Showering in a storm is perfectly safe ...

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Showering in a storm is perfectly safe ...

Post by Neferti » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:59 pm

Showering in a storm is perfectly safe, as long as your house is wired correctly.
South-east Queensland was absolutely smashed by severe thunderstorms on Sunday night.

There were more than 265,000 lightning strikes, one of which shocked a boy in Brisbane's north-west while he was taking a shower.

Queensland Ambulance said the boy was conscious and breathing after the incident, but he was taken to the Prince Charles Hospital with leg pain.

We all know not to head outside in a storm, but are you actually at risk in your own bathroom? ... er/9421718

I have always been wary when there has been an electrical storm around! We all know that we shouldn't use the telephone but what about other stuff ... within the house?

I have had lightning strikes very, very close to my house on several occasions, snapping tree branches. I stupidly went out to put rubbish in the bin one day, and although the lightning was (I thought) several kilometers away, as I approached my front door, I heard a distinctive SNAP of lightning close by ... scared the shit out of me.

During an electrical storm, I usually sit and count ... remember Mother telling you that when you hear thunder count "one and two and three and" so forth to figure out how many "miles" away the lightning was .... you CAN get zapped in your own home and people have ... close the blinds/drapes and sit tight.

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Re: Showering in a storm is perfectly safe ...

Post by cods » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:46 am

if I am ironing I stop.... well I admit I dont need a storm to make me stop...but it helps

never trust a storm... I dont care what the experts say....especially electrical ones like that one....

my sons wirescreen door was hit a couple of weeks ago in Canberra nef.. he lives in one of the very first govy houses built here in Kingston it has a quite a deep porc h at the front how it happened they dont know but it outed his computer which has had to be repaired...they were all home at the time so quite scary

no never take lightening for granted..

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Re: Showering in a storm is perfectly safe ...

Post by Bobby » Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:59 pm

Always unplug your computer from the wall if there is a lightening storm.

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Re: Showering in a storm is perfectly safe ...

Post by Neferti » Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:45 pm

HOWEVER ............Turning off a hose can put you in a critical condition! Bugger the computers, do NOT touch taps/water when there is an electrical storm.
Denishar Woods fights for her life after garden tap electric shock surged through her body

An 11-year-old girl is fighting for life after receiving a severe electric shock from a garden tap which was five times the level that can cause serious damage to the body. ... ds/9517056

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