 18% man tax cafe charge

Post by Nicole » Sun May 05, 2019 2:00 pm

Fair point Tex.

So you’re saying you put America first with your vote but did not condone Trumps talk? I wonder how many other Americans did that? It clearly soured Trump but not enough for people to vote for Clinton.

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Re: 18% man tax cafe charge

Post by The4thEstate » Mon May 06, 2019 12:31 am

Mistress Nicole wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 6:45 pm
Trump did nothing but a bit of locker room talk. Don’t try and tell me that all men don’t do that. I’m sure Tex and 4E can comment more on the lefts distortion.
brian ross wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 12:18 am
How were Trump's words "distorted", "Nicole"?
Already answered: He wasn't admitting to sexual assault, as has commonly been claimed by his detractors; he was referring to the way starstruck groupies throw themselves at celebrities. Which, as any veteran rock star could tell you, is completely accurate, even if it doesn't pass the PC test.
brian ross wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 12:18 am
Many men do engage in what the Americans refer to as "locker room talk". Not all. I've never have. Many men I know never have.
Yeah, right. Either you're virtue signaling or you attended East Snowflake High School. I call B.S.
brian ross wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 12:18 am
Trump's words were extreme and reflect something, well, rather sad about him IMO. :roll:
Oh, please ... as if every other politician speaks and behaves like a choir boy. Just look at Obama's vice president and current presidential candidate Joe Biden, who has a predilection for touching women and sniffing their hair without their permission: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... vior-women
https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opi ... story.html

Besides, at least Trump is real, for better or worse. I find it far more offensive that the other main choice in 2016, Hillary, once tried to imitate an American black accent (badly) during a speech to a mostly black audience. Check this out: Although she's a Chicago native, Hillary is attempting to sound like a black speaker from the Deep South: "Ah don't fee-yul no ways tahhhhrd!"

Utterly pathetic. No doubt if she'd been addressing a roomful of Australian natives, she'd have tried to suck up to that audience with a speech just as horribly goofy, such as, "G'day, mates! 'ow ya goin', Sheilas? Crikey, my opponent is a real drongo!"
Mistress Nicole wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 6:45 pm
Anyway, 4Es post awaits little man.
brian ross wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 12:18 am
Not tonight, too late and tomorrow I need to take my daughter and her friend somewhere. So, I won't be online all tomorrow. Sorry, he'll just have to wait a while longer...
By all means, take all the time you need, Brian. it's not as if I'm not losing a nanosecond of sleep over it.

I had a nice Saturday with my nephew and his two boys, and believe it or not, I didn't think about your posts even once.

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Re: 18% man tax cafe charge

Post by The4thEstate » Mon May 06, 2019 12:41 am

Mistress Nicole wrote:
Sun May 05, 2019 2:00 pm
Fair point Tex.

So you’re saying you put America first with your vote but did not condone Trumps talk? I wonder how many other Americans did that? It clearly soured Trump but not enough for people to vote for Clinton.
I don't condone it either, for political candidates or teenage boys. But I was voting for a president, not a Pope -- and I likewise felt that the faults of phony, corrupt Hillary vastly outweighed such indelicacies as locker room talk.

Besides, the same Trump opponents (including women) who gasp and feign outrage over Trump's locker room line are all too willing to invite rap stars to their trendy parties, despite misogynistic lyrics that I'm not even going to quote here.

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Re: 18% man tax cafe charge

Post by Black Orchid » Mon May 06, 2019 11:03 am

The4thEstate wrote:
Mon May 06, 2019 12:31 am
Oh, please ... as if every other politician speaks and behaves like a choir boy. Just look at Obama's vice president and current presidential candidate Joe Biden, who has a predilection for touching women and sniffing their hair without their permission:
That's creepy ... and a sexual action!

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Re: 18% man tax cafe charge

Post by The4thEstate » Mon May 06, 2019 11:01 pm

Yeah, Biden's history of snuggling and sniffing women isn't exactly cool in the "Me Too" era. But the average Democrat would vote for Charles Manson if they thought he could beat Trump.

Biden is also a walking gaffe machine, not to mention a plagiarist.

Even left-leaning Newsweek admits as much:
https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-gaff ... on-1323905

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