Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by Neferti » Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:46 pm

Last edited by Neferti on Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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brian ross
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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by brian ross » Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:10 pm

cods wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:40 pm
brian ross wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:19 pm
I think the problem for all you Xenophobes that you're mixing up Immigrants with Asylum Seekers. They come in two different immigration streams, you realise? Migrants have to satisfy a test of their abilities and have to fulfil a perceived need in the community for people with particular skills. That perceived need is set out by employers and the unions and the government. Asylum Seekers come because they are in trouble, they are being persecuted because of their politics, their religion, their gender or their sexuality. They are provided with a limited number of places. You lot, however, mix them all together into one big lump which you have labelled "MIGRANTS". All you're doing is betraying your Racism and your Islamophobia by your rejection of anybody who doesn't fit your narrow definitions of what can constitute an "Australian" in your eyes.

As far as I am concerned, we should be offering more places to Asylum Seekers and fewer to skilled migrants. Skilled migrants - of any coloured skin/shaped eyes/thickness of lips/frizziness of hair are basically a dime a dozen. Asylum Seekers need our protection, need a new place to call home - they need to become Australians, to be protected from what every persecution is forcing them to lave their homelands.

You lot just want to pull up the drawbridge and slam the gates in their faces. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting and you wonder why I refer to people with that attitude as "Xenophobes". :roll:
YOU LOT... well thats one way to make friends and welcome outsiders bri.....me think you need to change your style as well.. :rofl :rofl
Perhaps it does, Cods, perhaps it does. Perhaps I've been hanging out with YOU LOT for too long. Your views are starting to rub off on me, hey? :roll:
we do take in our share of asylum seekers.....you just dont want to know about that though.....we are given a quota....we dont go out there and say..

we pick you !and you with the red hair! and you with the pink skin.....WE DONT DO THAT....

the govt usually gets it right.. we do need to take in so many per year otherwise it will be harder to catch up if we fall behind.. not everyone wants to come to Australia....
Well, the Australian Government actually determines how many or how few Asylum Seekers it is going to accept, Cods. No one else does. The UN doesn't. You're right though, that we cannot say, "we'll only have the red-haired ones from over there..." We can though, determine which group of Asylum Seekers were will accept. We can say, "OK, we'll have x number of Iraqis, y number of Syrians, z number of Sudanese..." and so on and so on. Australia, as your hero John Winston Howard once proclaimed, "we determine who comes to Australia." :roll:

Of course, we could just stop interfering in other countries. That'd stop the number of refugees from increasing exponentially, now wouldn't it, Cods?
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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by Gordon » Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:10 pm

I actually don't care about skin colour provided they're the best and brightest available, are committed to democracy, modernity and secularism.

I don't want southern baptist snake handlers, nor do I want men with big beards who wear pajamas all day and make their wife wear a bag on their head.

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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by Gordon » Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:11 pm

As for numbers, as low as possible.

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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by Neferti » Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:34 pm

brian ross wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:10 pm
cods wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:40 pm
brian ross wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:19 pm
I think the problem for all you Xenophobes that you're mixing up Immigrants with Asylum Seekers. They come in two different immigration streams, you realise? Migrants have to satisfy a test of their abilities and have to fulfil a perceived need in the community for people with particular skills. That perceived need is set out by employers and the unions and the government. Asylum Seekers come because they are in trouble, they are being persecuted because of their politics, their religion, their gender or their sexuality. They are provided with a limited number of places. You lot, however, mix them all together into one big lump which you have labelled "MIGRANTS". All you're doing is betraying your Racism and your Islamophobia by your rejection of anybody who doesn't fit your narrow definitions of what can constitute an "Australian" in your eyes.

As far as I am concerned, we should be offering more places to Asylum Seekers and fewer to skilled migrants. Skilled migrants - of any coloured skin/shaped eyes/thickness of lips/frizziness of hair are basically a dime a dozen. Asylum Seekers need our protection, need a new place to call home - they need to become Australians, to be protected from what every persecution is forcing them to lave their homelands.

You lot just want to pull up the drawbridge and slam the gates in their faces. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting and you wonder why I refer to people with that attitude as "Xenophobes". :roll:
YOU LOT... well thats one way to make friends and welcome outsiders bri.....me think you need to change your style as well.. :rofl :rofl
Perhaps it does, Cods, perhaps it does. Perhaps I've been hanging out with YOU LOT for too long. Your views are starting to rub off on me, hey? :roll:
we do take in our share of asylum seekers.....you just dont want to know about that though.....we are given a quota....we dont go out there and say..

we pick you !and you with the red hair! and you with the pink skin.....WE DONT DO THAT....

the govt usually gets it right.. we do need to take in so many per year otherwise it will be harder to catch up if we fall behind.. not everyone wants to come to Australia....
Well, the Australian Government actually determines how many or how few Asylum Seekers it is going to accept, Cods. No one else does. The UN doesn't. You're right though, that we cannot say, "we'll only have the red-haired ones from over there..." We can though, determine which group of Asylum Seekers were will accept. We can say, "OK, we'll have x number of Iraqis, y number of Syrians, z number of Sudanese..." and so on and so on. Australia, as your hero John Winston Howard once proclaimed, "we determine who comes to Australia." :roll:

Of course, we could just stop interfering in other countries. That'd stop the number of refugees from increasing exponentially, now wouldn't it, Cods?
IF the Australian people got a VOTE on who should be banned from living in Australia because they were being un-Australian ... you would be first on My List, Brian. That other fuckwit would also be a gonna. :hi2 My friends Bev and Don in Caloundra ..

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brian ross
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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by brian ross » Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:20 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:34 pm
brian ross wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:10 pm
cods wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:40 pm
brian ross wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:19 pm
I think the problem for all you Xenophobes that you're mixing up Immigrants with Asylum Seekers. They come in two different immigration streams, you realise? Migrants have to satisfy a test of their abilities and have to fulfil a perceived need in the community for people with particular skills. That perceived need is set out by employers and the unions and the government. Asylum Seekers come because they are in trouble, they are being persecuted because of their politics, their religion, their gender or their sexuality. They are provided with a limited number of places. You lot, however, mix them all together into one big lump which you have labelled "MIGRANTS". All you're doing is betraying your Racism and your Islamophobia by your rejection of anybody who doesn't fit your narrow definitions of what can constitute an "Australian" in your eyes.

As far as I am concerned, we should be offering more places to Asylum Seekers and fewer to skilled migrants. Skilled migrants - of any coloured skin/shaped eyes/thickness of lips/frizziness of hair are basically a dime a dozen. Asylum Seekers need our protection, need a new place to call home - they need to become Australians, to be protected from what every persecution is forcing them to lave their homelands.

You lot just want to pull up the drawbridge and slam the gates in their faces. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting and you wonder why I refer to people with that attitude as "Xenophobes". :roll:
YOU LOT... well thats one way to make friends and welcome outsiders bri.....me think you need to change your style as well.. :rofl :rofl
Perhaps it does, Cods, perhaps it does. Perhaps I've been hanging out with YOU LOT for too long. Your views are starting to rub off on me, hey? :roll:
we do take in our share of asylum seekers.....you just dont want to know about that though.....we are given a quota....we dont go out there and say..

we pick you !and you with the red hair! and you with the pink skin.....WE DONT DO THAT....

the govt usually gets it right.. we do need to take in so many per year otherwise it will be harder to catch up if we fall behind.. not everyone wants to come to Australia....
Well, the Australian Government actually determines how many or how few Asylum Seekers it is going to accept, Cods. No one else does. The UN doesn't. You're right though, that we cannot say, "we'll only have the red-haired ones from over there..." We can though, determine which group of Asylum Seekers were will accept. We can say, "OK, we'll have x number of Iraqis, y number of Syrians, z number of Sudanese..." and so on and so on. Australia, as your hero John Winston Howard once proclaimed, "we determine who comes to Australia." :roll:

Of course, we could just stop interfering in other countries. That'd stop the number of refugees from increasing exponentially, now wouldn't it, Cods?
IF the Australian people got a VOTE on who should be banned from living in Australia because they were being un-Australian ... you would be first on My List, Brian. That other fuckwit would also be a gonna. :hi2 My friends Bev and Don in Caloundra ..
Who are Bev and Don, Neferti?

As for being "unAustralian", really? Are you that intolerant of differences of opinion that anybody that doesn't agree with your views is automatically declared "unAustralian"? Gee, what happened to my citizenship, Neferti? I was born here, I believe I have just as much right as any other Australian citizen to make my views known to the world. Your personal dictatorship would quickly become a very lonely place for little old you. I wonder how long Bev and Don from Caloundra would last, hey? :roll:
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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by Valkie » Wed Apr 03, 2019 5:58 am

The whole immigration debate stems from the problem created and instigated by one group of immigrants.

Australia has seen many immigrants over the course of it's history.
The whole of Australia is made up of and by immigrants, and we are much, much better for it.

But recently, our idiot leaders have been taking in the wrong type of immigrant.
Not workers, or people wanting to better themselves.
Not people wanting to leave their past behind and become Australian
Not contributors and skilled
Now we get bludgers who want but don't work
Now we get people who demand, not just want, but demand we change to suit their primitive ways
Now we get criminals and the worst kind you can imagine.

And it's not just us who have this problem.

For many years, Greeks, Italians, Christian Lebbs, Chinese and many others have immigrated around the world.
Most with little or no problem and of whom the majority integrate and contribute to their adopted countries.

But this one group, and we all know who I mean, bring nothing but trouble.
They bring crime, the highest in representation of crime of any group.
They bring terrorism
They bring unrest
They create an environment of hate and distrust that they themselves thrive off.

Any see Lebanese people as part of the problem.
But, part of my family is Lebanese, Christian Lebanese.
Hounded and murdered , they fled from their country.
All the Christian Lebanese I know, work, contribute and are good citizens.
But look at the other Lebanese, the muzzo Lebanese
They are criminals nearly to the last one.

Is it the nationality?
Of course not, it's the CULT OF DEATH that twists these people.

Stop immigration of those that do not want to be Australian.

Or we will end up like Paris, Sweden, Germany and other countries that have not heeded the warnings.

There are so many good immigrants out there, take them instead.
I have a dream
A world free from the plague of Islam
A world that has never known the horrors of the cult of death.
My hope is that in time, Islam will be nothing but a bad dream

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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by billy the kid » Wed Apr 03, 2019 12:31 pm

Valkie wrote:
Wed Apr 03, 2019 5:58 am
The whole immigration debate stems from the problem created and instigated by one group of immigrants.

Australia has seen many immigrants over the course of it's history.
The whole of Australia is made up of and by immigrants, and we are much, much better for it.

But recently, our idiot leaders have been taking in the wrong type of immigrant.
Not workers, or people wanting to better themselves.
Not people wanting to leave their past behind and become Australian
Not contributors and skilled
Now we get bludgers who want but don't work
Now we get people who demand, not just want, but demand we change to suit their primitive ways
Now we get criminals and the worst kind you can imagine.

And it's not just us who have this problem.

For many years, Greeks, Italians, Christian Lebbs, Chinese and many others have immigrated around the world.
Most with little or no problem and of whom the majority integrate and contribute to their adopted countries.

But this one group, and we all know who I mean, bring nothing but trouble.
They bring crime, the highest in representation of crime of any group.
They bring terrorism
They bring unrest
They create an environment of hate and distrust that they themselves thrive off.

Any see Lebanese people as part of the problem.
But, part of my family is Lebanese, Christian Lebanese.
Hounded and murdered , they fled from their country.
All the Christian Lebanese I know, work, contribute and are good citizens.
But look at the other Lebanese, the muzzo Lebanese
They are criminals nearly to the last one.

Is it the nationality?
Of course not, it's the CULT OF DEATH that twists these people.

Stop immigration of those that do not want to be Australian.

Or we will end up like Paris, Sweden, Germany and other countries that have not heeded the warnings.

There are so many good immigrants out there, take them instead.
Good post....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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Black Orchid
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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Apr 03, 2019 2:35 pm

I have quite a few Lebanese friends and they detest their muslim counterparts.

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Re: Where do you stand - 1. Immigration?

Post by Valkie » Wed Apr 03, 2019 5:28 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Wed Apr 03, 2019 2:35 pm
I have quite a few Lebanese friends and they detest their muslim counterparts.
I actually have muzzo friends who detest muzzos.
But they are too frightened to leave the CULT OF DEATH, so they simply go through the motions.
I have a dream
A world free from the plague of Islam
A world that has never known the horrors of the cult of death.
My hope is that in time, Islam will be nothing but a bad dream

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