Global COOLING is all the rage

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Re: Global COOLING is all the rage

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:15 am

brian ross wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:45 pm
Neferti~ wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:58 pm
There are "records" that Australian Summers were extremely hot, way back in the 1850s. Children died on the Goldfields in Victoria because of it. My own Mother recorded this when she was doing our Genealogy. Heat exhaustion was deadly.
It doesn't need to be particularly hot for a person, a child in particular, to affected by heat exhaustion, Neferti. All that is required is to be out in the sun, become dehydrated and affected by the heat. Australia has generally been a hot place in summer but rarely as hot as last January - across the whole continent. 30 degrees does not seem like much but when you realise that is an average temperature, it becomes more alarming. Some places were 50% hotter, some 50% cooler but on average, they were all hotter than previous years.

According to the denialists, "coal is the future." Well if they like living in hell, they are welcome to it. I don't appreciate the idea and will keep campaigning against fossil fuels. :roll:
Members of the marxist warmies cult always bleat and parrot their daily meaningless talking points, handed to them by their leash holding big business corporate elites, such as 'its teh hotterest year on wecord' :roll: with complete unquestionability.
Never a thought about what the data error bars are, let alone the societal danger in their sheep-like idiocy or even a simple cost/benefit analysis.

Then again, simple mindless parroting has always been the largest tool in the intellectual arsenal of the useful idiots.

Their concern is not due to panic about minor temperature fluctuations.
Their concern is to virtue signal their own social licence to 'care' while they champion state enforced redistribution of wealth through gross inflation of the major building blocks of modern society and never mind the destruction they carve in their wake.

The left have always been cultish in their simple one-mindedness beliefs. They could never contemplate being wrong and when they are, they ignore their own blood soaked hands. Like spoilt children, the left want what they want, they want it now and they want it at any cost.

The only skillset they truly have is building roads to hell, back filled with bodies of the innocent and asphalted with a microthin veneer of what amounts to their 'good intentions'.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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