Jussie Smollett

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Re: Jussie Smollett

Post by The Mechanic » Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:39 pm

cods wrote:
Thu Feb 21, 2019 6:23 pm
is he a CRIMINAL do you think???..

just askin!

but the lefties enjoyed every minute of him.....ouch! that must sting.

Imean the list of supporters he had!!!!! I wonder if they still stand behind him?
they are all deleting their tweets .. like Nancy Pelosi etc...

what tweets? :oops

then CNN tried to make out that it was all of the celebrity news outlets that jumped the gun... but CNN and MSNCS etc were all up to their necks in it..

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Re: Jussie Smollett

Post by The Mechanic » Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:44 pm

By the way...

Big Don JR called this out from the start and said that it was a setup...

instagram threatened to shut him down if he didnt remove his post ... or instagram deleted it themselves ...

then when it all blew up in their lying faces... instagram apologised and said that they didnt know how that could have happened... :oops

they are nothing but electronic Terrorists..

and all of there other twitterers..

instagram also don't like MEMEs...

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Re: Jussie Smollett

Post by cods » Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:37 pm

what goes around comes around..

now he has done so much damage....they might back off a little bit while they wipe the egg off their faces..

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Re: Jussie Smollett

Post by sprintcyclist » Fri Feb 22, 2019 12:12 am

cods wrote:
Thu Feb 21, 2019 6:23 pm
is he a CRIMINAL do you think???..

just askin!

but the lefties enjoyed every minute of him.....ouch! that must sting.

I mean the list of supporters he had!!!!! I wonder if they still stand behind him?

Now, he is facing a jail term, has had his career derailed because he paid to have other people beat him up

Hope it was worth it :lol:
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Re: Jussie Smollett

Post by sprintcyclist » Fri Feb 22, 2019 1:52 am

Seems like smollett is the straw that breaks the camels back

Jon Irving
4 days ago
I did not vote for Trump. I don't even like him. The Democrats and liberal media have changed my mind. I will vote for him to keep the liberals out of office. And there are many more independents like me.


HP Lovecraft
HP Lovecraft
2 days ago
Jon Irving agree with you 100%. I was prepared to vote Democratic until Hilary got the nomination, I can’t stand that woman but wasn’t crazy about Trump so I didn’t vote. Since his election the liberals have gone completely off the rails and maybe I’m seeing reality for the first time. I also plan voting for Trump 20/20 because he is the most stable and sane choice where the liberals are the new fascists and political correctness is big brother and the thought police. WTF happened?


Grant Hoover
Grant Hoover
2 days ago
HP Lovecraft exactly. I’ve had my political designation stolen from me. I would’ve sworn for 2 decades I was liberal. Pro choice, loosen drug laws, etc. etc. and now I find out I’m actually not a liberal apparently. I absolutely refuse to associate with the unbelievably psychotic fools on the left at this point. I don’t like Trump but fuck it, give me the hat, I’ll wear that shit.


jane beerverhausen
jane beerverhausen
2 days ago
Yep, done with dems and crazy libs


Patrick Lawrence
Patrick Lawrence
2 days ago
He's a Zionist, but it's at least entertaining for now. I refuse to vote, but that's my personal choice.


Durk Blevins
Durk Blevins
2 days ago
FACTS... Me too


Mika Yah
Mika Yah
1 day ago
I'm black from Chicago". Love Trump,. Build the wall now


Kevin Roman
Kevin Roman
1 day ago
100% agree


1 day ago
I was a lifelong democrat. Voted twice for Obama. Saw what the news media was doing to Trump in 2016 so I voted for him in retaliation. I won't stand to be brainwashed. Dems have now completely destroyed my old party and are now attempting to destroy America. Voting for Trump in 2020 is the only way to stop the insanity.


Chenoah Kent
Chenoah Kent
1 day ago
Same I used to sympathize with the liberal party. Not anymore. Trump has my vote 2020 to keep this insanity at bay. I have children that I don't want living in a socialist country. They shouldn't be punished.


Arian Fusha
Arian Fusha
1 day ago
Lots of people are coming around. Trump has actually made some great improvements. I had to bypass the fake news, agenda, and narrative from the dems and mainstream media in order to find out what President Trump has actually been doing. He is truly looking out for Americans.


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The Mechanic
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Re: Jussie Smollett

Post by The Mechanic » Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:42 am

Excellent News...

the DNC and that of most of their followers are insane...

I just saw this story on Australian TV for the first time... this has been going on for over two weeks..
Chicago Police Superintendent Blasts Democrat Politicians, Celebrities and Fake News Pundits For Pushing Smollett Hoax

The Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said he’s “offended and angry” over Jussie Smollett’s hate hoax crime while he delivered an emotional press conference.

Mr. Johnson blasted Smollett’s staged attack as “shameful” then ripped into the Democrat politicians, celebrities and fake news pundits who all pushed the Jussie Smollett hoax whilst attacking millions of “racist” Trump supporters — all without any evidence a crime actually occurred.

“This publicity stunt was a scar that Chicago didn’t earn and certainly did not deserve,” Mr. Johnson said, adding, “To make things worse, the accusations within this phony attack received national attention for weeks. Celebrities, news commentators and even presidential candidates weighed in on something that was choreographed by an actor.”

“The stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his salary,” Superintendent Johnson added.

2020 Dem hopefuls Sen. Cory Booker and Sen. Kamala Harris both immediately rushed to judgment after Jussie Smollett claimed white racist Trump supporters ambushed him with bleach and a noose.
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Re: Jussie Smollett

Post by cods » Fri Feb 22, 2019 8:08 am

Joan Ryan has become the eighth Labour MP to resign and join the breakaway Independent Group, claiming Jeremy Corbyn’s party has become “infected with the scourge of anti-Jewish racism”.

Ryan, the MP for Enfield North, said she had been a member for four decades but could no longer remain as a Labour MP.

Echoing Luciana Berger, the Jewish MP for Liverpool Wavertree, Ryan blamed what she claimed was the Labour leadership’s “dereliction of duty” in the face of the “evil” of antisemitism, for her decision to resign.

In a stinging resignation letter, she said: “I cannot remain a member of the Labour party while this requires me to suggest that I believe Jeremy Corbyn – a man who has presided over the culture of anti-Jewish racism and hatred of Israel that now afflicts my former party – is fit to be prime minister of this country. He is not.”

Ryan, who lost a non-binding no confidence vote by her constituency Labour party in September, will join the seven MPs who stepped down on Monday, and sit as an independent in the House of Commons. Her departure will stoke fears that Labour could be hit by rolling resignations in the days and weeks ahead.


Ryan told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme she had left because: “I can no longer ask people to vote for Jeremy Corbyn to be prime minister of this country because I don’t believe he is fit to be the prime minister of this country.”

She said there was no need for her to resign as an MP to force a byelection because she had explicitly fought the 2017 election saying she did not support Corbyn, claiming she had won her seat in spite of him and “not on his coat-tails”.

Ryan also claimed there were “many very, very unhappy” MPs in Labour who could come to a similar decision and join the Independent Group of MPs.

The news of Ryan’s resignation emerged as Westminster was abuzz with rumours that a string of centrist Tories could be poised to join the Independent Group, which was formed on Monday by seven former Labour MPs, including Chuka Umunna and Chris Leslie.

The ardent anti-Brexit campaigners Anna Soubry and Sarah Wollaston, as well as Heidi Allen, who has been on an anti-poverty tour around Britain with the ex-Labour MP Frank Field, were deemed the most likely recruits, but did not respond to requests for comment.

Another vehement critic of Theresa May’s Brexit policy, Sam Gyimah, the former Tory minister who resigned over the government’s position on Brexit, ruled out joining the Independent Group.

“I hugely admire Luciana Berger’s brave stance against antisemitism. But, ultimately, this is a Labour party matter and is nothing to do with me,” he said.

Here’s why the Independent Group launch was a massive success
James Felton
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Corbyn had earlier sought to play down the significance of the seven Labour resignations, telling the group that they they won their seats in 2017 on Labour’s leftwing manifesto. “They were elected to carry out those policies. They decided to go somewhere else,” he told a manufacturing conference in Westminster.

'We have all now resigned': seven Labour MPs quit party – video
Labour is keen to ramp up the pressure on the breakaway MPs to trigger byelections in their seats, and run against official Labour candidates.

In a signal of the leadership’s hardening attitude to the breakaway MPs, Corbyn’s close ally Jon Trickett, the shadow minister for the cabinet office, announced that Labour would consult on changing the law to allow constituents to remove an MP who resigns from their party.

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“Communities should not have to wait for up to five years to act if they feel their MP is not properly representing their interests,” Trickett said. “This proposed reform has the dramatic potential to empower citizens and will be one of many measures the Labour party is planning to consult on and announce that will change the way politics in this country is done.”

Current law allows voters to petition for the recall of their MP, but only in specific circumstances – such as where they’ve committed a criminal offence, as in the case of the Peterborough MP Fiona Onasanya.

The former prime minister Sir John Major underscored the mood of political turmoil last night, when he became the latest senior Tory to warn that his party had been captured by pro-Brexit rightwingers.

“At the moment, there are people who – for now – may have their boots within the Conservative or Labour parties, but not their minds, nor their hearts,” the former Tory prime minister told an audience at the University of Glasgow on Tuesday, warning that both parties were being, “manipulated by fringe opinion”.

He suggested traditional mainstream Conservatives were being “hollowed out” by rightwing ex-Ukip members seeking to influence the government’s Brexit policy.

Corbyn’s unrepentant stance appeared unlikely to reassure a fresh wave of Labour MPs wondering whether to quit their party. Ian Austin, MP for Dudley South, told his local paper, the Express and Star: “People, me included, are going to be thinking long and hard about the position we’re in now.”

He said that extremism, antisemitism and intolerance had “driven good MPs and decent people who’ve committed their lives to mainstream politics out of the Labour party” and said he would make a decision about his own future by the end of the week.

Tom Watson: Labour must tackle antisemitism to prevent more MPs leaving – video
When the Labour leader was asked on Tuesday whether he agreed with his deputy, Tom Watson, who said on Monday the frontbench of his party needed to “broaden out” to reflect the balance of views in the parliamentary Labour party, he said: “I recognise that leading the party means you have to take people with you, and I’m determined to do that.”

But he said Labour policy was already developed in consultation with backbenchers, adding: “Anyone who does not feel consulted is not taking up, in my view, the opportunities that are available, at all times, to do that.”

There was no hint that Corbyn was prepared to carry out the reshuffle Watson appeared to be demanding.

Corbyn’s tone was in marked contrast to that of John McDonnell, who promised a “mammoth, massive listening exercise”.

The shadow chancellor told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “If there are issues that we have to address, we’ll address them. If it is about the style of the leadership, we’ll address that. If it is about policy, we will listen to that as well.”

Major praised the courage of the breakaway Labour MPs; but said both main parties needed to remain “mainstream”.

He said Jacob Rees-Mogg’s pro-Brexit European Research Group (ERG) had become a party within a party, “with its own whips, its own funding and its own priorities”. He said: “Some of its more extreme members have little or no affinity to moderate, pragmatic and tolerant Conservatism.”

Give MPs free vote on Brexit options, says Sir John Major
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Major has made a series of forthright interventions in the Brexit debate in recent months – but his remarks underlined the sense that with little more than six weeks to go until Britain is due to leave the EU, the ongoing wrangle about the shape of the Brexit deal is shaking up both political parties.

Tobias Ellwood, the defence minister, echoed Major’s concerns about the influence of the ERG on the government’s direction, telling Sky News: “There are many of us who normally would not be commenting in public about a wing of our party or, indeed, individuals themselves.

“We are doing so because they are coming to the point of tarnishing the actual brand of the party and I want to remain inside a modern, compassionate, inclusive, outward-looking party that’s attractive to the next generation.”

He said a series of senior Conservatives had decided to come forward to say “no, not in our name,” adding that he didn’t want the approach of the ERG to “poison the moderate perspective of the centre-right Conservative party”.

is this the BEGINNING OF THE END OF LABOR???... :rofl :rofl

well done AMERIKA its sounds as if someone has switched the light on..

you are being MANIPULATED...at last you are seeing it for what it is FRAUD AND FAKE>

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Re: Jussie Smollett

Post by sprintcyclist » Fri Feb 22, 2019 8:45 am

The Mechanic wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:42 am
Excellent News...

the DNC and that of most of their followers are insane...

I just saw this story on Australian TV for the first time... this has been going on for over two weeks..
Chicago Police Superintendent Blasts Democrat Politicians, Celebrities and Fake News Pundits For Pushing Smollett Hoax

The Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said he’s “offended and angry” over Jussie Smollett’s hate hoax crime while he delivered an emotional press conference.

Mr. Johnson blasted Smollett’s staged attack as “shameful” then ripped into the Democrat politicians, celebrities and fake news pundits who all pushed the Jussie Smollett hoax whilst attacking millions of “racist” Trump supporters — all without any evidence a crime actually occurred.

“This publicity stunt was a scar that Chicago didn’t earn and certainly did not deserve,” Mr. Johnson said, adding, “To make things worse, the accusations within this phony attack received national attention for weeks. Celebrities, news commentators and even presidential candidates weighed in on something that was choreographed by an actor.”

“The stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his salary,” Superintendent Johnson added.

2020 Dem hopefuls Sen. Cory Booker and Sen. Kamala Harris both immediately rushed to judgment after Jussie Smollett claimed white racist Trump supporters ambushed him with bleach and a noose.

Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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Re: Jussie Smollett

Post by sprintcyclist » Fri Feb 22, 2019 4:03 pm

Empire actor Jussie Smollett’s bond has been set at $100,000 ($A141,220) in his first court appearance for disorderly conduct, after it was alleged he filed a false police report last month.

The charge relates to Smollett telling authorities he was attacked in downtown Chicago by two men who hurled racist and anti-gay slurs and looped a rope around his neck.

The judge also stripped the star of his passport and he must post $10,000 ($A14,120) to be released.

Jussie Smollett was stripped of his passport after his first court hearing, with a bond set at US $100,000.
Smollett’s lawyers asked for him to be freed on his own recognisance (a court bond), but the judge said that was inappropriate and that he was particularly bothered by the allegations involving the rope placed around Smollett’s neck.

“As you stand before me we presume you’re innocent but the state read me a proffer that is outrageous. If true, the noose conjures up [the] greatest evil in this country,” the judge told Smollett, according to Fox News.

Smollett denied all charges against him while his lawyer argued in court the actor has a “history of giving to charity and philanthropy.”

Earlier, Chicago’s police superintendent alleged the actor “took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career” in making a false police report.

Smollett also sent a racist and homophobic threatening letter to the Fox studio lot where he works in Chicago before the attack, Superintendent Eddie Johnson claimed.
He said Smollett was dissatisfied with his salary, which was reported to be around $US100,000 ($A140,000) an episode of the hit show. He was said to have earned $US1.8 million ($A2.5 million) for the current season of Empire, on which he has played Jamal Lyon since 2015.

The alleged motive “p****d everybody off”, Superintendent Johnson said, adding that Smollett’s repeated “lies” were “shameful” and “despicable”.

Smollett turned himself in and was arrested early on Thursday local time to face the accusations.

US President Donald Trump took to Twitter to condemn the star, saying the actor had “insulted” his followers with “racist and dangerous comments”.
Celebrities such as 50 Cent, Tyler Perry and Andy Cohen weighed in, with the TV host calling the story “pathetic”.

British TV host Piers Morgan called the actor a “snivelling little liar”.

Community star Yvette Nicole Brown, who initially shamed people for not believing Smollett, received some flack on Twitter, but stood by her original sentiments.

“I won’t delete it. It’s how I felt” she wrote on Twitter. “I don’t hide from how I feel or what I stand for, even as situations change. I’m saddened by this entire situation.”

Donald J. Trump

.@JussieSmollett - what about MAGA and the tens of millions of people you insulted with your racist and dangerous comments!? #MAGA

2:09 AM - Feb 22, 2019
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Piers Morgan

Top democrats & liberal celebrities raced out of the traps to support Smollett when he first revealed his hoax attack.
Now they're all silent.
Speak up, denounce him.
Or be damned by your silence.

3:18 AM - Feb 22, 2019
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609 people are talking about this
The whispers about Smollett’s story started with reports that he had not fully co-operated with police after telling authorities he was attacked.

Then detectives in a city bristling with surveillance cameras could not find video of the beating.

Later, two brothers were taken into custody for questioning but were released after two days, with police saying they were no longer suspects.

Following three weeks of mounting suspicions, Smollett was charged with felony disorder conduct, a charge that could bring up to three years in prison and force the actor, who is black and gay, to pay for the cost of the investigation into his report.

In less than a month, the 36-year-old changed from being the seemingly sympathetic victim of a hate crime to being accused of fabricating the entire thing.

The felony charge emerged on the same day detectives and the two brothers testified before a grand jury. Smollett’s lawyers met with prosecutors and police, but it was unknown what they discussed or whether Smollett attended the meeting.

Investigators have not said what the brothers told detectives or what evidence detectives collected. But it became increasingly clear that serious questions had arisen about Smollett’s account — something police signalled on Friday when they announced a “significant shift in the trajectory” of the probe after the brothers were freed.

Police said one of the men had worked on Empire and Smollett’s lawyers said one of the men is the actor’s personal trainer, whom he hired to help get him physically ready for a music video. The actor released his debut album, Sum of My Music, last year.

In a statement, lawyers Todd Pugh and Victor Henderson said Smollett “enjoys the presumption of innocence, particularly when there has been an investigation like this one where information, both true and false, has been repeatedly leaked.”
Smollett, who plays a gay character on Empire, said he was attacked on January 29 as he was walking home from a Subway sandwich shop.

He said the masked men beat him, made derogatory comments and yelled “This is MAGA country” — an apparent reference to US President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again” — before fleeing.

On Wednesday, Fox Entertainment and 20th Century Fox Television issued a statement saying Smollett “continues to be a consummate professional on set” and that his character is not being written off the show.

The studio’s statement followed reports that Smollett’s role was being slashed amid the police investigation.

The series is shot in Chicago and follows a black family as they navigate the ups and downs of the recording industry.

Smollett has been active in LBGTQ issues, and initial reports of the assault drew outrage and support for him on social media, including from Senator Kamala Harris of California and TV talk show host Ellen DeGeneres.

Referring to a published account of the attack, Mr Trump told reporters at the White House that “it doesn’t get worse, as far as I’m concerned.”

Former Cook County prosecutor Andrew Weisberg said judges rarely throw defendants in prison for making false reports, opting instead to place them on probation, particularly if they have no prior criminal record.

Smollett has a record — one that concerns giving false information to police when he was pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence. According to records, he was also charged with false impersonation and driving without a license. He later pleaded no contest to a reduced charge and took an alcohol education and treatment program.

Another prospective problem is the bill someone might receive after falsely reporting a crime that prompted a nearly month-long investigation, including the collection and review of hundreds of hours of surveillance video. The size of the tab is anyone’s guess, but given how much time the police have invested, the cost could be huge.

Weisberg recently represented a client who was charged with making a false report after surveillance video discredited her account of being robbed by three men at O’Hare Airport.

For an investigation that took a single day, his client had to split restitution of $US8400 ($A11,700), Mr Weisberg said. In Smollett’s case, “I can imagine that this would be easily into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Originally published as ‘Outrageous’: Judge unleashes on TV star
https://www.couriermail.com.au/entertai ... d3e0219b2c
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Black Orchid
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Re: Jussie Smollett

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Feb 22, 2019 4:13 pm

Top democrats & liberal celebrities raced out of the traps to support Smollett when he first revealed his hoax attack.
Now they're all silent.
Speak up, denounce him.
Or be damned by your silence.
Don't hold your breath.

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