Religion of peace at it again

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Religion of peace at it again

Post by Valkie » Wed Nov 21, 2018 7:41 am

More "Good boys" have been arrested for planning to murder people.

Ill give you one guess just what CULT is involved in this plan to murder inocent people for no other reason than to kill as many as possible.

And yet apologists continue to say it has nothing to do with the CULT of DEATH.


A woman in a burqa furiously confronted people outside the Melbourne home of a man arrested for suspected terrorist offences today, calling them “cockroaches” and blocking entry to the premises with her vehicle.

The angry scenes came after police swooped on three Victorian men, who were caught allegedly preparing an Islamic State-inspired attack. Officers believe the trio intended to open fire on a Melbourne crowd with a semiautomatic rifle, with an intent to “kill as many people as possible”.

Ertunc Eriklioglu, 30, of Dallas, Samed Eriklioglu, 26, of Campbellfield, and Hanifi Halis, 21, of Greenvale, have been charged with planning a terrorist attack and have since faced court.

The trio appeared in Melbourne Magistrates Court yesterday afternoon, each charged with one count of acting in preparation for or in planning of a terrorist act, and were remanded in custody to face court in April for committal mention.

Prosecutors will have to comb through thousand of intercepted phone calls, text messages and almost 8000 hours of listening device material involved in the case against the accused while the three men remain behind bars.
Earlier in the day, a fracas occurred outside the Dallas home of one of the accused brothers, Ertunc Eriklioglu. The woman, dressed in head-to-toe black religious garb, was repeatedly asked to remove her car from the front of the block as it was blocking police, the Daily Mail reported.

The irate resident refused, at one point screaming, “You guys are cockroaches” at the crowd of media outside the house.

Victoria Police, the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and other agencies worked together to foil the group’s alleged plans, arresting the men this morning.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton said the foiled attack proved federal parliament must pass controversial new laws allowing police to access encrypted messaging systems, such as WhatsApp.

“The technology now has got ahead of where the law is and we are finding ourselves in a particular black spot where the police are blind to the telecommunications across these messaging apps,” Mr Dutton told reporters in Sydney.

Samed and Ertunc’s father Armagan Eriklioglu fronted the media today and said his sons were “good men”.

“They don’t even know how to use a weapon,” Mr Eriklioglu said, according to The Age . “They are very quiet, they’re not wild, they’re not aggressive. We haven’t got no weapons, they (police) couldn’t find anything.

“I wanted to come out here and say it’s not true … I don’t know where they (police) got this information from.

“They don’t like Islamic State.”

All three are Australian citizens of Turkish background and police said their wives and children were home when they were arrested.

Armagan said police, who stormed the Melbourne homes at 3am this morning, said the raid left his house a mess.

“My mum’s bungalow (out the back) was smashed, very messy, the doors are gone,” he said.

“They locked my hands (behind his back) … my wife she didn’t have (a) scarf, they got her as well.”

Victoria Police confirmed today two of the men were brothers and all three of their Australian passports were cancelled earlier this year.

“It’s our view that, while a specific location had not been finalised, there was a view towards a crowded place, a place where maximum people would be attending, to be able to kill, we allege, as maximum an amount of people as possible,” Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton told reporters.

“I believe, over more recent days, attempts have been made to source a semiautomatic rifle to assist with the carrying out of that terrorism event.”

Police also executed four warrants in the northwest in Melbourne, searching a property in Coolaroo.

AFP Assistant Commissioner Ian McCartney said the three men were facing life in prison.

“If we had not acted early in preventing this attack, we’ll allege the consequences would have been chilling, with the potential, as the commissioner stated, with a potential significant loss of human life,” he said.

The counter-terrorism team said while a specific location had not been decided on, police gathered enough evidence to be sure the attack would focus on “a place of mass gathering, where there would be crowds”.

Mr Ashton said the inevitable crowds that come to Melbourne for Christmas and New Year were playing on investigators’ minds.

“We’re getting to a busy time of the year as you know with a lot of mass gatherings occurring … as we start to head into Christmas time, there’s places where mass gatherings occur, Christmas parties and that sort of thing,” he said.

“That certainly, no doubt, would have played on the investigators’ minds about locations as well. But we didn’t have … a set location where that was occurring.”

The AFP said 15 terror plots had been “disrupted” since 2014. Four plots foiled plots were described as “major”.

Police allege the most recent attempt to execute a terror attack on Melbourne was “inspired” but not “directed” by IS. The Counter Terrorism Command started investigating the three men in March but they had been “of interest” to intelligence agencies since early 2017.


The three arrests come a week after a separate terror attack in the Victorian capital.

On the afternoon of November 9, Hassan Khalif Shire Ali pulled up in Bourke Street in a four-wheel drive containing open gas cylinders, in what police said was a failed plan to cause an explosion.

The Somalia-born 30-year-old then stabbed three men, including the popular Italian restaurateur Sisto Malaspina, 74, who died at the scene. The two other victims were released from Royal Melbourne Hospital last week. Ali was shot by police, later dying in hospital.
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Re: Religion of peace at it again

Post by sprintcyclist » Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:47 am

' ...... Ill give you one guess just what CULT is involved in this plan to murder inocent people for no other reason than to kill as many as possible......'

islam ?
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Re: Religion of peace at it again

Post by Rorschach » Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:04 am

I find it odd that on this occasion it is so-called Turks.
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Re: Religion of peace at it again

Post by FLEKTARN » Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:33 am

The biggest cult is the Royal Cult & Co.
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Re: Religion of peace at it again

Post by sprintcyclist » Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:25 am

and what do the imams say about this diverted attack?

they were quick to comment against Scott Morrison when he correctly linked islam and terrorism
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Re: Religion of peace at it again

Post by sprintcyclist » Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:32 am

Valkie wrote:
Wed Nov 21, 2018 7:41 am

.......... A woman in a burqa furiously confronted people outside the Melbourne home of a man arrested for suspected terrorist offences today, calling them “cockroaches” and blocking entry to the premises with her vehicle ...........

......... Ertunc Eriklioglu, 30, of Dallas, Samed Eriklioglu, 26, of Campbellfield, and Hanifi Halis, 21, of Greenvale, have been charged with planning a terrorist attack and have since faced court ......... .

. ............. said his sons were “good men”. ...............

' ......... ".… my wife she didn’t have (a) scarf, they got her as well.” ..............'

' ........... AFP said 15 terror plots had been “disrupted” since 2014. Four plots foiled plots were described as “major”. ........ '

Get all of this breed out of Australia.
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Re: Religion of peace at it again

Post by sprintcyclist » Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:36 am

You would not be surprised if various things were thrown from passing cars at their house and mosque.

poo, animal parts, rotting whatever, maggots.
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Re: Religion of peace at it again

Post by FLEKTARN » Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:44 am

The one and only religion of peace is Islam.

The one that says the least can often have a very different perspective and hold the answer. The least qualified person may hold the most wisdom. When you don’t have knowledge or experience blocking your perspective, you can see problems and solutions.

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Re: Religion of peace at it again

Post by Valkie » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:37 pm

sprintcyclist wrote:
Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:36 am
You would not be surprised if various things were thrown from passing cars at their house and mosque.

poo, animal parts, rotting whatever, maggots.
Ideally pig offal, lots and lots of pig offal.
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Re: Religion of peace at it again

Post by sprintcyclist » Tue Dec 04, 2018 12:58 pm

Arsalan Khawaja.

Another terrorist
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